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1、Outline Procedure For Tank Purge & Cooldown For Tanks T101 to T106储罐 T101T106 的置换和预冷程序概述目录1. SCOPE 应用范围 .12. SAFETY 安全 .22.1 Tank Solation 储罐隔离 .33. INTRODUCTION 简介 .33.1 Preamble 前言 .33.2 System Description 系统描述 .33.3 Data Recording, Monitoring and Storage 数据记录、监视和存储 .43.4 Pre-Commissioning Require

2、ments 试车准备工作要求 .43.5 LNG Tank Pre-Commissioning LNG 储罐试车准备工作 .43.5.1 Execution Plan and Planning Requirements 执行计划和要求 .43.5.2 HSE and Regulatory Requirements HSE 和规范要求 .53.5.3 Temporary Facilities 临时设施 .64. CRITERIA OF DRYING AND PURGING 干燥和置换标准 .85. FINAL CHECKS AND SET-UP 最后检测和设置 .96. QUALITY AND

3、QUANTITY OF NITROGEN GAS 氮气的质量和用量 .107. NITROGEN DRY OUT AND PURGE 氮气干燥和置换 .107.1 Summary of Tank Pre-commissioning 储罐预试车概述 .107.2 Dry Out and Purge of Zone A (Step-1) 干燥和 A 区置换(步骤 1) .127.3 Dry Out and Purge of Zone B, (Step-2) B 区的干燥和置换(步骤 2).137.4 Dry Out and Purge of Zone C (Step-3 C 区的干燥置换(步骤 3

4、) .147.5 Dry Out and Purge of Zone D (Step-4) D 区的干燥置换(步骤 4) .157.6 Channeling 窜流 .167.7 Nitrogen Purge Control Parameters 氮气吹扫控制参数 .168. COOL-DOWN 预冷 .268.1 General 原则 .268.2 Preliminaries 准备工作 .269. COOL DOWN, METHOD 预冷方法 .279.1 General Description 整体描述 .279.2 Cool Down Of Tanks & In-Tank Pumps 储罐

5、与罐内泵的预冷 .289.2.1 Overview 概述 .289.2.2 Detailed Cooldown Procedure 详细冷却过程 .3210. DECOMMISSIONING 停运 .3610.1 Decommissioning Preparation 停运准备 .3610.2 A Brief Description 简要说明 .3611. APPENDIX section 附录部分 .3711.1 Appendix 1 附录 1 .3711.2 Appendix 2 附录 2 .3811.3 Appendix 3 附录 3 .3811.4 Appendix 4 附录 4 .3

6、911. SCOPE 应用范围This specification sets out an outline description of the procedure to be used in the Purging and Cool Down of Tanks T101 to T106. These tanks are designed for the storage of Liquefied Natural Gas on the Shandong LNG Facility, Qingdao, P. R. China.该文件对山东 LNG 项目液化天然气储存设备,储罐 T101T06 的氮气置换和预冷程序步骤进行了概括说明。This procedure consists of two steps:1) Inert gas to dry and purge the tank of air2) Product gas to purge the inert gas and cool the tank置换和预冷程序包括两个步骤:1) 向储罐置入氮气,置换出空气并对储罐进行干燥2) 向储罐置入产品气,置换出氮气并对储罐进行预冷This pr



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