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1、Unit 4 Terms of Payment 支付方式,BUSINESS LETTERS 商务函电,大连理工大学电子音像出版社,大连理工大学出版社,Unit 4 Terms of Payment 支付方式,introduction,支付在国际贸易中非常重要,在出口贸易谈判中要认真选择好支付方式,最关键的是事前对买方的资信通过各种途径进行深入的了解。当然,选择何种支付方式,还要看货物价值大小和本公司的财务状况。此外,对方国家的政治局势是否稳定是否有信用保险,这也是出口方需要考虑的。买卖双方在谈判的过程中会对支付方式提出自己的看法,说服对方接受对自己有利的方式。 在国际贸易中基本有5种支付方式:

2、汇付、托收和国际保理、福费廷和信用证。汇付通常用于支付老客户的小额订单、佣金、样品、定金等。有时,采用付款交单或承兑交单向银行托收货款。保理是一种集流动资本融资、信用风险担保、应收账款管理和托收服务于一体的金融产品。在福费廷业务下,银行无追索权地购买出口商远期承兑汇票票据,向出口商提供融资。信用证是一种对买卖双方都较为可靠、安全的支付方式。 买方有责任在合同规定的时间内开立相关信用证。卖方应仔细审核信用证条款是否与合同相符,如果不符,应在装运之前改证,否则,卖方可能承担收不到货款的风险。 如果采用信用证支付,买方就要按期开立信用证,如果买方未能开立信用证或信用证不能及时到达卖方,卖方应写信催促

3、开证,或与买方联系。卖方对信用证进行审证,如果有错或与合同不符之处就会要求买方进行修改;有时卖方因为种种原因无法按期交货,如订不到舱位,没有直达轮,厂方订单太多等,就会要求买方展期信用证以保证按期执行订单。,写作要点及要求,要求支付方式的要点: 开头:1)提及有关订单或合同,说明写信目的; 正文:2)提出有利的付款条件; 3)说明选择此付款条件的原因; 结尾:4)期望:接受付款条件。,回信要点: 这类回信包括两种: 1.当收信人同意要求时,应提出以下几点: 开头:1)收到来信; 正文:2)接受付款条件; 3)说明接受的原因; 结尾:4)期望:合作或佳音。 2.如果收信人不同意你的要求,在信函中

4、包括: 开头:1)收到来信; 正文:2)表示拒绝并说明原因; 3)建议新的付款方式或坚持以前的付款方式; 结尾:4)提请对方注意此事; 5)希望早日收到信用证。,催开信用证的要点: 开头:1)谈及有关货物、订单或合同; 正文:2)抱怨未收到信用证; 3)要求开立信用证; 结尾:4)提请对方注意此事; 5)希望早日收到信用证。 修改信用证的要点: 开头:1)提及有关的信用证; 正文:2)指出不符点; 3)要求修改信用证; 结尾:4)希望早日修改。,Unit 4 Terms of Payment 支付方式,Lesson 10 D/A and D/P Terms 承兑交单及付款交单,TEXT,Arm

5、 yourself,Main points,Make yourself skilled,TEXT,Arm yourself,Main points,Make yourself skilled,1. TEXT,Specimen 1 Asking for D/A payment,Specimen 2 Declining D/A terms and proposing to pay by D/P,Lesson 10 D/A and D/P Terms 承兑交单及付款交单,TEXT,Arm yourself,Main points,Make yourself skilled,TEXT,Arm your

6、self,Main points,Make yourself skilled,2. Arm yourself,1. payment n. paying (money) 支付、付款 make/effect payment 付款 e.g. 我方的支付方式通常是保兑的不可撤销的信用证。 Our payment terms are usually by confirmed irrevocable L/C. v. pay 付款 adj. payable 可付的,应付的,2. as a rule 通常 e.g. 通常,我们做生意只接受信用证。 As a rule, we only accept L/C i

7、n our business. 3. inconvenient adj. not suited to the comfort, purpose or needs 不方便的,4. tie up wealth, capital etc. are difficult to sell quickly if cash is needed 占用,挤占 e.g. 使用信用证付款将占用我们的资金。 Payment by L/C will tie up our funds.,5. execution n. the carrying out or performance of a piece of work, d

8、esign, etc.(工作,计划)实行,完成 in execution of / make execution of 执行,履行 execution of order 执行订单 execution of contract 履行合同,6. contract n. arrangement 合同、合约 e.g. 请注意信用证条款应与合同一致。 Please note that the L/C terms shall be in accordance with that in the contract. adj. contracted 合同上的,规定的,所购的,7. involve v. get i

9、nto a complicated or difficult condition 牵 涉,涉及 e.g. 航空邮寄此货,费用昂贵。 To airmail the goods would involve a lot of expenses. adj. involved e.g. 考虑到金额较小,作为例外,我们愿意接受即期付款交单。 Considering the small amount involved, we are prepared, as an exception, to accept payment by D/P at sight.,8. accommodation n. act of

10、 providing something to meet a need 照顾,通融 e.g.如果你方能给予通融,我方将不胜感激。 We shall appreciate it if you extend accommodation to us.,9. be conducive to helping to produce (正式用语)有助 于的 e.g. 我方产品新颖的设计有助于你方扩大市场份额。 The new design of our products is conducive to extending your market share.,10. facilitate v. make e

11、asy, lessen the difficulty of 使容易,使便利,减轻的困难 句式: facilitate sth. 促进某事 facilitate ones doing sth. 便于某人做某事 e.g. 你方密切合作便于我放在欧洲市场上销售家电产品。 Your close cooperation facilitates us marketing household appliances in European market.,11. in consideration of considering, in view of 考虑,顾及 e.g. 考虑到我们长期友好的业务关系,我方破例

12、给你通融。 We shall give you this accommodation as an exception in consideration of our long friendly business relations. n. consideration 考虑 v. consider 考虑,顾及,12. decline v. refuse politely; decrease 婉谢,谢绝; 下降 e.g. 尽管我方很愿意达成交易,但我方谢绝你方提议的承兑交单 方式付款。 Though we are pleased to conclude the business with you,

13、 we decline payment by D/A terms suggested by you. n. declination 婉据,谢绝,13. propose v. suggest 建议,提议 e.g. 我们建议用信用证付款。 We propose to pay by L/C. n. proposal 建议 14. fluctuate v. move or sway in a rising and falling pattern 变动,上下,动摇 e.g. 价格在5英镑与6英镑之间波动。 The price fluctuates between 5 and 6.,15. on the

14、basis of 在基础上,以为基础 on the basis of sight L/C 以即期信用证方式 on collection basis 以托收方式 16. ensure v. insure 确定,保证;保证得到,获得 e.g. 这些单据使你及时获得货款。 These documents ensure you the payment in time.,17. draw v. write out 写,开立 常用表达: draw a draft on sb. for amount against sth.或者draw on sb. For amount against sth. 根据向某

15、人开出金额为汇票 e.g. 以上所提到的货物的相关汇票已经向我方开出。 The relevant draft has been drawn on us for the above mentioned goods.,18. in no case 无论如何都不 in all case 无论如何都 in the (this, that) case 在这种情况下 in case of (that) 万一,以 19.take sth. as a precedent 将某事当作先例 set a precedent 开创先例,Lesson 10 D/A and D/P Terms 承兑交单及付款交单,TEX

16、T,Arm yourself,Main points,Make yourself skilled,TEXT,Arm yourself,Main points,Make yourself skilled,3. Main points,Specimen 1 a. receipt of the letter and referring to the payment terms b. expression of refusal and reason c. asking for new payment terms d. expectation of favorable reply Specimen 2 a. referring to th



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