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1、Module 12 Save our world,Unit 2 Repeat these three words daily: reduce, reuse and recycle.,Do you live a green life?,Resource conservation and pollution reduction 节约资源, 减少污染,Green consumption and green purchase 绿色消费, 环保选购,Repeated use 重复使用,多次利用,Recycling 分类回收,循环再生,Natural protection and co-existence

2、 保护自然,万物共存,Save the earth and save us.,New words,china n. 瓷; 瓷器,bottle n. 瓶,divide v. 分开; 分隔,We should divide different kinds of waste.,policy n. 政策; 方针,plastic n. 塑料 adj. 塑料的,cloth n. 布; 布料,reuse v. 再次使用; 重复利用,reduce v. 减少; 减低; 缩小,recycling n. 回收利用,throw away 扔掉; 丢弃,ton n. 吨 tons of 许多, 很多,rubber n

3、. 橡胶,grandson n. (外)孙子,granddaughter n. (外)孙女,rapid adj. 快速的; 迅速的,step n. 步骤; 措施,Look at the pictures. Say which ways are good for the environment and why.,china divide necessary plastic policy reuse,Look at the title of the passage. What suggestions do you think the passage will make? Use the words

4、 in the box to help you.,It is better to use china cups and bowls because they can be used many times.,Read the passage and answer the questions.,Which ways are good for the environment and why?,Check () the suggestions that are mentioned in the passage.,Order food that you can finish. 2. Use less e

5、lectricity at home. 3. Learn ways to recycle rubbish. 4. Use paper cups and paper bags. 5. Repair things.,6. Divide rubbish into different groups. 7. Collect waste or rubbish to raise money. 8. Burn things to save energy.,Find two things you should do and two things you should not do in the passage.

6、 Give reasons. Use your answers to write sentences.,We should recycle rubbish because it can help us protect the environment.,Should: Walk or ride a bike to school. Use china cups and cloth bags. Should not: Buy new clothes just because they are modern. Waste things.,Reasons: Walking or riding a bik

7、e doesnt burn oil and cause air pollution. China cups and cloth bags can be used many times. Old things can be just as good as new ones.,1. Do you divide the waste into things to recycle and things to throw away? 你们将废物分成要回收的和需要丢弃的吗? divide v. 分配;分开。常用结构: divide . into . 把分成 divide . between / among

8、. 和分担 / 分享;瓜分,1) 他把这块蛋糕分成了五份。 He _ the cake _ five pieces. 2) 他死后,钱财分给了他的子女们。 When he died, his money _ among his children. 3) 她的时间一部分用于家务,一部分用于工作。 She _ her housework _ business.,divided into,was divided,divides her time between,and,throw away意为“扔掉;丢弃”,后可跟代词或名词作宾语。跟代词作宾语时,代词需放在throw与away之间;跟名词作宾语时,

9、名词既可位于throw与away之间,也可位于away之后。如: 1) 如果你不喜欢这些花,可以把它们扔了。 If you dont like these flowers, _. 2) 不要扔掉那把椅子。可能你以后还会用到。 Dont _ _. Maybe youll need it later.,throw them away,throw away the chair / throw the chair,away,2. Repeat these three words daily: reduce, reuse and recycle. 请每天重复这三个词:减少、再利用、再循环。 repeat

10、 v. 重说; 重新做 前缀“re-”, 意思是“再, 重复” e.g. Im sorry could you repeat that? 对不起 你可以再说一遍吗?,reuse v. 再次使用; 重复利用 e.g. Please reuse your envelopes. The bottles can be reused up to 20 times. 信封请重复利用。 这些瓶子可重复使用达20次。,3. We throw tons of rubbish away each year, and we have to make a change. 每年我们要扔掉大量的垃圾,现在必须作出改变了。

11、 ton n. 吨 tons of 许多, 很多 e.g. Weve bought tons of beer for the party tonight. 我们为今晚的聚会买了大量啤酒。,4. Although it takes energy to change things into something else, it is better than throwing things away or burning them. 虽然把一种东西变成另一种东西也会消耗 能源,但是也比把它们扔掉或烧掉好。 change into 把变成 e.g. You cant change iron into

12、gold. 你无法把铁变成金子。,5. We cannot hope for rapid change, but lets take these simple steps today, 我们不能期待立竿见影的变化,但今天就 让我们从这些简单的措施开始吧, take steps 采取措施 e.g. We need to _ to reduce pollution. 我们需要采取一些措施来减少污染。,take some steps,Complete the passage with the correct form of the words in the box.,We throw away (1

13、) _ of rubbish every year. If we want a clean world for our grandsons and (2) _, we have to reduce, reuse and (3) _.,divide granddaughter plastic policy rapid recycle repeat step ton,tons,granddaughters,recycle,(4) _ these three words every day. The first (5) _ is to use less. The second is to use t

14、hings as long as possible. Then (6) _ your rubbish into (7) _, paper, rubber and glass. Finally, draw up a recycling (8) _ for your community. We cannot hope for (9) _ change, but every little bit helps!,Repeat,step,divide,plastic,policy,rapid,divide granddaughter plastic policy rapid recycle repeat

15、 step ton,Work in pairs. Make a list of things you can do to make your school greener.,Dont throw bottles away. Carry home-made bags. Try to cut down on the use of plastic bags. Turn off the lights when we leave our classroom. Recycle paper and many other things.,Write a passage on how to make your school greener and give reasons. Use the list you have made in Activity 7 to help you. Use because, so and so that.,Dont throw bottles away because it is better to recycle them.,. 根据句意及所给汉语提示语写出 所缺单词。 1. What do yo


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