persuade、convince、induce、 prevail四个词的用法比较

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《persuade、convince、induce、 prevail四个词的用法比较》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《persuade、convince、induce、 prevail四个词的用法比较(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、persuade“劝说”、“说服”、“使人相信”。普通用词,指通过说理、辩论、恳求、规劝,说服对方或使人相信。1)Ibelieve she has some influence with the headmaster shemightpersuadehim.我相信她的话在校长面前有一些分量,她有可能说服他。2)Theywere eventuallypersuadedby the police to givethemselves up.最终他们被警方劝服,同意投案自首。3)Onlyby this means is it possible topersuadehim.只有用这种方法才能劝得动他。表

2、示劝某人做某事或不做某事,常用结构:persuade sb. to do sth.persuade sb. not to do sth.1)Wepersuaded him to give uphis adventurescheme.我们劝说他放弃他的冒险计划。2)Nothingcanpersuade her to changeher mind once it ismade up.一旦她下定决心就没有什么可以说服她改变注意。3)I wasable at last topersuade my companion to takemyadvice.我最终说服我的伙伴接受了我的忠告。4)Wepersua

3、ded him not to carryouthis adventure scheme.我们劝说他不要执行他的冒险计划。5)Wemust try to bring Mother more up to date with modern styles,andpersuade her not towearsuch old-fashionedclothes.我们必须尽量让母亲赶上潮流,并说服她不要再穿这种老掉牙的衣服。表示“劝说”而不一定劝成功,常用try topersuade。1)Mothertried persuadedher not to marry the manbut she didnt l

4、isten toher.母亲说服她不要嫁给这个男子,可是她不听母亲的。2)The insurance companytry to persuadethem to cover themselvesagainstillness or death.保险公司努力说服他们为自己生病或死亡投保。3)Theytried to persuadehim to join the club, but invain.他们力图劝说他加入这个俱乐部,经果白费力气。表示“劝说”某人去做某事或不做某事,也可说persuade sb. into doing sth.persuade so. out of doing sth.1

5、)After some hours of discussion we managedtopersuade him into adoptinga moreconciliatoryattitude.经过几小时的讨论,我们成功说服他采用比较温和的态度。2)Howcan wepersuade him into joining us?怎麽才能说服他参加我们的活动呢 ?3)Hecouldntpersuade me into accepting histerms.他没能说服我接受他的条件。4)Noneof us couldpersuade him out of his stupidplan.我们谁也没有办法

6、说服他放弃那愚蠢的计划.5)Myfriendpersuaded me out of doing such a thing likethis.我朋友劝我不要做这样的事.表示“使人相信”,常用结构:persuadesb. that persuadesb. of sth.1)He worked hard topersuade me thathe was genuinely interested intheproject.他想尽办法以使我相信他确实对这一计划感兴趣。2)I could notpersuade myself thatthis exciting moment wouldever come.

7、我无法使自己相信这个激动人心的时刻会到来。3)Can youpersuadethem thatthe results will justify the initialinvestment?你们能说服他们相信结果会证明开始的投资是值得的吗?4)SinceJohn let me down time and again, he will neverpersuade meof hissincerity andtruthfulness.由于约翰一次又一次让我失望,他再也不会使我相信他的真诚和坦率。5)Theytried topersuade us of the truth of thereport.他们

8、竭力想让我们相信报道是真实的。6)Despitehis repeated explanations, he could notpersuade me ofhisinnocence.尽管他一再解释,他无法说服我他是无辜的。convince指用事实、证据、道理说服对方,使对方相信某事。1)They argue heatedly, butneither couldconvincetheother.他们争论得很激烈, 但是谁也说服不了谁.。2)Only byreasoning can weconvincepeoplecompletely.只有以理服人,才能使人心悦诚服。3)Your argument

9、is tooweak toconvinceme.你的论点太薄弱了,说服不了我。表示“使某人相信某事”,常说 convinced sb. that 或 convince sb. ofsth., 与persuade 用法相似,有时可以替换。1)It willbe your job toconvince him thatit will be asound investment.要让他确信这是一项可靠的投资,这是你要去做的工作。2)Herparents cannotconvince her thatshe has made awrong decision.她父母亲无法说服她,让她相信她的决定错了。3)

10、Nomatter how hard I tried, I could notconvince him of thetruth ofthematter.无论我怎样努力,我都无法使他相信这件事情是真的。4)Wemustconvince the students of the need for widerreading.我们必须让学生们认识到广泛阅读的必要性。be convinced that 也是常用结构,过去分词convinced 作表语,接 that-clause,表示“相信”,相当于believe,但语气较强。1)Heis convincedthathis program will win

11、the support from themajorityof the committeemembers.他相信他的计划会赢得委员会大多数成员的支持。2)Weare convinced thatthese differences can beovercome sooner or later.我们相信这些分歧迟早会消除的。induce指通过影响或劝说、诱惑的方式使人相信某事或去做某事。常用结构:inducesb. to do sth.1)You neednt be worried. I would doanything toinduce them to stay.你不用着急,我会想尽一切办法劝他们

12、留下来。2)Shetried toinduce her husband to stop drinkingbutall her effortswere of no avail.她想说服她丈夫戒酒,但她所有的努力都无济于事。3)Nothing caninduce me to do somethingagainst my conscience.什么也不能引诱我做些违背良心的事。4)Theymanaged toinduce him to sign on the contracttext.他们设法诱使他在合同文本签了字。5)Whaton earth couldinduce him to commit s

13、o rash anaction?究竟是什么引导他做出如此轻率鲁莽的行动?prevail作“说服”时需接介词on 或 upon,可用来替代 persuade 或induce,后接 do sth.1)I managed toprevail on him tojoinin us in the scientific expedition.我成功地说服他参加我们的科学探险。2)Thecommittee hoped toprevail on them to endorsetheproposal.委员会希望说服他们赞同这项提案。3)Doyou think she would beprevailed on to go backwith us.你看我们能不能劝她与我们一起回去?4)Doyou think they could beprevailed upon to accesptthese terms?你觉得有可能说服他们接受这些条件吗?5)May Iprevail on you to makea speech afterdinner?可以请你在用餐后讲几句话吗?6)No one but you canprevailupon her to changeher mind on thematter.除了你没有人能说服她在这件事情上回心转意。


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