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1、全程台词一、开场白:A: Ladies and gentlemen. Good afternoon! Welcome to our dubbing show today! Thank you for being here!B: 尊敬的领导、老师、亲爱的同学们,(合)大家下午好!A:To show English variety, to enrich extracurricular(after-class) activities, to improve English level, and to cultivate the comprehensive abilities.B:展现英语风采,丰富课

2、余生活,提高英语水平,培养综合能力。A: You perform while I sing, our school life is colorful.B:你想我做,团结合作展现风采。A: Let us deduce a life with the movie of colorful。B:让我们用电影来演绎生活多彩。A:Undoubted, everyone is a movie lover. From English dubbing we can speak perfect English, get rid of dumb English and rebuild ourselves.B: 毫无

3、疑问,通过英语配音,我们能够说一句流利而标准的英语,从而真正意义上告别聋哑英语,重塑自我。女:I declare, The first English movie dubbing contest for Xincheng School in 2013, now begins.男:我宣布,新城学校首届英语电影配音大赛,“”现在开始!女:Im the host 。男:我是主持人MMM。女:I hope you have a good time with us.男:希望我们能伴随大家度过这个愉快的晚会!二、介绍评委及嘉宾A: Firstly, lets introuduce todays honor

4、able leaders and guests. TheyreB: 光临今天大赛现场的领导和嘉宾是:让我们再次以热烈的掌声欢迎他们的到来A:Welcome!A: Now lets introduce the judgesB: 担任本次大赛评委的是:A:Lets warmly welcome them!B:让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎他们 !三、领导致辞四、活动开始A: Then, lets go over the regulations of the competition.B:现在,请允许我介绍活动规则。每支队伍的表演时间不超过6分钟,6名评委统一打分,去掉一个最高分和一个最低分后,记平均分。本次

5、比赛共10支队伍参赛,每五支队伍表演结束后,我们将进行报分。最终决出一等奖一支队,二等奖两支队,三等奖三支队。A: The English Moives Dubbing Competition Total score is is 100 points, From the following five aspects of assessment: the tone of voice, skilled lines, emotional grasp, team image, and time.B:本次配音大赛总分100分,分为语音语调、熟练台词、情感把握、队伍形象以及时间合理五个标准。A: Now,

6、 Lets look forward to the contestants wonderful performances!B:让我们共同期待选手们的精彩表现!A:Now, many animals are coming, please welcome contestant NO.1 .Contestant NO.2 please get ready.B:一群动物正向我们走来,下面有请一号队伍,他们的配音内容是马达加斯加,请二号队做好准备。A:Thank you for your excellent perform!B:感谢你们精彩的表演。A:Now, it s time for the ani

7、mals form Ice Age. Please welcome contestant NO.2 .Contestant NO.3 please get ready.B: 来自冰河世纪的动物们也快等不及了,下面有请二号队伍,他们的配音内容是冰河世纪4,请三号队做好准备。A:Thank you for your excellent perform!B:感谢你们精彩的表演。A:The animals under the sea also want to show.B: What animal?A: its a small fish and he is lost.B: oh, Im sorry t

8、o hear that. His father must go crazy. A: Now please welcome contestant NO.3 .Contestant NO.4 please get ready.B: 下面有请三号队伍,他们的配音内容是海底总动员,请四号队做好准备。A:Thank you for your excellent perform!B:感谢你们精彩的表演。A:Now, Here comes a story about a bad despicable man and 3 orphans.B:一个卑鄙的大坏蛋和三个孤儿的故事? A:Yes,lets welco

9、me contestant NO.4 .Contestant NO.5 please get ready.B:到底有多卑鄙啊?下面有请四号队伍,他们的配音内容是卑鄙的我,请五号队做好准备A:Thank you for your excellent perform!B:感谢你们精彩的表演。A:the following story is about the wonderful life of a brave girl and her family. B: 一个勇敢的女孩和她的家人的精彩生活。有请五号队伍,他们的配音内容是疯狂原始人,请六号队做好准备。A:Thank you for your ex

10、cellent perform!B:感谢你们精彩的表演。A:Wei Jianji, can you play Kongfu?B: Kongfu? I dont think so.A: but a panda can and he makes a miracle. Now lets welcome contestant NO.6.Contestant NO.7 please get ready.B:这只懂功夫的熊猫到底创造了什么奇迹呢?下面有请六号队伍带来的功夫熊猫1,请七号队做好准备。A:Thank you for your excellent perform!B:感谢你们精彩的表演。A:An

11、other panda comes, and he is awesome!B:awesome!看来我们的国宝的表演欲望还未消退啊。下面有请七号队伍,他们的配音内容是功夫熊猫 盖世传奇,请八号队做好准备。A:Thank you for your excellent perform!B:感谢你们精彩的表演。A:Do you think Im beautiful?B: of course, you are a beautiful princess.A: and my hair is long, so please call me a princess with long hair. B: a pri

12、ncess with long hair? 你说的是长发公主吗?A:Yes, and here is a story about another princess with long hair. Now lets welcome contestant NO.7.Contestant NO.8 please get ready.B: 让我们看看这长发公主的头发到底能有多长。下面有请八号队伍为我们带来长发公主,请九号队做好准备。A:Thank you for your excellent perform!B:感谢你们精彩的表演。A:here is another princess. She doe

13、snt have very long hair, but she has magic.B: 看来这公主更厉害。下面有请九号队伍,他们的配音内容是魔法公主,请十号队做好准备。A:Thank you for your excellent perform!B:感谢你们精彩的表演。比赛开始,队伍入场:1、First, lets warmly welcome contestant No.1,his topic is “My scool life”and contestant No.2 get ready please. 2、The next one making a speech for us is c

14、ontestant No.2. Lets welcome. 3、Lets continue the competition. The next will be No.3 please.Her topic is “My family”and contestant No.4 get ready please 4、Now its time for No.4 .Her topic is “My friend”. No.5 get ready please. 5、Evryone has friends.Now lets come to another topic“Our English Teacher”

15、.Welcome contestant No.5. and contestant No.6 get ready please 6、Welcome contestant No.6.His topic is“Honesty” and contestant No.7 get ready please 7、Now lets warmly welcome contestant No.7.Her topic is “How Should One Read A Book”. Contestant No.8 get ready please 8、welcome contestant No.8 . Contestant No.9 get ready please 9、Now its time for No.9.her topic is “My Good Friend”. Contestant No.9 get ready 10、The next contestants topic is also “My Good Friend”.Now ,lets welcome No.10 11、Now lets war



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