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1、高中英语模块6教学设计吴向花庐江县第三中学第十六单元 教学设计Unit 16StoriesWarm-up & Lesson 1Learning aims1. Learn more about the story.2. Improve the reading skills.Leading-in1. Do you like reading stories?2. Can you name some kinds of stories?Discussion.1.Do you like reading stories?2.How many kinds of stories can you name?Sto

2、ries:fairy tales ; historical stories; love stories ; fatasies; detective stories; science fiction ; biographies ; adventure stories ; mythPre-reading:Use the following words to guess:What happened to the cityPompeii?volcanic eruptiondisasterdisappear buried preserveddestroydiscoverscientistFastRead

3、ing1. Find out the information about Pompeii.Where did the eruption happen?When did the eruption happen?Who wrote about the eruption?When did the archaeologists begin to discover the buried city?How long is it from the eruption to now?2. Match the information together with the paragraphs.Para.1A. Wh

4、at the eruption brought to.Para.2B. People imagine what the people weredoing when they faced the disaster.Para.3C. What Pompeii looked like before the volcanic eruption.Para.4 D. The City of Pompeii had been living on nearly 2,000 years.Para.5E. Scientists discovered the city of Pompeii.Para.6F. The

5、 background knowledge of the volcanic eruption.Careful ReadingFill in the blanks according to the story.Before the volcanic eruptionPompeiiis like a “_” with _, _ ,_ and _.You can admire the ancient _ , statues, _ wallsand _ objects characteristic of the time.During the volcanic eruptionOn August 24

6、th, 79 AD, the earth began to _and a volcano _.Pliny described a cloud _ the mountain, _ the sun and _ everything in its path, including whole villages and _.After the volcanic eruptionThe people ,towns and villages _under the ashes. More than 1,600 years later, some scientists found the _towns that

7、_under the ashes. By 1748, they had started to _the ancient city of Pompeii. Today thousands of tourists and hundreds of scientists _ the city every year to learn more about the ancient world.Post-reading1. Imagine what they were doing when they faced the disaster? 2.Choose the best answer according

8、 to the text.(1)Why is Pompeii like a “time capsule”?A. Because the city is a monument to human history.B. Because the city can keep the moment frozen.C. Because the volcanic eruption preservedbuildings, objects and even impression of people from the time.D.Because the booming city was destroyed by

9、the volcanic eruption.(2) Which statement is RIGHT according to the passage?A. Before the eruption occurred, Pompeii had been an ordinary Roman city.B. 1,600 years later, some scientists found the lost Roman town.C. Pliny witnessed the volcanic eruption as a child.D. The eruption buried everything i

10、n its path,including whole villages and towns.(3) It is _ that have made the city Pompeii a monument to human history.Athe volcanic eruptionBancient architecture statuesCdecorated walls and authentic objectsD. the forms of the people who were caught in the disasterDiscussionTell the story of the cit

11、y Pompeii to your class.Before the eruption-During the eruption-After the eruptionHomework1. Write a story about the cityPompeii.2. Pick out the key words and phrases in the text.Lesson 2Name Stories教材分析本课是第16单元的第2课。本课的听力材料是三位学生讲述他们名字的故事。学生将在本课学习如何简单讲述名字的故事,并实际口头练习。此后使用听力策略,听取并记录信息,复述他人名字故事。听说练习之后,结

12、合文化广角的英文姓氏的起源,话题进一步深入,学生通过对比东西方人名,了解其所承载的不同文化。话题对于学生来说很熟悉因而没有难度。重点是学生能够准确的获取信息并流畅的复述。话题的另外一个特点则是文化意义很强,因此特别结合教材以及教参的补充内容在文化上深度挖掘。语言上难度也适中因此要求学生说与写上输出量很大。本课计划按两课时完成:第一课时重点是听力训练,让学生听懂有关解释名字意思的故事并通过关键词抓住重点。第二课时阅读英文姓氏的起源,讨论中西名字中的不同文化,并选择一个感兴趣的名字写出其中的故事。教学内容话题:中西人名的故事词汇:重点词汇:specific, significance, name

13、after, vivid, abnormal, hardship,相关词汇:musical instruments blacksmiths Heather, pillar第一课时First Period教学目标在本课学习结束时,学生能够:1.听懂名字的故事并抓住重点信息复述 2.讲述自己名字的故事教学过程步骤教学活动Activities设计意图Intentions互动模式Step 1Warming up1. T explains the meaning of two Chinese names.2. T asks the students to describe their own names

14、.PPT 2-4Arouse the Ss interest to the topic and show them how to describe ones name.1.Individual work2. Pair work5Step 2Before listening1.Ss guess the meaning of the new words in context.2.Ss match them with the meanings.PPT 5-9To get familiar with the topic and new words.Individual workT-Ss check5Step 3Listen to learn1.Ss look at the pictures and make some predictions2 Ss read through the descriptions.3.Ss listen and do the matching.PPT 10-11To use listening strategies s


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