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1、小学生英语脑筋急转弯1, Which two words contain thousands of letters? Post office2, What kind of dog does not bite or bark? A hot dog3, Why do people go to bed? Because the bed wont come to us.4, What year is the best year for a kangaroo? Leap year5, Why is Sunday is the strongest day in a week? Because the re

2、st of the days are weak days.6, What will break once you say it? Silence7, What fruit is never found singly? Pear8, What clothing is always sad? Blue jeans9, What is heavier in summer than in winter? The traffic to the beach10, When are people smartest? When its sunny, everything is brighter11, How

3、many legs do horses have? Six. Forelegs in the front, two in the back12, Whats the poorest bank in the world? The river bank13, Who is closer to you, your mom or your dad? Mom. Because dad is farther.14, What is the smallest room in the world? A mushroom15, What has nothing but a head and a tail? A

4、coin. Head(正面) tail (反面)16, What kind of water should people drink in order to be healthy?Drink well water.17, Why is 1010=1000 like your left eye? Because its not right.18, What do you still keep after giving it to someone else? Your word19, Take away my first letter, take away my second letter, ta

5、ke away all my letters, and I remain the same, what am I?a postman20, What king belongs to a student? A ruler21, How long is a shoe? A little more than a foot long.22, What is black and white and red (read)all over? Newspaper23, What has a tongue but cant talk? An envelope24, How do you feel today?

6、With my hands, of course25, What has four legs but only one foot? A bed26, What has many tails(tales) but no head? A book of stories27, What has three hands but only one face? A clock28, Which can move faster, heat or cold? Heat. You can catch a cold29, Who always drives his customers away? A taxi-d

7、river30, Whats the smallest bridge in the world? The bridge of a nose31, Who will be your friend, a poor friend or a rich friend? A poor friend, because a friend in need is a friend indeed.32, What colour is the wind? Blue. The wind blew.33, Why is the library the highest building? Because it has th

8、e most stories.34, What is the longest word in the English language? Smile35, What part of London is in France? The letter “N”.36, What makes a road broad? B37, What letter stands for the ocean? C38, What three letters turn a boy into a man? AGE39, What starts with T, ends with T, and can be full of

9、 T? teapot40, How can you change a pear into a pearl? L41, Whats the end of the word? D42, Why are girls afraid of the letter C? because it makes fat fact.43, What letter is a kind of drink? T1. What is the smallest bridge in the world? (世界上最小的桥梁是什么?)2. What is the difference between the North Pole

10、and the South Pole? (北极与南极的区别是什么?)3. What makes naughty boys long to work in a clock factory? (淘气的男孩为什么想去钟表厂工作?)脑筋急转弯大全及答案:1. The bridge of a nose. (鼻梁)2. A whole world. (整个世界。 a world of difference 天壤之别)3. They want to make faces. (make face 做鬼脸,做钟表面)小学一到六年级英语智力答题一二年级组(翻译):Killtwobirdswithonestone.





15、2Whatmakesopeningpianosohard?为什么钢琴盖不好打开?3Whatsthebestwaytopreventinfectioncaused bybitinginsects?什么办法预防咬人昆虫引起的感染最好?Keys:Itmakesthedaylight它带来白昼。2Allthekeysareinside 所有的琴键都在里面。3Dontbiteany别咬昆虫。Notes:1makesthedaylight使白天变轻2keyn琴键;钥匙3bitinginsects咬人的昆虫(biting用来修饰insects);咬昆虫(biting的宾语为insects)infection/



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