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1、九年级英语单元考试Unit 11- Unit 12 姓名 得分 一.单选(20分)( )1.When did your uncle arrive _ the hotel? _ the morning of the April, 6th .A. at; In         B. in; In        C. at; On      D. in; On( )2. Whats wrong

2、 with you, Jane? You looks so upset. -_ the bus _ me very angry. A. Waiting / drive B. Waiting for / drives C. Wait for / drives D. Waiting for / drive( )3. Do you know that the girl _ a lawyer two years ago.Agot married to B. got married for Cmarried to Dmarried with ( )4.He is a so popular that a

3、large number of people _ at his party last Sunday.Ashowed up Bstayed up Cgave up Dgot up( )5.How about going shopping this weekend, Peter? Sorry. I prefer _ rather than _.A. going out; stay at homeB. to go out; stay at homeC. staying at home; go out D. to stay at home; go out ( )6. Did you meet Kate

4、 in the school? No, she _ by the time I _ school. Aleft; got to Bhad left; got to Cleft; get to Dhad left; get to( )7.The traffic accident make us _the driving after drinking is very dangerous.Ato realize B .realize C. realizing D. realized ( )8. It s said that the workers were made _ 12 hours a day

5、 in the past.Ato work Bwork Cworking Dworked( )9. _ good time we had at the party last night! Yes. It was _ exciting party that I would never forget it. A. What; so B. How; such C. What a; such an D. How a; so an( )10. Where is your key ? -I think I _ it in your car just now.Aforget Bleft Cforgot Dl

6、eave( )11. What happened _ Cindy yesterday? She _in a car accident.A. to ; hit Bto ; was hit Cwith ; hit Dwith ; was hit( )12. If you want to make progress, please take _ you can in class.A. as many notes as B. as much notes as C. as more notes as D. as most notes as( )13.We felt _ when we heard the

7、 _ news.Aembarrassed; embarrassed Bembarrassing; embarrassed Cembarrassed; embarrassing Dembarrassing; embarrassing( )14.The plane will _ from Beijing Capital Airport and land in London. A. put off B. take off C. go off D. get off( )15. Its 2:30. Hurry up, _ Youll be late for the class Aor Band Cbut

8、 Dso( )16. You can take _ of the two books and leave the other for your brother.A. both B. noneC. eitherD. neither (     )17. That man _ our English teacher. Our English teacher has gone to Beijing.         A.neednt be   B. cant b

9、e   C. shouldnt be     D. mustnt be(     )18._you study,_grades you will get. A.The hard ;the better       B.The harder; the better    C.The hard ;the best      D.The harder ;the b

10、est(     )19.Could you tell me _  A.when will the meeting start                        B.when the meeting will start C.when does the meeting start    

11、                     D.the meeting will start when( )20 _ will your parents come back from America? In about two days AHow soon BHow long CHow often DHow far二. 完形填空,答案请填写在指定位置 (10分)Tom brought a box o

12、f biscuits to a summer camp. He ate a few and placed the rest under his bed. After lunch, he found the box was gone. He went to tell his camp _1_ about it.The next day, the coach saw a boy eating Toms biscuit behind a tree. He came up with an idea to _2_ the problem. He found Tom and said to him, “I

13、 know who _3_ your biscuits. Will you help me to teach him a lesson?”“Well, yesare you going to punish(惩罚) _4_, sir?” Tom asked. “No, I am not,” the coach explained _5_. “That would only make him hate you. I want you to write to your mother and ask for more _6_.”When Tom received another box of bisc

14、uits from his mother. The coach said to him, “go and share them with the boy _7_ stole your biscuits.” Tom didnt understand the coachs intention, _8_he still followed his advice. An hour _9_ the coach saw the two boys come up the hill, arm in arm. The boy was trying to ask Tom _10_ his toy robot in

15、payment for the stolen biscuits. And Tom was refusing the gift from his new friend. He said that a few biscuits were not so important.( )1. A. cook B. doctor C. coach D. cleaner ( )2. A. deal B. do C. solve D. make( )3. A. took away B. ran away C. went away D. threw away ( )4. A. me B. him C. us D. them ( )5. A. shyly B. angrily C. excitedly


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