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1、高 频 词A1、abandon vt. 放弃,遗弃He abandoned a career that could have led to his becoming one of the most influential people in the world. 他放弃了一份可以使他成为世界上最有影响力的人之一的工作。2、ability n. 能力,智能,才能The ability to hear clearly is very important for any speaker. 能听清楚对任何演说者都是非常重要的。3、able a. 有能力的, 能干的You will not able t

2、o pass the examination unless you work harder than you do now. 除非你比现在学得更刻苦, 否则你通不过这次考试了。4、above prep. 在之上, 高于 ad. 在上面a. 上述的, 上面的Above all,the real poet is a master of words. 真正的诗人首先是一位语言大师。5、absolutely ad. 完全地, 绝对地The doctor will not perform the operation unless it is absolutely necessary. 除非迫不得已,这位

3、医生是不会做这个手术的。6、accept v. 接受, 认可; 同意, 承认Ive received a gift from him, but Im not going to accept it. 我收到了他送的礼物, 但是我不准备接受。7、accomplish vt. 完成If they try hard to do something and fail, they may conclude that they will never be able to accomplish a particular task. 如果他们尽力去做还失败的话,他们就会断定自己永远完成不了某个特定任务。8、ac

4、cording to 按照, 根据You should learn to act according to circumstances. 你应该学会随机应变。9、account n. 账目, 账户 v. 说明, 解释 on of 因为, 由于Yesterday Mr. Smith gave a vivid account of his recent visit to China. 昨天,史密斯先生生动地讲述了他近期访问中国的情况。 Richard Dienabier, Psychology(心理学) professor at the University of Nebraska in Linc

5、oln, believes that societys attitudes account for much of the increase in cheating. 林肯内布拉斯加大学的心理学教授理查德认为, 社会态度在很大程度上是欺诈增加的原因。10、accurate a. 准确的, 精确的The news passed by word of mouth and was never accurate. 口头传递的消息向来不准确。11、achieve v. 完成; 达到, 达成, 获得A fifth level would probably involve needs that can be

6、 achieved best by community action. 第五个层次可能会涉及那些只有通过社区活动才能实现的需求。 12、achievement n. 成就, 功绩Flying across the Atlantic for the first time was a great achievement. 首次飞越大西洋是一个伟大的成就。13、acquaintance n. 熟人, 相识I have some acquaintance with the Russian. 我懂一点儿俄语。14、acquire v. 取得, 获得; 学到She has acquired a good

7、variety of the pronunciation of this area. 她已经掌握了这个地方的各种语音。15、across prep. 在对面ad. 横过, 横断We swam across the river. 我们游到河对岸。16、act v. 起作用; 表演n. 行为, 动作; (一)幕; 法令, 条例 on 按照行事Half of the children participated in the experimental study; the other half acted as the control group. 一半儿童参加了实验研究; 另一半参加了控制组。17、

8、action n. 行为, 动作The government took actions. 政府采取了行动。18、active a. 活动的; 活跃的, 活泼的; 敏捷的; 主动的Studies show that slim people are more active than fat people. 研究表明, 瘦人比胖人更加活跃。19、activity n. 活动Too many extracurricular activities take up too much of our precious time for study. 课外活动太多,占去了我们很多宝贵的学习时间。20、actor

9、 n. 男演员actress n. 女演员They are touched by the life stories of the actors and actresses. 他们被男女演员的人生故事感动。21、actually ad. 实际上Actually, the worlds birth rate is falling. 实际上, 世界人口出生率正在下降。 22、add vi. 增加, 增进vt. 加, 加上When a fragrant flavor was added to the vitaminenriched fluid,the rats did seem to develop

10、a taste for it and kept drinking it,even after the vitamins were switched to the clear water. 当维他命浓缩液中加入香料时, 老鼠似乎渐渐习惯了这种口味; 即使后来维生素被换成清水, 它们也继续饮用。 23、address n. 地址, 通讯处 vt. 致函, 致辞; 写地址Today,every American school child learns Lincolns Gettysburg Address by heart. 今天, 每个美国学龄儿童都能背诵林肯的葛底斯堡演说。24、adjust v

11、. 调节, 调整, 校正 He adjusted himself very quickly to the heat of the country. 他很快就适应了这个国家的炎热气候。25、admit vt. 承认; 允许进入, 接纳He never admits that he is wrong. 他从不承认自己错了。26、adopt vt. 收养; 采用, 采取, 通过By adopting a few simple techniques, parents who read to their children can greatly increase their childrens lang

12、uage development. 通过一些简单的方法, 父母读给孩子听能大大提高孩子的语言能力。27、adult n. 成人The adults in the family like the front page,the editorial page,and the world news section. 家里的大人们喜欢头版、 社论版和世界新闻版。28、advance vt. 推进, 促进 n. 前进, 进展You ought to have told me in advance. 你本该事先告诉我的。29、advanced a. 先进的, 高级的We should develop the

13、 advanced education by all means. 我们应该想尽办法发展高等教育。30、advertisement n. 广告Advertisement aims to increase peoples awareness and arouse interest. 广告的目的在于提高人们对产品的认知度并激发购买兴趣。31、advice n. 忠告, 意见Specialists advice is useful to help you choose the most suitable kind of dog. 专家的意见能够帮助你选择最合适的狗。32、affair n. 事, 事

14、情, 事务The senators death was a tragic affair. 参议员之死是个悲剧。33、affection n. 爱, 慈爱; 感情; 影响A dog is loyal to its master and consequently wants him to show proof of his affection. 狗是忠于主人的, 因此也希望主人表现出对它的喜爱。34、afraid a. 害怕的, 怕的; 唯恐的, 担心的 Im afraid she will feel hurt. 恐怕她会感到受到了伤害。35、against prep. 对着, 逆, 反(对),

15、违反; 紧靠着, 倚在; 与对照, 对比The picture looks better against the light wall. 这幅画挂在浅色的墙上显得更美。36、age n. 年龄, 时代v. 变老People of different ages may have different understanding. 不同年龄的人会有不同的理解。37、agent n. 代理人, 经办人My agent has power to sign my name. 我的代理人有权代我签字。38、agree on (双方)同意, 赞同We agree on this point. 在这一点上, 我们的意见一致。39、agriculture n. 农业The agriculture revolution in the nineteenth century involved two things: the invention of laborsaving machinery and the development of scientific agriculture. 19世纪的农业


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