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1、72*Wishing You Well*蟹老板:(walks up to a pay phone to check if there is any money in it but there is none) Nothing. Oh well. (hears something in the distance) That sounds like a quarter crying for help. (a quarter rolls in front of Mr Krabs) Come to papa!Mom Fish: Hold it right there, buddy. My son ju

2、st dropped that quarter.蟹老板:Yeah? Well that kid looks pretty shifty to me. How do I know he didnt steal it? (lady hits him in the face with her purse) Hey! That little brat is throwing perfectly good money away! Oh, so if I cant have it, no one. (gets hit in the face with the purse again) I hope he

3、throws all your retirement money down a hole. (walks over to the well) Poor little quarter. What the.? This well is full of money! Dont worry little fellas, Ill save ya! (tries to climb in the well but is too big) Oh, its no use. Me poop decks too big.Lady Fish: Make a wish, dear.Harold: All my wish

4、es have already come true.Lady Fish: Oh you. (tosses the coin at the well)蟹老板:Noo! (jumps at the coin) Ill save ya, money! (grabs the coin) Gotcha. What do you heartless brutes think youre doing?Harold: Umm, using the wishing well.Lady Fish: You toss in a coin and make a wish.蟹老板:And then what?Harol

5、d: And.thats it. Nothing else happens.Lady Fish: Its fun!蟹老板:You mean suckers throw in money down a hole for fun? Thats the greatest gag ever.Harold: Can we have our quarter back now? (scene cuts to Krusty Krab)章鱼哥: Spongebob, why arent those patties ready?海绵宝宝:You cant rush perfection.章鱼哥: Im not r

6、ushing perfection. Im rushing you.海绵宝宝:(laughs) Always the kidder, Squidward.章鱼哥: Oh, this job stinks! But at least Im not digging ditches.蟹老板:(enters Krusty Krab) Squidward, Spongebob, I got a new job for ya. (scene cuts to outside Krusty Krab where there is a red X on the ground) X marks the spot

7、of the Eugene Krabs Memorial Wishing Well.海绵宝宝:A wishing well, here? Wow!章鱼哥: Dont you have to be dead to have a memorial anyday?蟹老板:Oh, Squidward, dont you believe in magic?海绵宝宝:Yeah, Squidward, dont you believe in magic? (walks off)章鱼哥: No, I dont, and neither does Mr Krabs.海绵宝宝:Well, I do. This w

8、ells gonna make a lot of dreams come true. (starts digging) Whats the first thing youre gonna wish for?章鱼哥: To be far away from you as possible. Cmon, Spongebob, this holes not gonna dig itself. Im certainly not gonna do it.海绵宝宝:Squidward, arent you excited? This is really gonna help people. Music:

9、Down The Well Take a penny and some magicEven though your life is tragic, (章鱼哥: Hey!)You can throw all your dreams down the well.Although everyday the pain growsYou ride unicorns on rainbows,If you throw all your dreams down the well.When your lifes come apart at the scenesAnd youve given up all you

10、r dreams,Here is just the means to make those dreams come true.No more suffering, no more sighinNo more pain and no more cryin,When you throw all your dreams down the well海绵宝宝:(puts an open sign in front of the well) Well, Squidward, what do you think?章鱼哥: That was the worst song I ever heard. But a

11、t least this stupid wells finished.蟹老板:Its beautiful. (takes a whiff of the air) You smell that boys? Thats the smell of money.海绵宝宝:You mean magic, dont ya?章鱼哥: All I can smell is that dumpster. (scene pans over to a dumpster behind Squidward)蟹老板:All right, Squidward, you can go back to the register

12、. 章鱼哥: As long as theres no singing.海绵宝宝:And Ive got a date with a krabby patty.蟹老板:Hold on there, Spongebob. Let me show you your new station. Its kind of a promotion. Sorta.海绵宝宝:Promotion? (scene cuts to Spongebob being lowered in the well in a bucket) Why do I have to go down in the well? 蟹老板:To

13、collect the money!海绵宝宝:How long do I have to stay down here?蟹老板:See ya in 8 hours.海绵宝宝:Thanks for the promotion. It sure is dark and scary down here. (a coin hits Spongebob in the head)Sandy: I sure wish I had a fancy telescope. One that works underwater. Thatd make me happier than a junebug at a po

14、rch light sale.海绵宝宝:Our very first wish! I cant wait till it comes. (another coin hits Spongebob in the head)派大星: I have presented you with a monetary offering as custom dictates. My wish, nay my command, is to be taller. Just a little? Just big enough to crush my enemies, like the vermin they are!海

15、绵宝宝:Gosh. (another coin hits Spongebob in the head) Ow!Mrs. Puff: I wish I had a snazzy new boat. I wanna be a hot ridin momma. (Spongebob gasps. Patrick walks up to the well drinking a soda and throws it down the well when he is finished)海绵宝宝:Hey!派大星: Oh my gosh. Who said that?海绵宝宝:Patrick!派大星: How

16、 do you know my name?海绵宝宝:Patrick, this is a wishing well. Just throw in a coin and make a wish.派大星: Ok, magical talking trashcan. (takes out a coin from his pocket) I wish Spongebob were here to see this. (throws himself and the coin down the well)海绵宝宝:Patrick.派大星: (lands on top of Spongebob) Hi, Spong



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