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1、essay写作网()-专业留学生作业辅导中心美国essay写作-美国的进步主义运动Historians generally refer to the political, economic and social reform movements that took place in the United States between 1880 and 1917 as the progressive movement. In nature, the progressive movement is a bourgeois reform movement with the main body of

2、the middle class and the participation of all social classes. Its purpose is to eliminate various social disadvantages caused by the transition from free capitalism to monopoly capitalism in the United States and rebuild the social value system and economic order.历史学家一般把1880年至1917年间发生在美国的政治、经济和社会改革运

3、动称为进步运动。从性质上讲,进步运动是以中产阶级为主体,社会各阶层都参与的资产阶级改革运动。其目的是消除美国由“自由”资本主义向垄断资本主义过渡所带来的各种社会弊端,重建社会价值体系和经济秩序。In the course of American social development, the civil war was obviously an important watershed, and its end provided an opportunity for American industrialization. Social change, bliss? Misfortune? For

4、tune and misfortune depend on each other - once upon a time, this ancient Chinese philosophical proposition was proved in the distant North America. In the process of industrialization, the United States suffered from the so-called industrial civilization syndrome and suffered from a series of serio

5、us social problems, such as political corruption, moral anomie, the gap between the rich and the poor, violent labor conflicts and economic disorder. At the same time, the emergence of new industrial cities in the United States led to the predatory development and utilization of natural resources, r

6、esulting in a large number of forest and green land being swallowed up, and the city being surrounded by the black smoke and exhaust gas from factories.在美国社会发展过程中,内战显然是一个重要的分水岭,它的结束为美国的工业化提供了契机。社会变革,福利斯?不幸?”“福祸相依”曾几何时,这一古老的中国哲学命题在遥远的北美得到了证明。在工业化进程中,美国出现了所谓的“工业文明综合症”,出现了政治腐败、道德失范、贫富差距等一系列严重的社会问题,暴力劳动

7、冲突和经济混乱。同时,美国新兴工业城市的出现导致了对自然资源的掠夺性开发利用,导致大量森林和绿地被吞噬,城市被工厂的黑烟和废气包围着。Jacob rees, a prominent American muckraking journalist at the time, once reported on a violent case caused by poverty: a hungry and cold man wielding a butchers knife in the streets of New York City, because he could no longer suppor

8、t his family and his young children were in hunger. Seeing the rich people dress up and spend money, this desperate father raised the blade of revenge to the society. The water in the Baltimore area smelled like a hundred thousand skunks, the cuahoga river in Cleveland was an open sewer running thro

9、ugh the center of the city, and the sun over Pittsburgh looked like copper through the black haze of soot.当时美国著名的揭发丑闻记者雅各布里斯曾经报道过一起由贫困引发的暴力案件:一名饥寒交迫的男子在纽约街头挥舞屠刀,因为他无法再养家糊口,年幼的孩子也处于饥饿之中。看到有钱人盛装打扮花钱,这位绝望的父亲举起了向社会复仇的利刃。巴尔的摩地区的水闻起来“像十万臭鼬”,克利夫兰的库阿霍加河是“贯穿市中心的一条明渠”,匹兹堡上空的太阳“在烟灰的黑雾中看起来像铜”。In the production

10、and sale of food and medicine, the production and sale of counterfeit goods are extremely rampant. Unclean food and harmful drugs seriously threaten peoples health and life safety, while the public is kept in the dark. Food and drug companies advertising campaigns are full of lies that allow the uni

11、nformed to take comfort in delicacies and panaceas. The governments food inspectors have been bribed into turning a blind eye.在食品药品生产销售中,制售假冒伪劣商品极其猖獗。不洁食品和有害药品严重威胁着人们的健康和生命安全,公众却被蒙在鼓里。食品和药品公司的广告宣传充满了谎言,让不知情者在“美味”和“灵丹妙药”中得到安慰。政府的食品检查员被贿赂成了熟视无睹的人。All of these show that the rapid expansion of the size

12、of American cities and the increasing complexity of public affairs objectively require an efficient administrative agency to serve them. However, the old administrative agencies and management system have not been adjusted in time, resulting in opportunities for some politicians. Democracy they cron

13、yism, trample, ACTS as the big capitalists, by selling all kinds of asylum, charter, project contract to earn a lot of political patronage and protection, the illegal companies to evade tax, monopoly market, speculation in real estate, and even to open a brothel or casino, unruliness and at large.所有

14、这些都表明,美国城市规模的迅速扩张和公共事务的日益复杂客观上要求有一个高效的行政机构为其服务。但是,旧的行政机构和管理体制没有及时调整,给一些政治家带来了机会。民主他们任人唯亲,践踏,充当大资本家,通过出售各种庇护、包租、工程承包赚取大量政治赞助和“保护”,非法公司逃税、垄断市场、炒房,甚至开妓院或赌场,无法无天,逍遥法外。Serious social problems have touched on the interests of various social classes, caused the general dissatisfaction of the lower and midd

15、le classes, and pushed the society to the whirlpool where all kinds of contradictions converge. At this point, the progressives were making the case for change.The American progressive movement, with the pursuit of social justice as its banner, was spontaneously formed by people from all walks of li

16、fe and was a national wave from bottom to top. The primary concerns are monopoly and competition, fairness and efficiency, innovation and stability in the process of economic modernization and political democratization. In particular, the muckraking movement in the news field once aroused strong repercussions and urged the government to solve a considerable part of the problems. In addition, the religious social


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