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1、CNN news:韩美自由贸易协定将使双方受益摘要:韩国总统访问美国,在白宫受到热情款待,与奥巴马就两国面临的问题进行会谈,很高兴地商谈韩美两国最新签订的一项贸易协定;美国汽车在韩国很受欢迎,如今韩国约有1800万辆美国汽车,而美国汽车的排气问题也引起了环境保护方面的担忧。韩美自由贸易协定将使双方受益。 Fridays is awesome, so as todays introduction from Lucas Ulloque who works here at CNN, you gonna hear more from Lucas in a bit. First up though, w

2、e are heading to the White House.Building is up house the home to the US president this week and played host to South Koreas president as well. Lee Myung-Bak, made the state visit to the US this week. South Korean leader was the honored guest at the state dinner at the White House Thursday. The stat

3、e dinners are pretty rare, the design to show the importance of a countrys relationship with the United States, that was the same message President Obama made, calling President Lee a good friend and partner. Earlier in the day, two presidents held meetings on some issues facing both of their countr

4、ies, and they talked about their excitement for a new trade agreement between the US and South Korea. That agreement, one of three trade deals the US Congress passed on Wednesday. The other two are with Columbia and Panama. The president and Republican leaders say this agreement will create thousand

5、s of jobs in the US. Some Democrats and Workers Unions arent sure any new jobs are gonna come out of this. Supporters also said the deal could increase Americans exports. When companies try to sell their products in a different country, they often have to pay a tarrif. Thats extra fee. For example,

6、there is an 8% tarrif on American cars sold in South Korea. But under this new trade agreements, those fees would be faded out. So in theory this would make it easier to sell US cars in South Korea. But its P H explains for the auto industry there could be some obstacles in making that theory a real

7、ity.Chung Hansu bought his Chevrolet three years ago. Since then, he became a big fan of the US car, even joining a local Chevrolet club. The Korean market is an attractive one for the US, giving the phenomenal explosion in car ownership here. Back in 1990, there were just over 3m vehicles on the ro

8、ad. Twenty years latter, there were almost 18m, thats an increase of more than 400 percents. Environmental concerns could make some US models undesirable in an increasingly green Korea. As part of the FTA agreement, said Korea agreed to lower its street emission and safety requirements in some cases

9、. Car design is also a factor.One FTA expert tells me, When Koreans buy cars, they look for style, design and convenience. Big powerful cars like in the US are not seen as stylish here. So they dont expect a search of demand for US cars. Korean car and auto part companies decline to talk about the F

10、TA, saying the topic was too sensitive. But Koreas Trade Investment Promotion AgencyKOTRA says they will benefit. KOTRA says GM has hinted theyll increase the imports of auto part to $1b from the current $700m. And Ford predicts imports rising by over 20% in the next 10 years. Korean cars are expected to travel well. But for now, experts assume US car fans like Chang could remain in the minority in the Korea. P H, CNN, Seoul.


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