试论宋庆龄民生观的形成及其发展(on the formation and development of song qingling's view of people's livelihood)

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试论宋庆龄民生观的形成及其发展(on the formation and development of song qingling's view of people's livelihood)_第1页
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试论宋庆龄民生观的形成及其发展(on the formation and development of song qingling's view of people's livelihood)_第2页
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试论宋庆龄民生观的形成及其发展(on the formation and development of song qingling's view of people's livelihood)_第3页
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试论宋庆龄民生观的形成及其发展(on the formation and development of song qingling's view of people's livelihood)_第4页
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试论宋庆龄民生观的形成及其发展(on the formation and development of song qingling's view of people's livelihood)_第5页
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《试论宋庆龄民生观的形成及其发展(on the formation and development of song qingling's view of people's livelihood)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《试论宋庆龄民生观的形成及其发展(on the formation and development of song qingling's view of people's livelihood)(21页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、试论宋庆龄民生观的形成及其发展(On the formation and development of Song Qinglings view of peoples livelihood)On the formation and development of Song Qinglings view of peoples livelihoodWuchuanhuang. Years. Month., one of the greatest female Song Qingling in twentieth Century was born in Shanghai North Shaanxi Roa

2、d. A number.A bourgeois family. Her father Song Yaoru is a patriot and revolutionary, often risking cover and help the sunEngaged in revolutionary activities in Zhongshan. Mother Ni Guizhen is a descendant of Xu Guangqi, always help Sun Zhongshan, happy in doing good, poor relief workSun Zhongshan a

3、nd Song Yaoru. On Chinese revolution problem, deeply attracted and infected Song Qingling. She told the sunHill said, you said, your mental buried deep feelings of farmers. You have to do something for them, change their bitterA hard life. I will never forget you said these words. I think I should d

4、o something for them. Sun ZhongshanSong Qingling is determined to make a huge impact, Chinese people out of the tragic fate of devotion. Song Qingling, American Wesleyan College to study philosophy. That love is freedom and equality based. Although she in a foreign country, always miss the motherlan

5、d.The revolution of the news spread to the United States, he immediately wrote the greatest event in twentieth Century article, publishedIn. Years. Month.Wesleyan magazine, the article said. After the pressure caused the shaking heaven and earth revolution. ThisThe revolutionThis means, full of iniq

6、uities morals Dynasty destruction and the abolition of . she affirmed the 1911 Revolution intoWork place, but also see more clearly it is not to save the nation from peril, nor to the peoples lifeThe improvement brought great benefits.The war after the failure of Sun Zhongshan in Shanghai, closed do

7、or works, in Song Qingling help, he became nation building strategy.Sun Zhongshan is the most in need of national. made six development plans to build a railway industry as the center of the.Under the historical condition at that time, the design is many Utopian, but he showed that in the face of ad

8、versity of national modernization and peoples livelihoodImprove the pursuit. In his industrial plan, devoted to Song Qinglings thoughts and aspirations.Just as Sun Zhongshan difficult setbacks, depressed mood of the occasion, the representatives sent by Lenin and the Communist Party for ChinaHelp. F

9、rom the beginning of the Communist Party to help Sun Zhongshan when he saw that, they are for the benefit of the poor, and theHe is not. . So, Song Qingling and Sun Zhongshan believed them, accept their help, then openThe change was decisive in life.In the first National Congress of the Kuomintang,

10、Sun Zhongshan and Lenin on behalf of the Communist Party in effect andHelp, willThe old three peoples principles for the development of the three major policies of the new three peoples principles. The new peoples livelihood is a land to the tiller, two is controlCapital. The Kuomintang adopted thre

11、e policies, so the new peoples livelihood has a non capitalist nature, will give the industry universityAll have a direct significant material benefit. Song Qingling fully support,Resolutely implement the new three principles of the people. She in the articleA National Congress was held, rebuffed by

12、 the Kuomintang rightists attempt to shake her Sun Zhongshan to develop and implement newFaith and determination of the three peoples principles, the powerful support of Sun Zhongshan for the revolutionary cause.!. In August, after the death of Sun Zhongshan, Song Qingling is widely introduced to Ch

13、inese and foreign in the sunA mountain, and repeatedly said to the countryPeople struggle to implement. . In August, Song Qingling returned to Guangzhou.She held the new three peoples principles banner, with the Communist PartyPeople, the unity of the Kuomintang leftists, against the Kuomintang righ

14、tists fragmented and distorted Sun Zhongshans thoughts and policies forMany. -.Size, promote the development of the national revolution. years. In August, Song Qingling said in Wuhan, the national revolution to break the rich and the poorThe class . therefore, she for the Northern Expedition service

15、 regardless of personal danger,Try to solve the food shortage in Wuhan, the Northern Expedition army organizationOnly the Red Cross Ambulance Association, since the president, the establishment of the hospital and the hospital and nursing injuries leprosy, healers, relief team teamTeam team, transporting wounded soldiers, the Soviet Union and international friends to donate to the sick and wounded.Because the two parties to the new three peoples principles with the national revolution advancement in many ar



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