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1、2015年12月江苏省高等教育自学考试跨文化交际复核总分复核人总 分题 号一二三四五题 分1010302030合分人得 分一、 选择题(每小题1分,共10分)在下列各题中选出正确的选项,并将其字母标号填入题前的括号内。得分评卷人复查人( ) 1. There are two kinds of cross-cultural communication: unilateral communication and _. A. successful communication B. verbal communication C. bilateral communication D. unsuccess

2、ful communication( ) 2. When you are invited for a western meal, youre offered a second helping, but you have already had enough. What would you say? “_”.A. Oh, thanks. That tastes awful.B. No, I dont want that.C. No, I dont like it.D. That was delicious but Ive already had plenty, thanks.( ) 3. Mos

3、t Americans see themselves as separate _, not as representatives of a family, community or other group. A. independence B. individuals C. customers D. cultures( ) 4. The _ of a person is his or her family name. A. given name B. middle name C. surname D. initials( ) 5. Unlike in China, the kin terms

4、used for relatives do not distinguish between _ relatives in Britain. A. internal and external B. old and young C. maternal and paternal D. male and female( ) 6. The biggest difference between the Chinese way of child-rearing and the Australian one is that the former fosters dependence and the latte

5、r _.A. reference B. independence C. interdependence D. indifference ( ) 7. Non-verbal communication includes all of the following but Not _.A. telephone messages B. gestures C. facial expressions D. eye movements( ) 8. It is a universal truth that language is _ by culture and in turn it _ culture. A

6、. influenced, reflects B. displayed, influencesC. determined, reflects D. shaped, influences( ) 9. People from “high considerateness” cultures are often thought to be _.A. loud B. passive C. chatty D. pushy( ) 10. _ is at the core of intercultural communication.A. sender B. receiver C. culture D. la

7、nguage二、 是非题(每小题1分,共10分)在题前的括号内,正确的填“T”,错误的填“F”。得分评卷人复查人( )11. As a phenomenon, intercultural communication has existed for thousands of years. However, as a discipline, its history is only about fifty years. ( )12. In some cultures, eye contact should be avoided in order to show respect or obedienc

8、e.( )13. Large power distance countries such as the United States, Austria, Finland, and Denmark hold that inequality in society should be minimized.( )14. Verbal communication is more important than nonverbal communication. ( )15. Intercultural communication as a discipline first started in Europe.

9、( )16. Positive stereotypes often lead to prejudice, which is generally defined as negative attitudes toward other people based on assumptions about them.( )17. Individualists prefer self-sufficiency while collectivists give more recognition to their interdependent roles and obligations to the group

10、. ( )18. A term in one language may not have a counterpart in another language.( )19. “Dragon” means the same to the Westerner as “龙” to the Chinese.( )20. Since education is an important social context in which cultural influences are much in evidence, schools are a primary vehicle for teaching and

11、 learning cultural values.三、 翻译题(每小题3分,共30分)将下列短语或句子从英文译成中文或从中文译成英文。得分评卷人复查人21. diamond cut diamond _22. Kill two birds with one stone._23. Beauty is only skin deep. _24. Let sleeping dogs lie._25. You cant teach an old dog new tricks._26. 画蛇添足_27. 对牛弹琴_28. 欲速则不达_29. 本末倒置 _30. 鱼和熊掌不可兼得 _四、 名词解释(每小题4

12、分,共20分) 得分评卷人复查人31. high-context culture32. intercultural communication33. body language34. monochronic time35. ethnocentrism五、案例分析题(每小题10分,共30分)根据提供的案例分别写出不少于60字的案例分析。得分评卷人复查人36. Case 1An English guest: Each time a new dish arrived, his parents would lean over and load my plate with tasty morsels. As they had taken all the trouble to cook it, I just had to polish it off. As soon as my plate was empty, they would put more on. Of course, I felt duty-bound to eat that too. A Chinese guest: Can you imagine how many dishes I had? Only onea stew with meat and vegetables. The meat



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