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1、7.The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas (Edited)Variations on theme by William JamesURSULA LE GUIN 目的/重点Teaching Contents1. Introduction (10 min.)2. Detailed study of the text (140 min.)3. Structure analysis (5 min.)4. Language appreciation (5 min.)5. Summary of words and phrases(5 min)6. Exercises (15

2、 min) 课文内容7. The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas从奥米勒斯城出走的人(Edited) (编校整理本) Variations on theme by William James威廉詹姆斯对一个主题的多角度阐发 URSULA LE GUIN 乌尔苏拉勒吉恩 1 WITH a clamor of bells that set the swallows soaring, the Festival of Summer came to the city Omelas, bright-towered by the sea. The rigging of the

3、boats in harbor sparkled with flags. In the streets between houses with red roofs and painted walls, between old moss-grown gardens and under avenues of trees, past great parks and public buildings, processions moved. Some were decorous: old people in long stiff robes of mauve and grey, grave master

4、 workmen, quiet, merry women carrying their babies and chatting as they walked. In other streets the music beat faster, a shimmering of gong and tambourine, and the people went dancing, the procession was a dance. Children dodged in and out, their high calls rising like the swallows crossing flights

5、 over the music and the singing. All the processions wound towards the north side of the city, where on the great water-meadow called the Green Fields boys and girls, naked in the bright air, with mud-stained feet and ankles and long, lithe arms, exercised their restive horses before the race. The h

6、orses wore no gear at all but a halter without bit. Their manes were braided with streamers of silver, gold, and green. They flared their nostrils and pranced and boasted to one another; they were vastly excited, the horse being the only animal who has adopted our ceremonies as his own. Far off to t

7、he north and west the mountains stood up half encircling Omelas on her bay. The air of morning was so clear that the snow still crowning the Eighteen Peaks burned with white-gold fire across the miles of sunlit air, under the dark blue of the sky. There was just enough wind to make the banners that

8、marked the race course snap and flutter now and then. In the silence of the broad green meadows one could hear the music winding through the city streets, farther and nearer and ever approaching, a cheerful faint sweetness of the air that from time to time trembled and gathered together and broke ou

9、t into the great joyous clanging of the bells. 随着一阵响彻云霄的钟声的敲响,一群燕子惊得展翅高翔,白塔映日的海滨城市奥米勒斯迎来了她的夏庆节。港湾里停泊的船只的缆索上都飘扬着鲜艳夺目的彩旗。市区的大街小巷上,一支支游行队伍穿过街道两旁那一排排红顶彩漆墙面的房屋,穿过一座座长满青苔的古老庭园,走过一条条林荫大道,一座座公园和公共建筑,迤逦而行。游行队伍有的显得十分文雅庄重,其参加者或是一些身着紫衣灰袍的老者,或是一些沉郁肃穆的工人师傅,或是一些文文静静、欢欢喜喜的妇女,她们抱着孩子,边走边聊天。另外一些游行队伍的情形却迥然不同:那儿奏着欢快的音乐,


11、化的十八座峰顶上,白雪映着阳光,犹如燃烧的火焰,发出冲天的金光。赛马跑道上插着的彩旗在微风吹拂下呼啦啦地飘摆。置身于一片寂静的大草坪上,人们就可以听到城区街道上的鼓乐声由远及近,犹如阵阵醉人的香风迎面扑来。鼓乐声时而微弱下去,时而响亮起来,直至最后融入一片欢乐喧闹的钟声之中。 2 joyous! How is one to tell about joy? How describe the citizens of Omelas? 欢乐!究竟怎样才叫欢乐?该怎样描述奥米勒斯城的市民的欢乐情形呢? 3 They were not simple folk, you see, though they w

12、ere happy. But we do not say the words of cheer much any more. All smiles have become archaic. Given a description such as this one tends to make certain assumptions. Given a description such as this one tends to look next for the King, mounted on a splendid stallion and surrounded by his noble knig

13、hts, or perhaps in a golden litter borne by great-muscled slaves. But there was no king. They did not use swords, or keep slaves. They were not barbarians. I do not know the rules and laws of their society, but I suspect that they were singularly few. As they did without monarchy and slavery, so the

14、y also got on without the stock exohan6e, the advertisement, the secret police, and the bomb. Yet I repeat that these were not simple folk, not dulcet shepherds, noble savages, bland utopians. They were not less complex than us. The trouble is that we have a bad habit, encouraged by pedants and soph

15、isticates, of considering happiness as something rather stupid. Only pain is intellectual, only evil interesting. This is the treason of the artist: a refusal to admit the banality of evil and the terrible boredom of pain. If you cant lick em, join em. If it hurts, repeat it. But to praise despair i

16、s to condemn you about the people of Omelas? They were not naive and happy children-though their children were, in fact, happy.They were mature, intelli6ent, passionate adults whose delight, to embrace violence is to lose hold of everything else. We have almost lost hold, we can no longer describe a happy man, nor make any celebration of joy. How can I tell lives were not wretched? O miracle! but I wish I could descr


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