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1、第一章 公共用语1.How many countries have you ever been to?Ive been to many countries, such as Singapore, Japan, Australia and so on.2. How long have you worked on board?For 5 years.2. Which certificate do you have now?A fourth engineers certificate now.3. What is your marital status? How many departments a

2、re there on board?Im single./ I am married.There are three departments: engine department, deck department and service department. 4. How many people are there in your family? Are you married?There are three people in my family. No, Im still single. / Yes, I am married.5,How many countries have you

3、been to?I have been to four countries.6. Which classification society is your ship registered with?CCS.7.Please tell me the minimum safe oxygen percentage for the safety of the workers in an enclosed space.18%.8. When did you begin to work on board? What kind of ship have you worked on?In 2003. Cont

4、ainer ship. 9. Can you tell me what is the most important thing for a seafarer?Safety.10.What kinds of main engine and generator engine have you worked on?Large slow speed crosshead type marine diesel engine and high speed four stroke engine for A.C generator.11. Have you worked any ship that caused

5、 damage in critical equipment?No, I havent. / Yes, I have worked on a bulk carrier that the main engine had damaged.12. How do you make your maintenance schedules?Its based on ships “Planned Maintenance System” (PMS) and the machinery running hours records.13. Could you list international convention

6、s concerning maritime shipping?STCW, SOLAS, MARPOL and so on.14. Could you tell the usages of the STCW convention?To provide international standards of training, certification, and watch-keeping for seafarers. 15. What is the purpose of classification society? Could you list some of them?To evaluate

7、 the condition of the ship, the management system of marine company and the ships. Lloyds, ABS, CCS.16. Could your list different kinds of ships surveys?Yes. Annual survey, special survey, damage survey, docking surveys and so on.17. What does UMS stand for? Have you served UMS?Unattended Machinery

8、Space. Yes, I have served UMS.18. Have you ever experienced PSC inspection? Where and when was your last inspection?Yes, I have. It was in Hamburg last month.19.What should be paid attention to in the overhaul of a cylinder?Every operation must be complied with the precaution measures regulated in t

9、he SMS.20.Before entering an enclosed space such as ballast tank, what action will you take?To vent the space and check the oxygen content. 21.Which certificate do you have now?I have the second engineers certificate. 第二章 机舱日常业务1. Please introduce one type of the main engine.The main engine is large

10、 bore two-stroke crosshead type with turbo- charging system.2. Why is the two-stroke engine widely used as the main engine on board ship?Because of its long life, low cost and reliability. 3.Please introduce three moving parts of marine main engine.Piston, crankshaft, connecting rod. 4.Please introd

11、uce four fixing parts of marine main engine.Bedplate, cylinder block, scavenging air box and frame.5. What is the foundation of diesel engine?Bedplate.6. What are the function and feature of the tie rods? The function is to hold the bedplate, frames and cylinder block together. The feature is long a

12、nd good tensioning strength.7. What is used for connecting the piston rod and connecting rod?Crosshead.8. What is hot work?Gas welding and electric welding.9. Please introduce fuel injection process of electronically controlled main engine.It can change the injection timing and injection pressure ac

13、cording to the load. 10.Please introduce dual fuel technology (双燃料技术) of main engine. This kind of main engine can burn both natural gas and fuel oil.11.How to control fuel oil viscosity of main engine?By controlling the oil temperature.12. Please introduce two sub-systems(子系统) of fuel oil system.Fu

14、el supply and fuel injection system.13.Please speak out the function of the fuel oil viscosity regulator.To control the viscosity of fuel oil.14.How does the fuel oil viscosity regulator work? By regulating the fuel oils temperature. 15.Please tell at least three composition of fuel oil. Sulphur, ca

15、rbon, ash content. 16.Please name at least three of main factors to select a fuel oil.Viscosity, gravity and flash point.17.When do you clean the fuel oil filters?When the pressure drop is excessive.18. How do you change diesel oil into fuel oil?Fuel oil heated to proper temperature and open the fuel oil valve.19. How do you change fuel oil into diesel oil?Shut the steam valve, decrease the fuel oil temperature, open diesel oil valve. 20. What does VIT stand for? Variable injection timing.21. Whats the function of the fuel oil separator?To separate


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