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1、第五节 Cindy的第四轮面试Cindys Fourth Round InterviewIntroductionCindy本以为直接领导都面试过了,已经差不多了,哪里知道还有一轮面试在等着她。这次是销售部门的副总裁Alex,他会“拷问”Cindy很多问题。从公司流程的角度来说,Alex的面试特别重要,因为市场专员的一个重要工作就是支持销售部门的Cindy thought that she was almost there after passing her direct supervisors interview. But there is one more round waiting for

2、 her. This time, Alex, Vice President from the Sales Department, will grill Cindy with a fresh set of inquiries. From the company process standpoint, Alexs interview carries special importance, as one important job of a marketing specialist is to support the Sales Department在Jerry告诉她为什么会有这轮面试后,Cindy

3、就明白该如何表现了。因此在面试中她更多地强调了自己的人际交往能力、团队合作能力等等After being told by Jerry why there is this interview, Cindy knows how to perform in it. Therefore, she emphasizes her interpersonal skills and teamwork ability in the interviewDialogueAlex: 你好,Cindy,我是销售部的AlexAlex: Hi, Cindy, I am Alex from Sales DepartmentC

4、indy: 你好,Alex。很高兴见到您Cindy: Hi, Alex. Good to see youAlex: 你知道,我是来自销售部的,因此我首先想问的是,你对于不同部门之间的合作怎么看待?Alex: As Im from Sales Department, my first question relates to how you view interdepartmental cooperation?Cindy: 我曾经在一家广告公司做过几个月兼职,我发现部门之间保持顺畅的沟通才能更有效地合作,否则很容易产生误会Cindy: I worked part time in an advert

5、ising company for a few months, and found that maintaining good communication between departments could promote effective cooperation. Otherwise, misunderstandings could be aroused all too easilyAlex: 那部门之间发生争议你该怎么办?因为对不同部门的考核标准是不同的Alex: what would you do in the event that interdepartmental conflict

6、s arose due to different KPI departmental standards?Cindy: 我觉得首先要分析问题所在,然后开诚布公地讨论解决方法Cindy: I think that after analyzing the problem, solutions should be discussed openly 当部门之间出现问题时,有一些灰色地带是难以决定到底该责备谁并推卸责任的 When interdepartmental conflicts arise, gray areas often make it difficult to point fingers a

7、nd deciding who is to blame 这个时候如果大家都能让一步,我想应该不会有解决不了的问题 However, if everyone is willing to reach an acceptable compromise, there is nothing that cant be solvedAlex: 我想知道你对“做决定”有什么看法。你是个独立的思考着,还是更多地依赖上级的指示?Alex: Id like to know how you feel about decision making. Are you an independent thinker, or d

8、o you depend more on your superior for direction?Cindy: 这就要看当时手头上的工作是什么Cindy: That depends a lot on the problem at hand 有时经理会给出大致的指示,希望员工发挥在具体工作上的主动性,并且知道该如何处理细节 There are certain situations in which a manager can give a general direction, and expect his employees to take the initiative and know how

9、 to handle the details 我很善于发挥主动性,能运用自己的判断 I am known for taking the initiative, and I have a good sense of my own judgement ability 但在某些情况下,我也会等待经理的指示 Yet under certain circumstances, I will wait for the managers instructionsAlex: 有时候,如果有重要的事情要处理,我们要长时间工作Alex: sometimes we have to work long hours if

10、 something important comes up. 例如做一些客户会议,需要前天晚上加班提前准备,你会介意加班吗? For example, we often work overtime the night before a customer meeting in order to prepare for the next days meeting. Would you mind putting in these extra hours?Cindy: 没问题Cindy: No problem.Alex: 也许你已经了解到我们公司的很多企业文化,但团队精神对我们来讲是非常重要的Alex

11、: You may already be familiar with our corporate culture, but commitment to the team is very important to us. 你能谈谈这方面的理解吗? Could you give me your understanding of this?Cindy: 我绝对是个好的团队成员而且积极性很高Cindy: Well Im definitely a good team player and also highly self motivated 作为一个团队成员,我尊重其他同事而且乐于与他们合作 As a

12、team player, I respect and cooperate with other coworkers.Alex: 如果团队成员与你有不同意见,你会怎么处理呢?Alex: If other team members have opinions that conflict with your own, how will you deal with them?Cindy: 首先我会找到问题的根源。我会努力以合理有效的方式来解决问题Cindy: First of all, I will find out where the conflict is, and then try my bes

13、t to solve the problem in an efficient and reasonable manner. 如果真的是我的错,承担责任并且改正错误 But if the fault is my own, I will take responsibility for it and work to correct the fault. 如果我自己无法解决,我会向公正的第三方求助 If I cant handle the situation, I will turn to a non biased third party to help solve it.Alex: 好的,我们来假设

14、一个场景,你与一个老客户有个约会,但恰巧一个重要的新客户只能在相同的时间与你见面,你怎样处理这种情况?Alex: All right. Lets think about an imaginary scenario: you had already scheduled an appointment with an old customer, but another important, new customer can only make it at that same scheduled time. What would you do in this situation?Cindy: 我会找到

15、理由告知老顾客,希望他能理解我更改约会时间是由于经济情况Cindy: I would make up an excuse to offer the old customer, and hope that he could understand that I only changed the time because of the sudden issue that needed to be addressed in that same time periodAlex: 也许我们可以有更好的解决方案,没关系,这个是针对销售的问题!我问完了Alex: Maybe we could come up with better solutionsBut thats OK. This is a question for Sales! Im all set.Cindy: 那我多久可以知道今天面试的结果呢?Cindy: How soon could I know the result of todays interview?Alex: 如果你被录用,人事部应该会在两周内书面通知你


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