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1、Unit TwoLearning a LanguageEnhance Your Language Awareness Words in Action Working with Words and Expressions1. Listed in the boxes below are some of the words that you need to be very familiar with. Now work in pairs and make sentences with each of them to see if you have really mastered their usag

2、es. You are encouraged to consult a dictionary if you are still not quite sure about their meanings and usages. Sample sentences for reference:1) If Jane is not here in 10 minutes, well assume that she isnt coming and we wont wait for her any longer.2) The case was fully argued before an agreement w

3、as reached.3) They claim that they have discovered a cure for the disease, but this has not yet been proved.4) Some Chinese words have no equivalents in English.5) The rights of the individual are perhaps the most important rights in society.6) If you want my personal opinion, I dont think you shoul

4、d go there.7) The train leaves at about half past eight 8:32, to be precise.8) After years of hard work, she became qualified as a doctor last year.9) Her new novel is based on her adventures in Africa.10) The house is too small for a family of five; furthermore, it is in a bad condition.11) Human b

5、eings are much more intelligent than animals.12) She promised solemnly that she would not say a word about it to anyone.2. In the box below are some of the words you have learned in this unit. Complete the following sentences with them. Change the form where necessary. Answers: 1) obtain2) confident

6、3) communicate4) advantage 5) relevant6) helpful 7) extreme 8) enjoyable9) means 10) process11) particularly12) characters13) astonished14) apparently3. In the box below are some of the expressions you have learned in this unit. Do you understand their meanings? Do you know how to use them in the pr

7、oper context? Now check for yourself by doing the blank-filling exercise. Change the form where necessary. Answers: 1) fond of2) is related to3) find out4) To a certain extent5) vice versa6) no doubt7) rid of8) cleared up 9) or else10) at all costs11) sure enough12) let alone13) In his hurry14) Its

8、no use 15) in my view16) was worth Increasing Your Word Power1. Complete the multiple choice exercise by choosing the right answer. Answers: 1) C2) D3) B4) B5) B6) D2. Adverbs are used to modify adjectives. What adverbs listed in the box below can be used to modify the adjectives in the sentences? P

9、ut as many adverbs as you think suitable before each of the adjectives.1) highly / very2) quite / very3) quite / very / increasingly4) quite / simply / very3. Did you notice the suffix -er in words such as teacher, grader in this unit? The suffix -er can be put at the end of verbs or nouns to denote

10、 people who perform the action expressed by the stem word. In addition to -er, the suffixes -or, -ist, -ian also fall into this category. Now form nouns by adding -er/-or/-ist/-ian to the words given:Answers for reference:Stem words Suffixes Nouns Chinese MeaningsStem wordsSuffixesNounsChinese Meani

11、ngsconquer-er, -or, -ist,-ianconqueror征服者,胜利者environmentenvironmentalist环境保护论者industryindustrialist 工业家,实业家journaljournalist 新闻记者;报人laborlaborer 体力劳动者;工人logiclogician 逻辑学家magicmagician 魔术师,变戏法的人mathematicsmathematician 数学家murdermurderer 谋杀犯,凶手survivesurvivor 幸存者;生还者1) logician2) magician3) mathemati

12、cian4) journalist5) industrialist6) environmentalist7) laborer8) murderer9) conqueror10) survivorGRAMMAR IN CONTEXTStudy the following sentences from both Text A and Text B, paying special attention to the modal auxiliaries would, must, might, cant, should.Task 1: Fill in the following blanks with a

13、ppropriate modal auxiliaries. Answers for reference: 1) would/should2) should/would3) might4) would5) must6) cant7) should, would8) mustTask 2: Translate the following sentences into English, using the modal auxiliaries given in brackets. Answers for reference: 1) The expedition might have reached t

14、he top of the mountain by now.2) If there should be any change in the schedule, please let me know in time.Or: Should there be any change in the schedule, please let me know in time.3) Passengers must check in (no later than) 45 minutes prior to flight departure.4) Hurry up! It would be a pity to mi

15、ss the concert.5) The man standing in the distance cant be Mr. Li, for he left for New York yesterday afternoon. Cloze Complete the following passage with words chosen from this unit. The initial letter of each is given. Answers:1) doubt2) efficient3) where4) advantage5) afford6) claim7) fluently8) qualified9) extent10) ridiculous11) perfect12) as13) because14) individualTranslation 1. Translate the foll



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