unit 2 i used to be afraid of the dark同步作文练习

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《unit 2 i used to be afraid of the dark同步作文练习》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《unit 2 i used to be afraid of the dark同步作文练习(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 2 I used to be afraid of the dark同步作文练习【单元话题分析】 随着年龄的增长、时间的推移, 人们的相貌、性格、兴趣爱好可能会发生变化,人们的行为习惯、生活环境也会发生些许变化。本单元的话题就是谈论变化,运用目标语言(如used to等 )描述自己生活中的一些变化情况。该话题常见的命题方式是要求学生根据文字提示、表格提示和图片提示等归纳、整理,写出条理清晰的短文,描述人物或事物的今昔变化。写作时要注意顺序得当,主次分明。由于本话题涉及到了过去和现在的情况,因此,要注意恰当的使用过去式和现在时,写作时尽量作到句式多样。【写作指导】1、本单元话题的特征是通

2、过今昔比较发现变化。写作时要注意对作为描写对象的人或事物进行仔细的思考和观察,根据思考和观察的结果客观地将对比情况告诉他人。在完成考试题时,要仔细理解文字、表格和图片等提示,答题时不要遗漏内容要点。2、注意写作的顺序,做到顺序得当,主次分明。理顺要点在所给提示,按事件先后的顺序或各要点之间的内在联系排序,分出层次。如果是看图作文,则要按图构思,这样做既可避免要点遗漏,又可使表达内容条理清楚。 3、尽可能在作文中使用多种句式,不可一种句式从头用到尾,篇幅不宜过长。【佳篇欣赏】AMy Life Has ChangedDear Robby, I havent seen you for ages. H

3、ow are you? Do you play the piano every day now? I study in a junior middle school now,I am always busy with my lessons. I used to play the piano every evening, but now I cant. I have to do my homework. As you know, I used to have lots of hobbies, but now I just have no time for them. I gave up coll

4、ecting model cars, sent away my dog and stopped painting. I used to enjoy myself with my friends at weekend, while I spend most of my time doing my lessons now. My life has changed a lot, I feel frustrated. What about the life of middle school students in your country? I hope you can enjoy yourself.

5、 I am looking forward to your reply. Yours, Jay BMy Mother Has ChangedMy mother is 42 years old. She is a good mother. Recently, my father and I found that my mother has changed a little. She used to be very kind and gentle, smiles were always on her face. But now she gets angry easily and seldom sm

6、iles, she even gets upset if I speak too loud. In the past, she would smile and say “It doesnt matter” if I made mistakes. Now, if I do something wrong, even it is a minor mistake, she will shout at me and will tell me a lot of “You should” In the next few days ,she will talk about my mistakes angri

7、ly. I am really worried about my mother, is she ill?I really miss my kind and gentle mother. CMy ChildhoodI spent my childhood in a small city. There was a small river in the south of the city. My father used to take me there to catch fish on weekends. When we were tired, we always slept for a while

8、 under the big tree. At that time, weekends were a happy time for children. My little friends and I used to climb up the trees to play even it was dangerous. When I was very young, I was afraid to sleep alone because I used to be afraid of the mouse, I thought they would bite me and take away my toy

9、s. I was really a little fool then. I have a happy and colorful childhood. It is the best part of my memory. 【原创习作点评】(改自江苏省南通市中考题)请你按照下面表格的提示,写一篇题为“Changes in My Hometown”的英语短文,开头已给出。内容要点过去旧房子现在高楼河水肮脏河水清澈步行、骑自行车上班乘公交车、开小汽车上班要求:1.以今昔整体对比的方式写一篇短文;2.或者以单项对比的方式写一篇短文; 3.词数:80词左右(包括已经写出的单词)。Changes in My

10、Hometown Over the past 10 years, great changes have taken place in my hometown. In the past, _分析:本篇作文的题目和要点已经给定,有两种写法,一是今昔整体对比,也就是先说明过去的总体情况,再说明现在的总体情况;二是单项对比,也就是先说明过去的房子是什么样子的,而现在的房子是什么样子的,按照不同的比较项目逐一列举。最后也可通过对比,表达自己对家乡变化的喜悦之情或对家乡的热爱。 在选词方面,同学们可灵活运用本单元重点结构used to do/be 或there used to be/do,注意正确使用一般

11、过去时。习作 1: Over the past 10 years, great changes have taken place in my hometown. In the past, the houses were very old. The river used to be very dirty. People used to walk or ride bikes to work. But now things are different. Many people live in tall buildings. The river is so clean that people can

12、swim in it. People take buses or drive their own car to work. I am happy to see that my hometown is becoming more and more beautiful.教师点评 这是以今昔整体对比方式写的一篇习作。得分点(1)完整地将表格提示内容进行了表述,基本无语言错误。处这句话摆脱了简单的罗列陈述,使短文显得比较灵活。(2)在内容完整的基础上,结尾表达了个人情感,为短文增色不少。失分点 此处应该使用复数形式cars。提示此处用此除了选用old外,根据表格提示,旧房子也指房子的状况不佳,可选用用

13、poor。习作 2:Over the past 10 years, great changes have taken place in my hometown. In the past, the houses in my hometown were very old,but now many people have moved into tall buildings. The water in the river used to be very dirty,but now the river is very clean. People used to walk or ride bikes to

14、 work,but now they go to work by bus or by car. The life of people in my hometown is much better than before. Best wishes to my hometown. 教师点评 这是以单项对比的方式写的一篇习作。得分点(1)内容完整,无语言错误,能正确使用本单元目标语言。(2)处这句话是短文所要描述的变化动了起来,体现了句式多样化。(3)表达了个人对家乡的感情与祝愿。提示短文中每处对比都是用了but, 选词单一。可省略一两处。【拓展练笔】1、Jack以前在学习上不愿下功夫,学习成绩也不好。在朋友John的帮助下,他的学习有了明显进步。请根据下表的内容提示,写一篇短文。Jack过去经常上学迟到,不认真听课,不认真完成作业现在在Jac


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