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1、.*34 West 70 StreetNew York, NY 10123Phone:212-455-3450Email:Marisa AbuduObjectExperienceEducationPersonal DataReferencesEntry-Level staff accounting position with a public accounting firmSummer 2010 Accounting Intern: PwC Consulting, New York Cityl Assisted in preparing corporate income tax returnl

2、 Attended meetings with clientsl Conducted research in corporate tax library and wrote research reportNov.2005Aug.2008 Payroll Specialist: City of New Yorkl Worked in civil service position in department of Administrationl Audited all overtime billingl Developed two new forms for requesting independ

3、ent contractor status that are now used city-widel Represented 28-person work unit on the departments management-labour committee Jan. 2005present Pursuing a 5-year bachelor of business administration degree (major in accounting)from New York Universityl will graduate June 2011l Attended part-time f

4、rom 2005 until 2008 while holding down a full time jobl Have financed 100% of all college expenses through savings, work, and student loansl Helped start the Minority Business Student Association at NYU and served as program director for two yearsl Am a member of the Accounting Societyl Am willing t

5、o relocateAvailable upon request地址:34 West 70 StreetNew York, NY 10123电话:212-455-3450Email:Marisa Abudu求职目标工作经验教育背景个人资质证明人上市会计师事务所初级会计职位2010年暑期 实习会计师: 普华永道会计师事务所,纽约市l 协助完成企业收入纳税申报l 参与各类客户会面洽谈l 进行企业税资料收集调查以及撰写相关报告2005年11月2008年8月 薪酬专员: 纽约市l 任职于纽约市政府行政部l 审计逾期账单l 开发针对获取独立承包商情况的两种新形式,并被推广到全市范围l 在行政部的劳工委员

6、会担任一个28人工作组的代表2005年至今 在纽约大学研读五年制的工商管理学士学位课程(财会专业)l 将在2011年6月毕业l 2005-2008年从事兼职同时拥有一份全职工作l 通过工作,助学贷款和存款完全独立支付大学费用l 帮助在纽约大学建立商科少数族裔学生联合会,同时任负责人长达两年l 会计学会的正式成员l 可以异地工作有参考资料备索Christian J. WallaceOBJECTIVES Human Resources positions in a large multinational firm that requires well-developed labor relatio

7、ns, management, and communication skillsSKILLS HUMAN RESOURCES l Majored in Labor relations; minored in psychologyl Belong to Local 463 of International Office Workers Unionl Was crew chief for the second-shift work team at Wainwright Bank MANAGEMENTl Learned time-management skills by working 30 hou

8、rs per week while attending school full-timel Was promoted twice in three years at Wainwright Bankl Practiced discretion while dealing with the financial affairs of others; treated all transactions confidentially COMMUNICATIONl Developed a webpage for Alpha Kappa Psi business fraternityl Ran for sen

9、ior class vice president, making frequent campaign speeches and impromptu remarksl Took elective classes in report writing and business researchl Am competent in Microsoft Office 2007 and Internet researchEDUCATION B.S. Degree from Boston University to be awarded June 2006 Majored: Human Resources;

10、Minor: PsychologyEXPERIENCE Bank teller, Wainwright Bank, Boston, Massachusetts: 2003present Salesperson, JC Penny, Norfolk, Nebraska: Summer 200115 SIDEROAD HALL, BOSTON UNIVERSITY, BOSTON, MA 02215 PHONE 789-555-8933 E-MAIL: RJARNBU.EDUChristian J. Wallace求职目标大型跨国公司的人力资源职位,能够运用到劳资双方关系管理和沟通的能力。职业技能

11、人力资源技能l 主修人力资源,辅修心理学l 国际办公室工人协会成员l 文莱特银行任务组组长管理技能l 通过周工作30小时和大学全勤掌握时间管理技能l 在文莱特银行三年内被两次晋升l 能够谨慎处理他人财物管理等银行事物沟通技能 l 为阿尔法卡帕普西商科学生兄弟会设计网站l 竞选高年级学生会副主席,擅长竞选演讲和即兴演说l 选修报告写作和商业调研l 熟练操作Microsoft Office 2007 和 网络搜索教育背景2006年6月获得波士顿大学理学学士学位主修人力资源,辅修心理学工作经历 2003年至今在文莱特银行任职出纳员 2001年夏天在杰西潘尼任职销售员15 SIDEROAD HALL,

12、 BOSTON UNIVERSITY, BOSTON, MA 02215 PHONE 789-555-8933 E-MAIL: RJARNBU.EDUBob Jordan105 Decker Street New York, NY 23456 234-555-342 BOBJECTIVE: Program Manager in an environmentally conscious companySUMMARY A system thinker and ideas generator with a passion for sustainable lifestyle and technolog

13、ies, and four years experience developing and running programs and marketing initiatives. Creative and resourceful, a practiced writer and editor with a talent for communicating green values. A highly organized budget manager and team player with an entrepreneurial streak.EDUCATIONGreen M.B.A. Cours

14、e, Boston University, Boston MAB.A., English Literature, Boston College, Boston MARELEVANT ACHIEVEMENTS Managed the two largest programs at Bellas Inc., a $95M natural and organic foods company, while co-coordinating marketing booths at green tradeshows throughout the U.S. Refined Bellas 2008 marketing plan to reflect total brand redesign and evolution of community outreach programs and to establish a fresh identity for a brand-new team. Remotely coordinated travel logistics, caterin



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