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1、1.翻译的定义1.罗曼雅克布逊Roman Jacobson: translation is an interpretation of verbal signs by means of some other language.2.奈达(美国)Nida: translating consist in reproducing in the receptor language the closest equivalent of the source-language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style.2、

2、翻译的类型1、译原文作者为中心的翻译:author-centered translation;以译文读者为中心的翻译:reader-centered translation;2、提出者:罗曼雅克布逊roman Jacobson:语内翻译intralingual translation、语际翻译interlingual translation、符际翻译intersemiotic translation3、翻译元素:翻译过程:translating译作A translation译者translator4、西方的一些观点:1、泰勒tytler: the translation should give

3、 a complete transcript of the idea of the original work; the style and manner should be of the same character with that of the original; the translation should have all the ease of original composition.2.be faithful to its spirit ,sense, and style;3.语义翻译semantic translation:纽马克newmark(英国)成名作翻译研究途径(A

4、pproaches to Translation,1981)中所提出的“语义翻译”与“交际翻译”之说在翻译教学与翻译研究界几乎人人皆知,至今仍有其理论价值与实践价值。他的另一本代表作翻译教科书(A Textbook of Translation,1988)成了世界各地许多大学的翻译教材或参考书籍。虽然他后来的几本书如关于翻译(About Translation)翻译研究散论(Paragraphs on Translation)等未能引起较大的反响,但是这并不影响他在英国翻译界的地位。A faithful translation attempts to reproduce the precise

5、 contextual meaning of the original within the constraints of the TL grammatical structures.Semantic translation: It differs from“faithful translation”only in as far as it must take more account of the aesthetic value of the SL text.Communicative translation: Defined by Newmark as one of two modes o

6、f translation (see also SEMANTIC TRANSLATION), in which“the translator attempts to produce the same effect on the TL readers as was produced by the original on the SL readers”(1981/1988:22).This means that in communicative translation the emphasis should be on conveying the message of the original i

7、n a form which conforms to the linguistic, cultural and pragmatic conventions of TL rather than mirroring the actual words of ST as closely as is possible without infringing the TL norms.When producing a communicative translation, the translator is permitted greater freedom to interpret ST and will

8、consequently smooth over irregularities of style, remove ambiguities and even correct the authors factual errors, and in doing so will limit the semantic potential of ST by seeking to make TT fulfill one specific communicative function which is determined by the type of TL reader envisage.4.交际翻译:com

9、municative translation中国的翻译:1、佛经的翻译:Buddhist scripture,安世高,还有三支/2、佛教三大翻译家:南北朝时的真谛法师、唐代的玄奘法师、北朝的鸠摩罗什鸠摩罗什:金刚经玄奘:既需求真,又需喻俗(忠实,通顺)3、我国的翻译历史:2000年4、五四时期白话文代替文言文:During the May Fourth Movement period, modern vernacular Chinese replaced the Classical Chinese翻译的基本步骤:原文理解:comprehension of source text译文表达:exp

10、ression of target text译文校对check-up of target text几个概念:原语:source language;译入语:target language德国的威尔斯wales前苏联:费道罗夫、科米萨罗夫陈宏薇(华中师大教授):翻译是一种跨语言cross-linguistic、跨文化cross-cultural和跨社会cross-social的交际活动。严复的“信、达、雅”faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance;天演论evolution and ethics and other essays与赫胥黎huxley傅雷的“神

11、似”be alike in spirit钱钟书的“化境”sublimity;鲁迅的”直译”literal translation、word-for-word translation、transliteration鲁迅:信faithfulness、顺smoothness林语堂:忠实标准、通顺标准、美的标准意译:free translation佛经翻译我国的翻译事业最初是从翻译佛经the Buddhist Scriptures开始的。东汉时代,天竺人摄摩腾,竺法兰翻译四十二章经这是我国现存佛经中最早的译本。佛经翻译经过晋朝逐渐发展,到了隋唐达到鼎盛时期。南宋以后趋于衰微。以下介绍三名著名的译师:1


13、译。二是译者是否有权选择任何问题与词语来表达原文的意思。严复与“信、达、雅”faithfulness,expressiveness。And elegance1.严复在天演论.译例言首次提出“信”、“达”、“雅”的翻译标准。“信”指的是“忠实”,“达”指的是“流畅”,“雅”指的是“尔雅”。“尔雅”用严复自己的话就是“用汉以前字法、句法”。2.从严复的天演论来看,他并不十分重视“信”,然而对于“雅”他是十分重视的。3.周煦良教授在“翻译三论”中说,他认为“雅”应当作为“得体”来理解。4.严复翻译著作:天演论Evolution and Ethics and Other Essays. 原富Inqui

14、ry into the Nature and Cause of the Wealth of the nations.群学肄言Study of Sociology.法意Lesprit des Lois.穆勒名学System of Logic.1林纾:用文言文writings in classical Chinese; classical style of writing翻译欧美小说,其中不少是外国名作。如:巴黎茶花女遗事La dame aux camelias(作者:Alexandre Dumas, file)鲁滨孙漂流记Robinson Crusoe(作者:Daniel Defoe)海外轩渠录

15、Gullivers Travels(作者:Jonathan Swift)(06年试题考过)吟边燕语Tales from Shakespeare块肉余生述David Copperfield(作者:Charles Dickens)贼史Oliver Twist(作者:Charles Dickens)黑奴吁天录Uncle Toms Cabin2.钱钟书在“林纾的翻译”中提出了一条新的标准文学翻译的最高标准是“化”。鲁迅与瞿秋白1鲁迅在1921-1932年翻译和校订的作品达34种之多,这包括苏联、日本、荷兰、匈牙利、美国等国家许多作家的作品。他对翻译工作的态度是极其严肃认真的。2在理论方面,鲁迅曾针对赵景深的“宁顺而不信”的提法,提出了“宁信而不顺”。瞿秋白认为“信”和“顺”不应当对立起来。31935年,鲁迅在“题未定草”中对翻译做了新的概括。他说:“凡是翻译必须兼顾着两面,一当力求易解,一则保存着原作的丰姿。”即翻译既要通顺smoothness,


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