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1、单选题中部石漠化综合防治水土保持区,要加强林草植被的保护与恢复,加强山洪地质灾害防治,加强石漠化综合治理,遏制石漠化蔓延,增强区域水土保持能力;东部生物多样性保护水土保持区,要加强自然保护区建设和流域水土流失区综合治理,切实保护生物多样性和特有自然景观,增强森林生态系统功能。T1 The people living _C_ to your house is your neighbor.A. after B.near C.next D.beside (生活在你房子附近的是你的邻居 A:在B靠近C附近D.在旁边)T2 I would like to make a request _A_ a con

2、tribution.A. for B.with C.from D.in (我想请求一个捐献。A.为 B.与C.从D.在)T3 The price of this medicine grows very _A_ here.A. rapidly B. hard C. high D.immediately (这种药的价格增长非常迅速。A迅速B硬C高D立即)T4 Andrew received an award _A_ his outstanding achievement.for B.in C.with D.to (安德鲁收到一封他的业绩奖。A为B在C与D来)T5 Will I get an inv

3、itation _C_ the party?in B.for C.to D.on (我将参加聚会的邀请?A在B为C来D在)T6 Our manager is very proud, but the employees do not think much _B_ him.about B.of C.on D.to (我们的经理非常自负,但员工不以为然他。A关于B的C在D来)T7 This bag is too _A_ for me to carry all by myself.heavy B. busy C.bossy D.dirty (这个袋子太重了,对于我来说。A重B忙C专横的D脏)T8 He

4、 tried to join the army but was turned _C_ for his poor health.away B.up C.down D.back (他想参军但被拒绝。他的健康状况不佳。A离开 B向上C向下D回来)T9 It wont _C_ you a long time to finish this homework.spend B.cost C.take D.pay (你不会花很长时间才能完成这个作业。A花B成本C采取D支付)T10 You should think about it twice before you _C_ to do it.hope B.ex

5、pect C.make up your mind D.pick up (你应该想想前两次,你下定决心去做。A希望B期望C下定你的决心D接)T11 The weather is so nice today. Lets go there _B_. A. by foot B.on foot C.on bus D.by walk (今天天气是如此的好。让我们步行去那里.A步行B步行C上公共汽车D通过走)T12 I dont need any advice. I have too much advice _B_.all ready B.already C.still D.yet (我不需要任何建议。我已

6、经有太多的建议。A都准备好了B已经C仍然D然而,)T13 Pay attention _A_ the details.to B.for C.with D.in (注意细节。A来B为C与D在)T14 Its getting so dark in the room. I guess it is _B_ six oclock.at large B. at least C.at last D. at most (变得如此黑暗的房间里。我想这是至少6点钟。A在大B至少C最后D最多)T15 Why are you so angry? Could you _C_ it to me?guess B.intro

7、duce C.explain D.tell (你为什么这么生气?你能给我解释一下吗?A猜一猜B介绍C解释D告诉)T16 Mrs. Edward doesnt like to take a bus. We walked there _D_.instead of B.as well C.as well as D. instead (爱德华夫人不喜欢坐公共汽车。我们走而不是坐车A而不是B也C以及D而不是)T17 Nowadays many young people intend to _D_ their studies abroad.farther B. father C.future D.furt

8、her (现在许多年轻人打算出国深造。A更远的B父亲C未来D进一步)T18 You can get your bachelors degree (学士学位)after you _A_ from the university.graduate B.end C.finish D.are away (你可以让你的研究生学位在你大学毕业。A研究生B结束C完成D不在)T19 We soon _B_ the airport. arrive in B.arrive at C.reach to D.arrive (我们很快就到达机场。A抵达B到达C达到D到达)T20 There is a _A_ of two

9、 hours in the 7:40 train. delay B.late C.later D.decay (7.40设在有延迟两个小时的火车。A延迟B晚C晚些时候D衰变)T21 The bus stopped to _B_ passengers.get off B.pick up C.pull in D.get on (公共汽车停下来接乘客。A下车B接C拉入D上)T22 You should fill in the form with your name, sex,_D_ and address.old B.years C. time D.age (你应该以你的名字填写表格,性别、年龄和地

10、址。A老B年C时间D年龄)T23 _A_to the Chinese Culture Club, you can learn Beijing Opera here.Coming B.Welcome C.Well come D.Will come (来中国文化俱乐部,你可以在这里学习京剧。A未来B欢迎C很有D会来)T24 Our English professor is very _A_ in using chopsticks.skilled B.qualified C.better D.good (我们的英语教授非常熟练的使用筷子。A熟练的B合格的C更好的D好)T25 He _A_ many

11、beautiful post cards to us.takes B.shows C.obtains D.has (他把许多漂亮的明信片给我们。A需要B显示C获得D有)T26Whenever she asks him_D_ help, he is always _ to help. to, due B.for, due C.to, ready D.for, ready (每当她问他帮忙时,他总是乐于帮助。A.to,由于B因为,由于C,to,准备好了D为,准备好)T27 He has become _C_his study, so he often daydreams in class. bea

12、r of B.bear with C.bored with D.bored of(他已经厌倦了他的研究,所以他经常在课堂上做白日梦。A熊的B忍受C厌倦了D无聊的)T28 You should fill in this application _D_ very carefully.file B.letter C.visa D.form (你应该非常仔细地填写此申请表。A文件B信签C证D形式)T29 Andy will_A_ at the train station on Saturday.see him off B.see him C.see off him D.see him away (安迪

13、会看到他周六在火车站。A看到他了B看到他C看到了他D看到他了)T30 I have _C_ a taxi for us. arrange B.plan C.arranged D.planned (我已经安排了一辆出租车。A安排B计划C安排D计划)T31She _B_ talk a lot. But now she is very quiet.is used to B.used to C.was used to D.did use to (她过去很会聊,但现在她很安静。A是用来B用于C被用来D并使用)T32He doesnt have much money. He is just a _D_ i

14、n the company.manager B.general engineer C.director D.clerk (He没有多少钱。他只是一个公司的职员。A经理B总工程师C导演D职员)T33 With the help of a _C_, you can work out the mathematical problem quickly.car B.plane C.computer D.TV set (在计算机的帮助下,你可以迅速解决的数学问题。A汽车B飞机C电脑D电视机)T34 The food in the canteen is very _D_. delighted B.detailed C.pleased D.delicious (餐厅里的食物很美味。A很高兴B详细的C很高兴D美味的)T35 The _D_ in the library is very helpful. She helps me to find many good books.employer B.member C.monitor D. libr



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