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1、9北师大版六年级(上)英语复习提纲Unit 1 一、单词(words)1. boring乏味的,无聊的 2. classmate同班同学 3. club俱乐部 4. drawing绘画,素描,图画 5. easy简单的,容易的 6. funny有趣的,滑稽的 7. history历史,历史学 8. kid小孩 9. live住,居住 10. painting绘画,油画 11. subject学科12. especially特别地,尤其 13. experiment实验,试验 14. geography地理学 15. introduce介绍 16. maybe或许,可能 17. neighbor

2、邻居 18. neighborhood近邻,街坊 19. really真正地,确实 20. themselves他们(她们,它们)自己 二、复习有关课程的单词1.art 艺术、美术课2.English 英语课3.science 科学4. music 音乐5. math 数学6. P. E. 体育7. Chinese语文8. geography地理9. history历史10.physics物理(不要求)11.chemistry化学(不要求)三、短语 1. favorite subject最喜欢的学科the most difficult subject 最困难的学科the most boring

3、 subject 最无趣的学科2.talk about 谈论e.g. They are talking about their favorite subjects.3. have fun玩得开心have fun with 做很开心,和玩得开心,愉快参与到中e.g. The BINGO kids are having fun. You can have fun with your kid. Youll have a lot of fun with the creation stories.你能从读创世纪故事中获得快乐. Well have lots of fun together.4. want

4、 sb. to do 要某人做某事want sb. to 要某人去某地e.g. BINGO kids want Ann and Ken to join their club. Charlies mom want him to school on Saturday.5. older brother哥哥younger brother 弟弟四、重点句型1询问某人最喜欢的学科是什么?What is + 物主代词(形容词性)+favorite subject?e.g. (1).Whats your favorite subject? 你最喜欢的学科是什么?Its math. 是数学Math.My fav

5、orite subject is Math.(2). What is his favorite subject? History.四、语音了解以“s”“es”结尾的名词复数形式的不同发音,注意相近的“ex”的发音。z hands boxes dishes jackets s cheeps peers clocks 五、语法1. 复习动词过去式及过去时、将来时用法原型过去将来amwaswill beiswaswill bearewerewill belivelivedwill livegowentwill goswimswamWill swim规则动词过去式的构成(1). 一般情况加-edope

6、nwantplay(2). 词尾为不发音的-e,加-dLove(loved)like(liked) close(closed)live(lived)(3).以“辅音字母+y”结尾的动词,亦y为i,再加-edStudy(studied)try(tried)marry(married)(4). 以一个辅音结尾的重点闭音节,双写这个辅音字母,加-ed构成过去式Stop(stopped)drop(dropped)plan(planned)fit(fitted)过去时、将来时一般句中都有对应的时间标识。e.g.(1). Last Saturday Charlie went to childrens pl

7、ace for Chinese painting class.上个星期六查理去少年宫上了国画课。(2). We will travel to American next year.明年我们去美国旅游.2复习形容词比较级和最高级的用法(1). 一般在形容词原型后加-er构成比较级,加-est构成最高级oldshortlongyoungtall(2).以字母e结尾只加-r构成比较级,加-st构成最高级nice brave late safe large(3).以一个辅音结尾的重点闭音节,双写这个辅音字母,加-er构马比较级,加-est构成最高级hot(hotter hottest) thin(th

8、inner thinnest) fat(fatter fattest) wet(wetterwettest)(4).以“辅音字母+y”结尾的形容词,将y变为i,加-er构成比较级,加-est构成最高级funny(funnierfunniest)(5).其它双音节和多音节形容词,前面加more构成比较级,前面加the most构成最高级interestingboring excitingdifficult3记住一些英语中的反义词bigsmallcheapexpensiveeasydifficultboringInterestinggirlboyhotcoldlongshortthinFatyou

9、ngoldfastslowfirstlastearlylatehappysad4能够分清英语单词的词性名词 noun n.代词pronounpron.动词 verbv.形容词adjectiveadj.副词adverbadv.5. 复习动词的单、复数形式和用法(1). 一般情况加-sread write workcome(2). 以s t音素结尾或以字母-o结尾的动词,加-espass(passes) push(pushes)watch(watches)do(does)go(goes)(3).以“辅音字母+y”结尾的动词,亦y为i,再加-esStudy(studies)try(tries)fly

10、(flies)apply(applies)Unit 2 一、单词1. busy忙碌的 2. chore家务 3. do chores做家务 4. dish盘子 5. dust掸去,刷去(灰尘) 6. feed喂(养),饲(养) 7. feel感觉,感受 8. grass草 9. homework家庭作业 10. once一次,一回 11. twice两次,两回 12. once ( twice) a week每周一次(两次) 13. plant植物 14. polish擦(鞋),刷(鞋) 15. street街道 16. tell告诉 17. think认为,以为 18. trash垃圾 19

11、. furniture家具 20. never从不,决不 21. person人二、短语1. make the (my) bed铺床 2. clean the(my) room打扫房间 3. walk the dog遛狗 4. every week(day)每周(天) 5. every morning每天早晨 6. on Sundays在星期天 7. want to do .想要做某事 8. next day第二天9. hardly ever很少,几乎不 10. before school上学前11. do homework做家庭作业12. do chores做家务13. wash the d

12、ishes洗盘子14. feed the fishes喂鱼15. cut glass割草16. water the plants给植物浇水17. polish the shoes擦鞋18. take out the trash倒垃圾三、重点句型1询问某人必须做某事及回答问:What (chores/works) + do/does + 代/名词 + have to do?答:代/名词have/has to.e.g.What chores do you have to do?I have to make my bed every day.What chores dose he have to d

13、o?He has to feed the fishes every day.2、否定句(不必)dont / doesnt +have to e.g. I dont have to feed the fishes every day.He doesnt have to water the plants every week.四、语音掌握字母y在单词结尾(辅音字母+y)的发音i;easydirty juicytiny noisy sleepy 五、语法1频度副词的基本用法:副词+动词:always, usually,often,sometimes, hardly ever, never句子最后:o

14、nce/twice a week/month/year,on Sundays/Mondays/。 e.g.She hardly ever does her homework.My brother usually makes breakfast.We never do chores on Sundays.I feed the fishes once a day.Unit 3一、单词1. bowing保龄球 2. cool很棒的,极好的 3. find寻找;找到 4. gym体育馆,健身房 5. ice-skate滑冰,溜冰 6. learn学习 7. ski滑雪运动 8. sometimes有时 9. work out 锻炼,做运动10. information信息


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