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1、高二年级英语学科教学案 必修五Unit 2 The United Kingdom设计者:赵万雄 审核者:高二年级备课组第一课时(Words and expression)总第十课时1. 1) consist of 由组成,包括练习: (1)Five men and three women make up the temporary group to look into the case. In other words,it_ eight people.Aconsists of Bis consisted of Cis consisting of Dis being consisted(2) 这

2、个班级有 50 人组成:_2. divideinto 把整体分成若干部分练习:(1)Please _ the good apples _ the bad ones. The teacher _ the class _ seven groups. (2)Lets -the children-3 groups .Each group will have a -room to sleep inA divide,into ,separated B divide into separateCseparate from dividing D separate from saparate3. puzzle

3、n.1.迷,难题 2.迷惑,困惑英语单词的拼法往往使人迷惑。_他看起来很困惑. _。4 . break (broke, broken) 练习:1) Our car _ and we had to push it off the road. 2)Yesterday two thieves _ his house. 3) As she was talking, he suddenly _, saying, Thats a lie. 4) He _ a piece of chocolate. 5) War _ in 1914. 6) The meeting _ at ten to three. 7)

4、 He tried to deal with the increasing burden of his work,but he finally _and had to take a complete rest.Abroke off Bbroke away Cbroke out Dbroke down作业:.翻译下列句子1.这个队由九名队员组成. 2.让我们把蛋糕分成三份 3.他与所有的朋友断绝关系是错误的5.我对这件事大惑不解 1What about your journey to Mount Hua?Everything was wonderful except that the car w

5、e rented _on the way back.Abroke up Bbroke down Cbroke out Dbroke in2. The team -10 experts from different universitiesA is consisted of consists of C made up of D makes up3_ by the problem that was put forward at the meeting,the people in the audience had _ looks on their faces.APuzzled;puzzling BP

6、uzzled;puzzledCPuzzling;puzzling DPuzzling;puzzled第二课时(Words and expression)总第十一课时1Credit n trust/belief 信任,相信练习:(1)-Im sorry .I have left my _card home. And I dont have enough cash for the meal- Dont worry .Itt my treatA identity B credit C working D money(2)杰克对所发生的事守口如瓶,值得赞扬_2. convenience n.u 方便

7、C便利设施:翻译:In a modern city, its convenient to buy everything._你能否在你方便时给我来个电话 _3. leave out 省去,遗漏练习:1. 你出错了,你漏掉了一个字母“m”._2. In copying this paper, be careful not to _ any word.抄这个文件时,注意不要漏掉任何一个字。3. You can _ the details; just give us the main facts.你可以省去细节,告诉我们主要的事实就行了。4. Dont _ our teachers _ from th

8、e invitations.请不要忘记邀请我们的老师们。作业:When I first learned to write to English , I ran into much difficulties. The main problem was that I always thought in Chinese and tried to translate anything into English. My teacher advised me to keep my diary. I followed her advice and should put down 100 words or s

9、o each day. Soon I began to enjoy talk to myself as I was learning to express me in simple English. One day I wrote a story and showed to my teacher. He liked them very much and reads it to the class. All said that the story was a good one. Their word were a great encouragement to me.第三课时(reading)总第

10、十二课时1) According to the text, join lines to the right answers.Para. 1 You can find evidence of invaders around the Brisish.Para. 2 States topic to be examined in the reading.Para. 3 Explains the importance of London as cultural and political centre in the UK.Para. 4 Explains what the term “Great Bri

11、tain” means and how it came about.Para. 5 Explains differences in the four countries. Para. 6 Explains how England is divided into three zones.2)根据课文内容选择正确答案1 what happened in the seventeenth century?A the name was changed to “Great Britain” when England and Wales were joined to Scotland B The UK wa

12、s found C England was divided roughly into three main ideaD London became the greatest historical treasure of all2. Where do most of the people settle in England?.A The zone nearest FranceB The zone nearest Scotland C The midlandsD The north of England3 Which group of invaders influenced the British

13、 words for foood?A The Romans B The Vikings C The Normans D The Anglo-Saxons4 How many countries does the UK consist of?A Two B Three C Four D Five5 What is mainly talked about in this passage?A The history of the United KingingdomB The geography of the United Kingdom C The people of the United KingdomD The people of the United Kingdom作业:根据课文内容完成下面语法填空,注意单词拼写和词语用法:The United Kingdom 1 (由组成) four countries: England, 2 , Scotland and Northern Ireland, 3 is known to the world in a flag 4 (call) the Union Jack. The four countries do


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