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1、平顶山学院成人教育2015-2016学年第二学期期末考试(期末考)大学英语1(高起专)1. ( 单选题 ) Its raining heavily. Youd better_a rain coat.(本题2.0分) A A、 wear B、 put on C、 have on D、 dress 2. ( 单选题 ) The student is good at English, _we all know.(本题2.0分) D A、 because B、 for C、 since D、 as 3. ( 单选题 ) Not until_ he finished reading the story

2、.(本题2.0分)B A、 he went to bed B、 did he go to bed C、 didnt he go to bed D、 he didnt go to bed 4. ( 单选题 ) The city is about ride from here._(本题2.0分)C A、 one and a half hours B、 one-half-hour C、 one and a half hours D、 one and half hour 5. ( 单选题 ) Mike thought it was the best way _to finish the job. .(

3、本题2.0分)B A、 So was it B、 So did I C、 So I did D、 I did so 6. ( 单选题 ) I have only one pen and I am going to buy _.(本题2.0分)C A、 the second B、 one second C、 a second one D、 the second one 7. ( 单选题 ) Well call on the man we believe _can speak very good English.(本题2.0分) A A、 who B、 whom C、 whoever D、 whi

4、ch 8. ( 单选题 ) Dont leave David by _. Hes too old.(本题2.0分) B A、 him B、 himself C、 his D、 itself 9. ( 单选题 ) Would you like_ tea?(本题2.0分)A A、 any B、 a C、 an D、 some 10. (单选题) The two things that you can not buy with money_love and health.(本题2.0分)A A、 are B、 is C、 am D、 was 11. ( 单选题 ) My cousin_ the fa

5、shionable jacket in the shop.(本题2.0分) C A、 seems like B、 like C、 seems to like D、 appears to be like 12. ( 单选题 ) The parents made the little boy_ the piano for one and a half hours.(本题2.0分) C A、 practise playing B、 to practise playing C、 practise to play D、 to practise to play 13. ( 单选题 ) Ill tell y

6、our daughter about it as soon as she _ to the meeting tomorrow.(本题2.0分) A A、 comes B、 come C、 came D、 will come 14. ( 单选题 ) What_ to the earth in the last ten years?(本题2.0分) A A、 was happened B、 has happened C、 happened D、 has been happened 15. ( 单选题 ) We_ in the swimming pool at that time.(本题2.0分)

7、A A、 were planning to swim B、 are planning to swim C、 were planning swimming D、 are planning swimming 16. ( 单选题 ) -Where is Hellen? I am looking for her. -_toAustralia. Shes been there for three days.(本题2.0分) A A、 She has gone B、 She has been C、 She went D、 She will go 17. ( 单选题 ) _ excellent film w

8、e saw yesterday!(本题2.0分) C A、 What B、 How C、 What an D、 How an 18. ( 单选题 ) Shall we _a rest. We have worked for a long time.(本题2.0分) D A、 stopped to have B、 stopped having C、 stop having D、 stop to have 19. ( 单选题 ) Emma has been ill for a week. Is she all right now?_. The teacher says she can come t

9、o school tomorrow.(本题2.0分) D A、 I hope not. B、 I dont think so C、 Im afraid so. D、 I think so. 20. ( 单选题 ) When will you go back to your hometown ?_ next week.(本题2.0分) B A、 Sometime B、 Some time C、 Sometimes D、 Some times 21. ( 单选题 ) Im sorry. I still have some problems _.(本题2.0分) C A、 solving B、 to

10、 solve C、 being solved D、 to be solve 22. ( 单选题 ) He didnt come to work _ his illness.(本题2.0分) B A、 because B、 because of C、 if D、 however 23. ( 单选题 ) Excuse me, Sir, how can I find the shortest way _the nearest police station?(本题2.0分) A A、 to B、 of C、 with D、 for24. ( 单选题 ) Amy _ spend all her pock

11、et money, but now she _ saving some of it.(本题2.0分) A A、 was used to, used to B、 used to, is used to C、 used to, used to D、 was used to, is used 25. ( 单选题 ) It was _ bad weather _ they all had to stay at home.(本题2.0分) B A、 such a that B、 such that C、 so that D、 too to 26. ( 单选题 ) Teaching little chil

12、dren is _, but the teachers always _.(本题1.0分) C A、 a hard work, to work hard B、 hard work, to work hard C、 a hard work, work hard D、 hard work, work hard 27. ( 单选题 ) The doctors did what they could _ her.(本题1.0分) C A、 helping B、 help C、 helped D、 to help 28. ( 单选题 ) - Lily, nice to see you ! _ toEng

13、land? - Yes. And I will come back in a week.(本题1.0分) B A、 Have you gone B、 Are you going C、 Have you been D、 Did you go 29. ( 单选题 ) During the summer holidays , he was made _ two hours a day.(本题1.0分) B A、 to swim B、 swim C、 swimming D、 swum 30. ( 单选题 ) Mary _ show us her new dictionary .(本题1.0分) A A

14、、 has asked to B、 was asked to C、 is asked D、 asks to 31. ( 单选题 ) - Shall I sit at this end of the boat or the other ?- If you keep still(不动的), you can sit at _ end.(本题1.0分) B A、 neither B、 each C、 either D、 any 32. ( 单选题 ) There is only _ water in the bottle.(本题1.0分) C A、 a bit B、 a little of C、 a bit of D、 a few 33. (单选题) It was too noisy, _ we couldnt



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