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1、2018年江南大学外国语学院830翻译与写作之语言学教程考研基础五套测试题-一、Explain-the-fllowing-terms1 Semantic field【答案】 It is the organization of related words and expressions into a system which shows their relationship to one another. For example, kinship terms such as father, mother, brother, sister, uncle, aunt belong to a sema

2、ntic field whose relevant features include generation , sex , membership of the fathers or mothers side of the family. 2 Linguistic determinism【答案】 Linguistic determinism , is one of the two points of Sapir-Whorf hypothesis , and has developed into the strong version of this hypothesis. It could be

3、summarized as follows: (1) One?s thinking is completely determined by his native language because one cannot but perceive the world in terms of the categories and distinctions encoded in the language. (2) The categories and distinctions encoded in one language system are unique to that system and in

4、commensurable with those of other systems. Therefore , the following statement could represent this hypothesis 4tIf Aristotle had spoken Chinese , his logic would have been different”. 3 Bound morpheme【答案】 Bound morphemes refer to those morphemes that can not occur alone and must appear with at leas

5、t another morpheme. For example , in the word “careless”,“-less” is a bound morpheme since it could not occur by itself as a word. 4 Design features【答案】 Design features : It refer to the defining properties of human language that tell the difference between human language and any system of animal co

6、mmunication. 5 Lexical relations【答案】 There are several types of lexical relations concerning the sense of the words. Those are synonymy , antonymy, hyponymy, polysemy, homonymy, and so on. (a ) Synonymy refers to the sameness relation ; “autum”, and “full ” are synonyms , for example , (b ) Antonymy

7、 refers to the oppositeness relation ; for example , “buy” and “sell ” are antonyms , (c ) Hyponymy refers to the inclusiveness relation; for example, “apple” is a hyponym of “fruit”, (d ) Polysemy means one word that has more than one related meaning ,and “bank”,as an example , is a polysemous word

8、. (e ) Homonymy refers to the relation of two different words which are identical either in sound, or spelling, or both, such as “bow” (bau ) and “bow” (b ?u ). 6 Contrastive analysis【答案】 Contrastive analysis is an approach to analysis of second language acquisition, based on a belief that a more ef

9、fective teaching pedagogy would come out when the similarities and differences between native language and target language are taken into consideration. By such an analysis , it is supposed that some leaning difficulties could be predicted in terms of language transfer. 7 CoarticulationCoarticulatio

10、n refers to the phenomenon of sounds continually show the influence of their 【答案】neighbors. For example , as in lamb , when a is followed by m , the velum will begin to lower itself during the articulation of a so that it is ready for the following nasal. When such simultaneous or overlapping articu

11、lations are involved, we call the process coarticulation. If the sound becomes more like the following sound, it is known as anticipatory coarticulation. If the sound displays the influence of the preceding sound, it is preservative coarticulation. 8 Audiolingual method【答案】 Audiolingual method refer

12、s to the teaching of a second language through imitation , repetition , and reinforcement. It emphasizes the teaching of speaking and listening before reading and writing and the use of mother tongue in the classroom is not allowed. 9 phonemePhoneme is a basic unit of phonological study, and it is a

13、n abstract collection of phonetic 【答案】features which can distinguish meaning. For example, in English, is described as a phoneme.10Phatic function ( communion )【答案】 Phatic function: The phatic function of language refers to the use of the language which often consists of small , seemingly meaningles

14、s expression for setting up a certain atmosphere or maintaining social contacts rather than for exchanging information or ideas. For example , greetings , farewells , and comments on the weather in English could serve this function. 二、Short-answer-questions11Why is Saussure hailed as the father of m

15、odem linguistics?【答案】 Saussure was the first to notice the complexities of language. He believed that language is a system of signs. To communicate ideas, signs must be part of a system of signs, called conventions. He held that the sign is the union of a form (signifier ) and an idea (signified ) ,

16、 and it is the central fact of language.By providing answers to questions concerning many aspects of language, Saussure made clear the object of study for linguistics as a science. His ideas on the arbitrary nature of sign, on the relational nature of linguistic units , on the distinction of langue and parole and of synch


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