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1、Unit 4 Wisdom of Bear WoodI Pre-class work1. Paraphrase.1) I spent most of my time wandering in the forests and the fields alone, acting Robin Hood, daydreaming collecting bugs and bird-watching. (Para. 3)2) To live a quiet life and not to get involved with other people was my way of avoiding any fr

2、iendship that I would only have to abandon the next time we moved. (Para. 3)3) But one day I began a friendship just by chance. (Para. 3)4) I started to take a long walk., to a dense growth of trees called Bear Wood. (Para. 4)5) Yes, they are watchful; But the bad thing is that some gamekeepers have

3、 been killing them since they got here and they were brought into this place form somewhere else, not born and raised here. (Para.11)6) I looked at the cabinets with glass windows that contained statues and models carved out of ivory and stone trays of butterflies fastened with pins and., about twel

4、ve birds that were made into specimens. (Para. 18)7) I learn a lot of knowledge, taught by nature itself, about the things I can see-the birds, insects, trees, and flowers, and the things I cannot see-ideas, scientific laws and principles. I also learn a lot about the things that change, including l

5、ife itself, as well as the things that are changeless like friendship, love, and many basic values. (Para. 37)2. Learn to use the dictionary and other reference books.1) Give the definition of the following. (1) odds and ends: small things of various kinds without much value (2) rather than: instead

6、 of2) Find the synonyms and the antonyms of the following in a Thesaurus. (1) immense antonyms: little, small, tiny, minute (2) to glow synonyms: to radiate, to blare, to blaze, to brighten, to gleam, to shine3. W0rd-building.l) Give corresponding nouns of the following verbs. (1) possession (2) end

7、urance (3) penetration (4) encounter (5) retirement (6) suspicion/suspect (7) abandonment (8) inclination (9) exploration (10) recovery (11) warning (12 ) proceeding (13) fascination (14) form/formation (15) glimpse2) Give corresponding nouns of the following adjectives. (1) anxiety (2) misery (3) d

8、ensity (4) instinct (5) familiarity (6) essence (7) immensity (8) stupidity (9) suddenness (10) invisibility (11) generosity (12) productivity (13) fondness (14) equivalency3) Guess the meaning of the following, based on the rules of word-building you have learned.(1)一个吸引人的故事 (2)一番引言,开场白(3)令人惊异的快速康复

9、 (4)一份费力的工作(5)集体的努力 (6)一个可爱的人(7)一番深刻的分析 (8)渴望权力的人们(9)使铁路行业私有化 (10)一位非常娇惯子女的母亲(II)一次毫无意义的行动 (12)秘密的行为(13)被认为是不可触知的 (14)他那好笑的笨拙的样子(15)外汇收入 (16)看上去可疑的(17)能见度低 (18)听起来迂腐的(19)有很多崇拜者 (20)积累的资金(21)易变的天气 (22)无色的液体(23)冗长的讲话 4) Study carefully and discover new rules of word-building. (1) the adjectives used a

10、s verbs (2) the suffix -ify added to the end of a word to change it to a verb, meaning to make something be in the stated state or condition (3) the compound nouns consisting of two words with the first one as the object of the action denoted by the second one More Work on the TextII Vocabulary1. Tr

11、anslate1) into English. (1) to explore the secrets of nature (2) to endure pain and suffering (3) to earn everyones admiration (4) to suspect a dirty plot (5) to introduce this sheep (6) to surround the enemy (7) to demand an open apology (8) to extend her hand (9) to roam the fields (10) to dangle

12、his feet (11) to catch ones breath (12) to give permission (13) to abandon hope (14) to accumulate experience (15) to form a strong team (16) to possess property (17) to design a new model (18) to collect facts2) into Chinese.(1)一次有收获的经历 (2)看起来似乎不同(3)零星的东西 (4)古老的城堡(5)铁丝网篱笆 (6)石雕的人或动物像(7)人间天堂 (8)制成标本

13、的鸟(9)密集的月桂树丛 (10)铺着柔软地毯的地板(11)一种珍稀动物 (12)潜在的购买者(13)晒干了的树叶 (14)样子很熟悉的房子(15)笨拙的动作 (16)退休工人(17)面上有玻璃的书架(18)高倍望远镜2. Give synonyms and antonyms of the following.1) Give synonyms.(1) to wander(2) to give up(3) great, large, massive, huge(4) heavenly, sacred (5) heaven (6) to look at (7) to continue (8) dear (9) lasting (10) attractive, admirable (11) silently (12) to watch (13) weak (14) to alarm, to give a start (15) to gather (16) to teach


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