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1、1、你好,问候。 Whats up?/ Hello2、你们有问题吗? Do you have any questions?3、你有不同方法吗?Do you have different ways?4、你能回答吗? Can you answer this question?5、每个人都拿到材料了吗? Has everybody got the sheet?6、别粗心。 Dont be careless.7、不要做小动作。 Behave yourself.8、请坐正。 Please sit straight. 9、不要交头接耳。Dont small talk.10、务必仔细。 Be careful

2、.11、我希望你成功。 I wish you success.12、让我们休息一下。 Lets take a break.13、周末愉快。Have a nice weekend.14、好好休息。 Have a good rest.15、放松一下。 Relax.16、请举手。Please raise your hand. / Please hand up.17、请收上来。 Hand in, please.18、请发下去。 Hand out, please.19、请拿出本子。Take out your exercise books, please.20、快点儿。Hurry up. Quick. F

3、ast 21、我们做一下听写。 Lets have a dictation.22、请把书放掉。 Put your books away, please.23、请给他一些掌声。 Give him applaud. 24、帮我个忙。 Give me a hand.25、感谢你的帮助。 Thanks for your help. 26、今天谁值日? Who is on duty today? 27、请保持桌面整洁。Keep your desk clean, please.28、请保持桌椅整齐。Keep your desks and chairs in order, please. 29、请在办公室保

4、持安静。Keep quiet in the office.30、请开/关灯 Please turn on/ off the lights.31、你再试试。Try again.32、说响一点。 Speak loudly, please.33、放松。Take it easy.34、请认真思考。 Please think it over.35、请别紧张。Dont be nervous. 36、请到前面来。 Please come to the front.37、请回座位吧。Please go back to your seat.38、谁来回答。 Who can answer?39、谁愿意来试试。Wh

5、o wants to try?40、加油。Come on.41、请安静。 Please be quiet.42、行走靠右边。Walk on the right side. 43、回家的时间到了。Its time to go home.44、下次请早点来。Please come earlier next time.45、可要准时啊。Try to be on time.46、下次不允许迟到。Dont be late next time.47、我们先进行复习。Firstly, lets review.48、是对还是错。Right or wrong?49、你能看出错误来吗?Can you find t

6、he mistake?50、注意拼写。Pay attention to your spelling.51、准备上课。Get ready for class.52、请继续。 Go ahead, please.53、咱们来玩个游戏。Lets play a game.54、大家一起来。Everybody together.55、开始小组活动。Work in groups. 56、请与同学讨论。 Please discuss with your partner.57、开始同桌练习。Work with your next. 58、完成了吗?Are you done?59、读慢一点,读清楚一点。Read

7、slowly and clearly. 60、互相提问。 Question each other.61、请做好笔记。Please take notes.62、请停下。Please stop.63、请你再说一遍。I beg your pardon.64、到我办公室来。Come to my office.65、课后到我这里来。Come to see me after class.66、到我办公室来一下好吗?Can I see you in my office?67、别抄袭别人作业。Dont copy others work.68、集中注意力看我。Focus on me.69、请大家看我。 Look

8、 at me, please.70、下次测验。 Test next time.71、时间到。 Time is up.72、这天就到这里。Thats all for today. 73、请等一下。Please wait.74、来吧,你能做到。Come on, you can do it.75、你做得很好。You did a great work.76、我为你感到自豪。I am proud of you.77、回答得好。Good answer.78、课后复习我们今天学的内容。Go through the lesson we learned today after class.79、你的学习如何?H

9、ow is your study?80、明白了吗?Understand? 81、明白了。Understand.82、你们能跟上我吗?Can you follow me?83、我得走了。I have to go.84、铃响了。Bell is ringing.85、不好意思。Excuse me.86、哪里?Where?87、睡个午觉。Have a nap.88、我要上厕所。I need to go to bathroom.89、打开电脑。Turn on your computer.90、请看黑板/屏幕。Please look at blackboard/ screen.91、恭喜。Congratu

10、lations. 92、请翻到第六页。Turn to page six.93、都准备好了吗?准备好了。Are you ready? Yes, ready.94、上课。Class begins.95、下课。Class is over.96、打开课本。Open your books.97、合上课本。Close your books.98、我可以进来吗(出去吗?)Can I come in(go out)?99、让我试试。Let me try. 100、给你。Here you are. 101、别随处走动. Dont walk around.102、有问题请举手. Raise your hand i

11、f you have question.103、现在轮到你了。Its your turn. You guys 104、跟我说/学。 Follow me.105、让我做给你看。Let me show you.106、我会帮你。 I will help you.107、10分钟后回来。Come back in 10 minutes.108、你怎么想的,说出来。What do you think? Say it out. 109、它有什么不对?Whats wrong with it?110、现在点击开始。Please click “start”111、请双击鼠标。Please double clic

12、k your mouse.112、关闭所有窗口。Close all the windows.113、预备开始。Readygo.114、请轻声唱。Please sing softly. 115、请有感情地唱。Please sing emotionally.116、一起来编动作。Lets make some new movements.117、现在开始交流讨论。Lets discuss.118、请发挥想象力。Please think freely.119、解散。 Spread out./ You are dismissed. 120、你最喜欢哪个?Which one do you like the

13、 most?121、你最不喜欢哪个?Which one do you like the least?122、发现错误并改正。Find mistake and correct it.123、看幻灯片。 Watch the slide show.124、你认为怎么样? What do you think of ?125、慢慢来。Take your time.126、你从.中学到了什么?What did you learn from?127、这是关键词。 Here is the key word. 128、还有谁?Anybody else?129、谁能补充? Who has more to shar

14、e?130、每个人都到了吗?Is everyone here?131、谁没来? Who is absent? 132、清楚了吗?Is that clear?133、谁自告奋勇?Any volunteers?134、一个一个来。One at a time.135、用英语。In English.136、粉笔 Chalk137、黑板擦 Eraser 138、马克笔 Marker140、别作弊 dont cheat141、有不同意见吗?Any different ideas?142、目前还可以So far so good143、提问题时间 question time144、三人一组 Work in t

15、hree.145、不一定。 Not always.146、这得看情况。 It depends.147、不完全是这样。Not quite like that.148、不错了,但还可以更好。 Not good enough.149、不劳则无获。No pain no gain.150、下次交作业。Hand in your work next time.151、随便 whatever.152、随便你 as you wish/ its up to you153、别捣乱 dont mess around154、请把A同B 作比较 please compare A with B155、请把书放在桌子的右上角。Please put your book in the up-right corner of your desk156、大课间活动时间到了。Its long break time./ It is time for long break.157、请把地上的垃圾捡起来。Please pick


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