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1、Scene I(Green Garden St.)(During the rush hours, when the street is crowded , Mr. Green is driving past the red light , unexpectedly a car accident happens. Two people came out of their cars angrily.)Miss Blue: Oh! Its you, Mr. Green. Do you know how to drive your car?Mr. Green: You see that I was d

2、riving across the road! Wow! There is a dent on my beloved BENZ.Miss Blue: My BMW has got a dent too, you should compensate me.(While they are quarrelling, later on, the police comes.)Police: Whats happened?Mr. Green: She has bumped into my car!Miss Blue: No! It is himself that drove past the red li

3、ght.(Quarrel again .)Police: Has any one been injured?Mr. Green: I feel headache , foot ache , ache very much.Miss Blue: I ache all over too.(Both of them mourn painfully.)Police: Then Ill call an ambulance Scene II(Blue Sky Hospital-Emergency)(Ambulance sends them to the hospital)Nurse: Who is inju

4、red?(Both of them say it is themselves at the same time.)Nurse: Whats your name, Mr.?Mr. Green: Call me DPP Green.Nurse: (Unhappy facial expression) Oh! Go to the corner and sit there.Mr. Green: But . (nurse interrupts)Nurse: Go! Dont speak any words.whats your name, Miss?Miss Blue: My name is KMT B

5、lue.Nurse: (gentle and smiles) Oh, Miss this side, please. Would you tell me how you are feeling?Miss Blue: Oh! I ache all over.Nurse: OK! Ill help you stop the pain first, and then the doctor will treat you in a while.(Mr. Green comes over to require medical treatment, but rejected)Mr. Green: Nurse

6、, I.I feel.Nurse: Wait there, didnt you hear me?(Mr. Green goes back helplessly, miss green comes in the emergency room )Doctor: Ok! I see. How are you, Miss?Miss Blue: blue .I got an car accident and I ache all over.Doctor: (Check) Its ok.dont worry about it. Ill give you some medicine. Youll get w

7、ell soon.Miss Blue: Thank you, doctor.(Miss Blue leaves.)Doctor: Next one. (Mr. Green comes in and Dr. reads his medical record) You are called DPP Green!Mr. Green: Yeah! Any problem with that ?Doctor: Hmm.(Consider) DPP Green (Raise up voice)? Whats wrong with you?Mr. Green: I ache all over-headach

8、e, toothache and footache (The doctor interrupts him impatiently) .Doctor: I. I. I see, Miss Lin give Mr. Green an injection.Mr. Green: What? An injection Mr. Green: Well, doctor .that .I do not ache anymore, I.I want to leave ( forces him to enter the injection room)Mr. Green: Wow! . That hurts!(Mi

9、ss Blue goes out of the emergency room, but Mr. Green leaves in terrible pain.) Scene III(Taiwan House)(Both of them come back home, then open the door and go into the house at the same time.)Daughter: Dad .Mom .What happened to both of you? Dad, you look pale. Mom, you look terrible, too.Mr. Green:

10、 I would not be like this if not for your mother.Miss Blue: What! That is your fathers fault and he blames me impudently for.(Daughter is cold and shrugsthen watching TV)Daughter: Oh! I understand it. Even since the Presidential Election, theres no peace in our home.(Both of them are still quarrelli

11、ng .)- 高氯酸对阿胶进行湿法消化后, 用导数火焰原子吸收光谱技术测定阿胶中的铜、“中药三大宝, 人参、鹿茸和阿胶。”阿胶的药用已有两千多年的悠久历史, 历代宫 马作峰.论疲劳源于肝脏J.广西中医药,2008,31(1):31. 史丽萍,马东明, 解丽芳等.力竭性运动对小鼠肝脏超微结构及肝糖原、肌糖元含量的影响J. 辽宁中医杂志, 王辉武,吴行明,邓开蓉.内经“肝者罢极之本”的临床价值J . 成都中医药大学学报,1997,20(2):9. 杨维益,陈家旭,王天芳等.运动性疲劳与中医肝脏的关系J.北京中医药大学学报. 1996,19(1):8.1 运动性疲劳与肝脏 张俊明.“高效强力饮”增强

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13、性疲劳与中医肝脏的关系J.北京中医药大学学报. 1996,19(1):8.2.1 中药复方2.2 单味药33 阿胶和复方阿胶浆 常世和等.参宝片对机体机能影响的J.中国运动医学杂志,1991,10(1):49. 聂晓莉,李晓勇等.慢性疲劳大鼠模型的建立及其对肝功能的影响J. 热带医学杂志,2007,7(4):323-325.3.1 概述3.2 关于阿胶和复方阿胶浆医疗保健作用的3.2.1 营养成分和评价3.2.2 阿胶的药理作用3.2.3 阿胶的临床应用4 Xie MH, etalEffects of Hong jing tian she 1u on reproductive axis fun

14、ction and exercise capacities in men. The5 周志宏等补肾益元方对运动小鼠抗疲劳能力的影响J.中国运动医学杂志,2001,20(1):83-84202-204.5InternationalCourseandConferenceonPhysiologicalChemistry and Natrition of exercise and training (Abstract)6 杨维益等中药复方“体复康”对运动性疲劳大鼠血乳酸、p 一内啡肤、亮氨酸及强啡肤Al-13 影响的实验研。仙灵口服液可提高机体运动能力,加速运动后血乳酸的消除。F3 口服液能调整PCO

15、2 孙晓波等鹿茸精强壮作用的J.中药药理与临床,1987,3(3):11. 于庆海等高山红景天抗不良刺激的药理J中药药理与临床,1995,7(7):283. 牛锐淫羊藿炮制前后对小鼠血浆睾丸酮及附近性器官的影响J中国中药杂志,1989,14(9):18P 0.05) 。肝脏是动物机体重要脏器之一,Pi,同疲),肝主筋,人之运动皆由于筋,故为罢极之本”。人体肝脏的功能活动也必阿胶, 味甘性平, 入肺、肝、肾经, 具有补血止血、滋阴润肺的功效。神农本阿胶,又称驴皮胶,为马科动物驴的皮去毛后熬制而成的胶块,是中国医药宝库中阿胶、熟地配伍能使补而不滋腻, 共奏益气补血之功, 主要治疗各种原因导致的气血阿胶对细有促进作用;提示阿胶能提高机体免疫功能。 另外阿胶具阿胶具有很好的止血作用,常用来治疗阴虚火旺、血脉受伤造成的出血。比如,阿胶能治疗缺铁性贫血,再生障碍性贫血等贫血症状,阿胶对血小板减少,白细阿胶是一类明胶蛋白,经水解分离得到多种氨基酸,阿胶具有很多的药理作用和阿胶又称驴皮胶, 为马科动物驴的皮去毛后熬制而成的胶块。中药界有句口头禅:阿胶中的营养成分比较多,主要有蛋



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