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1、Unit 1 The lion and the mouse February 5, 2015老鼠的复数mice; 鼠标的复数mouses具体解读会在授课时和学生详细展开,此单为提供给学生的框架一,词组短语 1. in the forest 在森林里 2. large and strong又大又壮 3. one day 一天 4. walk by路过5. wake up 唤醒 (wake sb up) 6. be angry 生气 7want to eat the mouse想要吃这只老鼠 8.some day 某一天 9. small and weak又小又弱 10. let sb. do 让

2、某人干某事 11. let the mouse go 让这只老鼠走开 12.the next day 第二天 13. catch the lion with a large net用一张大网抓住狮子 14. bite the net with his sharp teeth用它锋利的牙齿咬网 15.get out 出去 16. get out from the net从网中出来 17. just then就在那时 18. make a big hole in the net在网上做了一个大洞 19. from then on从那时起 20. become friends变成朋友 21. hel

3、p the lion get out帮助狮子逃脱 22.say quietly平静地说 23. laugh loudly大声地笑 24. ask sadly伤心地问 25. say happily高兴地说 26. laugh happily开心地大笑 27. a happy boy 一个快乐地男孩 28. sweet shop甜品店 29. Aesops Fables.i:sps feblz 伊索寓言 30. Chinese idiom book汉语成语书 31. play .happily玩得很开心 32.be good at table tennis乒乓打得好 33.cheer for t

4、hem loudly大声地为他们喝彩 34. hit the ball hard用力击球 35. find a hole in the ground发现了地上的一个洞 36. too deep太深 37. reach it(到达)触碰到它 38. have an idea有一个主意(想法) 39.bring some water quickly很快带来一些水 40.pour it into the hole把它倒进洞 p: 41. pour into 把倒进 42. help him up帮他上来 43.go to him去他那里(寻求帮助) 44. become happy 变得开心 45.

5、 look sad看起来伤心解释: 5.wake up 唤醒 (wake sb up) wake up 醒来; 唤醒, 弄醒 ; 活跃起来; 激起, 引起It is time for you to wake up. 你该醒了。 Please wake me up at six. 请在六点钟叫醒我。He needs someone to wake him up. 他需要有人来使他振作起来。 On holidays the little town wakes up.每逢假日, 这个小城镇就活跃起来了。拓展:wait on 服侍(某人) walk off (突然)离开;带走特别需要提醒学生对于:wa

6、ke 和它的过去式woke weak walk几个单词发音的辨析 6. be angry 生气be (get) angry with sb.生某人的气【仅对人而言】(1) Are you angry with me?(2) She was very angry with him for keeping her waiting. 读100遍! 她对他一直让她久等生气be angry at/about sth. 因某事生气She was angry about missing the first bus yesterday.她因昨天没赶上头班公汽而生气。特别:be angry about 仅对事而

7、言,常可与be angry at互换,但例中的about不宜代之以at,以免与其后的at重复。例句: She was angry about his laughing at her. 这时候,要说成She was angry at his laughing at her. 冗长 重复!截至目前学生必须要掌握的几个BE型的固定搭配:be happy to do sth =be glad to do sth高兴做某事 be busy with sth= be busy doing sth忙于(做)某事be nice to sb=be good to sb对某人好 do well in在做得好=be

8、 good at擅长于特别说明:be good at不要让学生记忆为be good at doing这种结构,而是反复提醒介词后强塞动词必须转名词的概念。很多老师不讲解固定搭配,这样等学生到了初中和小学的英语学习严重脱节,多少小学阶段的所谓好学生到了初中一落千丈的成绩就是从没有固定搭配的概念。同时对于小学的难题无所适从,比如上学期对于be busy doing的考核。老师应提早教会学生。不做就是懒惰,就是不负责任的表现! 3. one day 一天 some day 某一天对于表示日后的某天,有朝一日的一般将来时,两者都可使用,但是对于过去时,只能使用one daySome day you w

9、ill be sorry about it. 总有一天你会对这件事感到后悔的。Some day Ill find my love 总有一天我会找到真爱。One day well both get to see New York. 总有一天我俩都有机会看看纽约。I will take you there one day. 总有一天我会带你到那去的。One day I went to see my first teacher ,but he happened to be out.有一天,我去看我的启蒙老师,可碰巧他出去了One day I met him in the street. 有一天我在街

10、上遇见了他。 He came to see me one day last week. 17. just then就在那时 Just then,he came in. 就在那时,他进来了。 just now (1)用于过去时,意为刚才,即a moment ago。She was here just now. 她刚才还在这儿。(2)用于现在时,意为这会儿,眼下,即at this moment。Im free just now. 我这会儿有空。Just意思:恰恰,正好 Its just half past six now. 这会儿正好六点半。相当于only,意为仅仅,只是。He is just a

11、 child. 他仅仅是一个孩子。 I just want to talk to you. 我只是想和你谈谈。用于祈使句中,以引起对某事的注意,Just listen to me! 就请听一听我说!28. sweet shop甜品店表示什么样的商店要用单数名词修饰“shop”。哪怕前面是长复数也要用单。哪怕好多家鞋店 shoe shopsMy parents work in a shoe shop.我的父母在一家鞋店里工作类似:a book shopsome book shops a juice shopsome juice shops a shoe shopsome shoe shops a

12、 clothes shopsome clothes shop说明:shop前面的单词是名词,用于定性,类似的很早就学过,pencil box/case 必须使用原型,哪怕是常复数shoes,而clothes不能使用原型的原因,意思发生根本改变布料店 33.cheer for them loudly大声地为他们喝彩cheer for为喝彩叫好,为鼓劲加油; Lets cheer for Chinese team. 让我们为中国队欢呼。I cheer for myself sometimes. 有时我也为自己加加油。 34. hit the ball hard用力击球 解释:这里hard是副词,曾

13、经上册书学过的work hard告诉学生hard可以做形容词表示坚硬的,困难的;不要加ly,到了初一就明白hardly是几乎不的意思 35. find a hole in the ground翻译为:发现了地上的一个洞这里的in the ground只可能是后置定语,作为老师搞不清楚,说不过去!find a book on a desk在桌上发现一本书也可以翻译:发现桌上的一本书。但是再请看下例:find a book in the desk请问能把介词短语in the desk当做地点状语吗?说明:老板教材的4B2单元定语后置with in是教学难点,但是作为老师不能就此绕过,要反复讲。慢慢

14、学生就明白了。 41.pour into 把倒进Pour 倾; 倒It poured all night.整夜下着倾盆大雨。She poured a glass of water.她倒了一杯水。He poured me a cup of tea.他给我倒了一杯茶。= He poured a cup of tea for me.二,语法方式副词在动词后: 例:walk/write/read+ carefully speak/laugh+ loudly cry/ask +sadly say/read/sit +quietly play football happily 变化过程:excited- excitedly quiet- quietly loud - loudly happy-happily sad - sadly quick - quickly careful-carefully slow - slowly副词的构成:1)大部分的副词由形容词加-ly构成,例如:slowslowly; quickquickly; badbadly ;quietquietly ;sadsadly; loud-loudly; excitedexcitedly; realreally; 2)以-y结尾的形容词把-y变为-i,再加-ly,例如:happy(快乐的)happily(快乐地);


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