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1、M1-M6 B4 Cultural Corner 课文逐句翻译M1B4 Cultural CornerFamous Last Words没有实现的著名预言Not all predictions come true.并非所有的预言都能成真。 Many of them are wrong, and some are very wrong. 许多预言是错的,并且有些还是大错特错。Here are just a few of the bad predictions people made in the twentieth century about the twenty-first century:下

2、面就是人们在20世纪对21世纪所作出的一些错误的预言:AIRPLANES飞机 No flying machine will ever fly from New York to Paris.“将不会有从纽约飞往巴黎的飞机。” Orville Wright, 1908.奥维尔赖特,1908。COMPUTERS电脑I think there is a world market for maybe five computers.“我认为将会有一个大约有五台电脑的世界市场。” Thomas Waston, chairman of IBM, 1943.托马斯沃森,IBM主席,1943。CLOTHES衣服T

3、hirty years from now people will be wearing clothes made of paper which they will be able to throw away after wearing them two or three times.“从现在起30年后人们将穿纸制的衣服,穿过两三次后就可以把它们扔掉。” Changing Times Magazine, 1957.流年杂志,1957。MEN ON THE MOON月球上的人类With the first moon colonies predicted for the 1970s, work is

4、 now in progress on the types of building required for men to stay in when theyre on the moon.“因为预测在20世纪70年代会有第一批到月球的移民,现在正在修建几种类型的建筑物,当人类在月球上时,他们需要住在里面。”Arnold B. Barach in The Changes to Come, 1962.阿诺德B. 贝拉克在未来变化中,1962。THE BEATLES甲壳虫乐队We dont like their sound, and guitar music is on the way out.“我

5、们不喜欢他们的歌声,吉他音乐即将过时。” Decca Recording Co. rejecting the Beatles, 1962.反对甲壳虫乐队的台卡唱片公司,1962。ROBOTS IN THE HOUSE家庭机器人By the year 2000, housewives will probably have a robot shaped like a box with one large eye on the top, several arms and hands, and long narrow pads on the side for moving about.“到2000年之

6、前,家庭主妇们可能会有一个盒状的机器人,它的顶部有一只大眼睛,它还有几只胳膊和手,身体两边还有又长又窄的用来四处移动的脚。”New York Times, 1966.纽约时报,1966。KEYS钥匙By the mid-1980s no one will ever need to hide a key under the doormat again, because there wont be any keys.“到20纪世80年代中期人们将没有必要把钥匙藏在门口的擦鞋垫下面了,因为那时将不会有钥匙了。”Computer scientist Christopher Evans,The Micr

7、o Millennium, 1979. 电脑科学家克里斯多弗埃文斯,微机黄金时代,1979。M1B4 Cultural CornerFamous Last WordsNot all predictions come true. Many of them are wrong, and some are very wrong. Here are just a few of the bad predictions people made in the twentieth century about the twenty-first century:AIRPLANESNo flying machine

8、 will ever fly from New York to Paris.Orville Wright, 1908.COMPUTERSI think there is a world market for maybe five computers.Thomas Waston, chairman of IBM, 1943.CLOTHESThirty years from now people will be wearing clothes made of paper which they will be able to throw away after wearing them two or

9、three times.Changing Times Magazine, 1957.MEN ON THE MOONWith the first moon colonies predicted for the 1970s, work is now in progress on the types of building required for men to stay in when theyre on the moon.Arnold B. Barach in The Changes to Come, 1962.THE BEATLESWe dont like their sound, and g

10、uitar music is on the way out.Decca Recording Co. rejecting the Beatles, 1962.ROBOTS IN THE HOUSEBy the year 2000, housewives will probably have a robot shaped like a box with one large eye on the top, several arms and hands, and long narrow pads on the side for moving about.New York Times, 1966.KEY

11、SBy the mid-1980s no one will ever need to hide a key under the doormat again, because there wont be any keys.Computer scientist Christopher Evans,The Micro Millennium, 1979.M1B4 Cultural Corner译文没有实现的著名预言并非所有的预言都能成真。许多预言是错的,并且有些还是大错特错。下面就是人们在20世纪对21世纪所作出的一些错误的预言:飞机“将不会有从纽约飞往巴黎的飞机。”奥维尔赖特,1908。电脑“我认为

12、将会有一个大约有五台电脑的世界市场。”托马斯沃森,IBM主席,1943。衣服“从现在起30年后人们将穿纸制的衣服,穿过两三次后就可以把它们扔掉。”流年杂志,1957。月球上的人类“因为预测在20世纪70年代会有第一批到月球的移民,现在正在修建几种类型的建筑物,当人类在月球上时,他们需要住在里面。”阿诺德B. 贝拉克在未来变化中,1962。甲壳虫乐队“我们不喜欢他们的歌声,吉他音乐即将过时。”反对甲壳虫乐队的台卡唱片公司,1962。家庭机器人“到2000年之前,家庭主妇们可能会有一个盒状的机器人,它的顶部有一只大眼睛,它还有几只胳膊和手,身体两边还有又长又窄的用来四处移动的脚。”纽约时报,196

13、6。钥匙“到20纪世80年代中期人们将没有必要把钥匙藏在门口的擦鞋垫下面了,因为那时将不会有钥匙了。”电脑科学家克里斯多弗埃文斯,微机黄金时代,1979。M2B4 Cultural Corner The London Congestion Charge伦敦的交通拥堵费Beijing isnt the only city with traffic problems. 北京不是唯一有交通阻塞问题的城市。You can get stuck in a traffic jam anywhere in the world.在世界任何地方你都可能遭遇堵车。 The worst problems occur

14、in cities which are growing fast, such as Sao Paolo in Brazil and Lagos in Nigeria. 发展快的城市问题最严重,如巴西的圣保罗和尼日利亚的拉各斯。But even cities in developed countries such as the US suffer. Los Angeles, which was built with the motor car in mind, 但甚至在一些像美国这样的发达国家的城市里也有这样的问题。洛杉矶,and is famous for its six-lane highw

15、ays, is now the USAs most congested city.一座在建设时就考虑了机动车辆并以其六车道公路闻名的城市,现在却是美国交通最拥挤的城市。 In Europe most capital cities were planned and built before cars, 大多数欧洲的首都城市在小汽车大量涌现之前就已规划建设好了,and city centre traffic jams have been part of daily life for a long time.因此市中心的堵车长久以来成为人们日常生活的一部分。 The situation in central London, where drivers spent fifty percent of their time in queues, became so bad that the local gover



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