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1、名词对应。(Kinesics):the nonverbal behavior related to the movement of the body or part of the body.(身势):非言语行为相关的运动身体肌肤上或局部的身体。(etiquette):it refers to manners and behavior considered acceptable in social and business situations.(礼仪): 它指的是礼貌和行为认为是可以接受的,在社会和商业管理硕士学位。(pragmatics):it is the study of how spe

2、akers use the language to reach successful communication, and the study of the effect that language has on human perceptions and behaviors.(语用学): 它是研究如何说话者可以运用语言达到成功的交际,而且该研究结果的语言对人类的观念和行为。(power distance):the degree to which power differences are expected and accepted by society.(权力距离): 在何种程度上的力量和接

3、受不同是被期望的社会。(Values): a learned organization of rules for marking choices and for resolving conflicts.(价值观): 学会组织的规则为标志的选择和解决冲突。(reverse culture shock):it refers to the “shock” one experiences upon returning to ones home culture after growing used to a new one.(反向文化冲击): 它指的是“震惊”一经使用后返回到一个新的增长一对一的家居文化

4、体验。(Recovery stage):a stage of culture shock characterized by gaining some understanding of the new culture.(恢复期): 一阶段的文化冲击获得一些新的文化的理解的特点。 (Semantics): it is the study of the meaning of words, a system that relates words to meaning.(语义): 这是含义的话,一个系统,涉及词意义的研究。(Memo):it is a hard-copy document, used f

5、or communicating inside an organization, usually short.(备忘录):这是一个硬拷贝文件,供组织内,通常短暂交流使用。(proxemics):the study of peoples perception and use of space.(空间关系学): 人们的看法和空间利用研究。(uncertainty avoidance):the degree to which the society is willing to accept and deal with ambiguity and uncertainty.(不确定性规避): 在何种程度

6、上愿意为社会接受和处理模糊性和不确定性。(Individualism):the degree to which individual decision-making and action is accepted and encouraged by the society.(个人主义): 在何种程度上个人决策和行动是社会所接受和鼓励。(taboos):practices or verbal expressions considered by a society or cultures as improper or unacceptable.(禁忌):方式或一个社会或文化视为不当或不可接受的口头表

7、达。(superstitions):beliefs that are inconsistent with the knows laws of science or what society considers to be true and rational.(迷信):信仰与科学规律的认识还是什么社会认为是真实和理性的不一致。(culture shock):this term expresses the lack of direction, the feeling of not knowing what to do or how to do things in a new environment

8、, and not knowing what is appropriate or inappropriate.(文化冲击):这个词表达了缺乏方向,在不知道该怎么做或如何在新的环境的东西,不知道什么是适当或不适当的感觉。(rejection): a coping mechanism against culture shock in which we think we dont need anybody, and we are coping fine alone.(拒绝):一对文化的冲击中,我们认为我们不需要任何人,我们是很好应付独自应对机制。(customs):they are behavior

9、s generally expected in specific situations and are established, socially acceptable ways of behaving in given circumstances. (习俗,):他们普遍预计的具体情况和建立行为,在一定情况下表现为社会接受的方式。(personal territory):it refers to the space that people have for their own activities. (个人领域):它指的是空间,人们为自己的活动二正负判断。(F,T)三,名词解释。 (一)Hof

10、stedes four cultural dimensions (please provide examples if possible) 霍夫斯泰德的四个文化维度(请提供例子,如果可能的话)答案:mean: Hofstede developed a model that identifies four primary dimensions for diferentiating cluture .is:1. Power Distance :include 1. small power distance cluture. 2. large power distance cluture .2. I

11、ndividualism Versus Collectivism 3. Masculinity versus Femininity 4. Uncertainty Avoidance For example, the power of the United States views with the views of Arab countries there is a big difference to the U.S. power is not very fancy, they pay more attention to personal ability to play, the pursui

12、t of power to be a lot less than the Arab countries; Arab countries due to national Institutional relations, focusing on the power of binding, thus, the Arab countries, institutions, whether government departments or enterprises are more or less with the power of color.(比如,美国对权力的看法跟阿拉伯国家的看法就存在很大的差异,

13、美国不是很看中权力,他们更注重个人能力的发挥,对权力的追求比阿拉伯国家要逊色不少;阿拉伯国家由于国家体制的关系,注重权力的约束力,由此,阿拉伯国家的机构,不管是政府部门或者企业都多多少少带有权力的色彩。)(二) low context culture (please provide an examples if possible)低语境文化(请提供一个例子,如果可能的话)答案 the low context culture is the listener knows very little and must be told practically everything.低语境文化就是听众知道很

14、少,几乎一切都必须被告知)Example:1: A German, an American, a Japanese to the same restaurant, ordered a hamburger are the result of the negligence of the cook the meat of the three have burned the hamburgers, and asked the three people would say German paste directly criticize the meat, criticized the chef; Ame

15、ricans said that although the meat tastes very good, but bread, salad, shallot taste pretty good; The Japanese would say, bread, salad, onion is delicious. (一个德国人,一个美国人,一个日本人到同一家餐厅,都点了一个汉堡,结果由于厨师的疏忽把三个汉堡中的肉都烤糊了,问,三个人会对此次说什么:德国人会直接批判这个糊了的肉,批评这个厨师;美国人会说,虽然肉的口味不太好,但是面包,沙拉,香葱的味道还不错; 日本人会说,面包,沙拉,香葱的味道不错。

16、)2. American contracts are usually about ten times longer than French contracts. Americans like to have a lot of the context stated explicity.The French dont care very much about the explanation,as much of the information is taken for granted.(三)high context culture (please provide an examples if possible) 答案:the high context culture is liste



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