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1、A. How to be a successful language learner? 怎样成为一名成功的语言学习者“Learning a language is easy, even a child can do it!” “学习一门语言很容易,即使小孩也能做得到。”Most adults who are learning a second language would disagree with this statement. 大多数正在学习第二语言的成年人会不同意这种说法。For them, learning a language is a very difficult task. 对他

2、们来说,学习一门语言是非常困难的事情。They need hundreds of hours of study and practice, and even this will not guarantee success for every adult language learner. 他们需要数百小时的学习与练习,即使这样也不能保证每个成年语言学习者都能学好。Language learning is different from other kinds of learning. 语言学习不同于其他学习。Some people who are very intelligent and suc

3、cessful in their fields find it difficult to succeed in language learning. 许多人很聪明,在自己的领域很成功,但他们发现很难学好一门语言。Conversely, some people who are successful language learners find it difficult to succeed in other fields. 相反,一些人学习语言很成功,但却发现很难在其他领域有所成就。Language teachers often offer advice to language learners

4、: “Read as much as you can in the new language.” 语言教师常常向语言学习者提出建议:“要用新的语言尽量多阅读”“ Practice speaking the language every day. 每天练习说这种语言”“Live with people who speak the language. 与说这种语言的人住在一起”“Dont translate-try to think in the new language. 不要翻译尽量用这种新的语言去思考”“ Learn as a child would learn; play with the

5、 language. 要像孩子学语言一样去学习新语言,放松地去学习语言。”But what does a successful language learner do? Language learning research shows that successful language learners are similar in many ways. 然而,成功的语言学习者是怎样做的呢 语言学习研究表明,成功的语言学习者在许多方面都有相似之处。First of all, successful language learners are independent learners. 首先,成功的

6、语言学习者独立学习。They do not depend on the book or the teacher; they discover their own way to learn the language. 他们不依赖书本和老师,而且能找到自己学习语言的方法。Instead of waiting for the teacher to explain, they try to find the patterns and the rules for themselves. 他们不是等待老师来解释,而是自己尽力去找到语言的句式和规则。They are good guessers who lo

7、ok for clues and form their own conclusions. 他们寻找线索并由自己得出结论,从而做出正确的猜测。When they guess wrong, they guess again. 如果猜错,他们就再猜一遍。They try to learn from their mistakes.他们都努力从错误中学习。Successful language learning is active learning. 成功的语言学习是一种主动的学习。Therefore, successful learners do not wait for a chance to us

8、e the language; they look for such a chance. 因此,成功的语言学习者不是坐等时机而是主动寻找机会来使用语言。They find people who speak the language and they ask these people to correct them when they make a mistake. 他们找到(说)这种语言的人进行练习,出错时请这些人纠正。They will try anything to communicate. They are not afraid to repeat what they hear or t

9、o say strange things; they are willing to make mistakes and try again. 他们不失时机地进行交流,不怕重复所听到的话,也不怕说出离奇的话,他们不在乎出错,并乐于反复尝试。When communication is difficult, they can accept information that is inexact or incomplete. 当交流困难时,他们可以接受不确切或不完整的信息。It is more important for them to learn to think in the language t

10、han to know the meaning of every word. 对他们来说,更重要的是学习用这种语言思考,而不是知道每个词的意思。Finally, successful language learners are learners with a purpose. 最后,成功的语言学习者学习目的明确。They want to learn the language because they are interested in the language and the people who speak it. 他们想学习一门语言是因为他们对这门语言以及说这种语言的人感兴趣。It is

11、necessary for them to learn the language in order to communicate with these people and to learn from them. 他们有必要学习这门语言去和那些人交流并向他们学习。They find it easy to practice using the language regularly because they want to learn with it. 他们发现经常练习使用这种语言很容易,因为他们想利用这种语言来学习。What kind of language learner are you? 你

12、是什么样的语言学习者If you are a successful language learner, you have probably been learning independently, actively, and purposefully. 如果你是一位成功的语言学习者,那么你大概一直在独立地,主动地,目的明确地学习。On the other hand, if your language learning has been less than successful, you might do well to try some of the techniques outlined a

13、bove. 另一方面,如果你的语言学习一直不太成功,你不妨试试上面提到的一些技巧。01-B. Language语 言When we want to tell other people what we think, we can do it not only with the help of words, but also in many other ways. 当我们想告诉别人我们想什么时,我们不但可以借助于词语,还可以用其他表达方法。For instance, we sometimes move our heads up and down when we want to say yes” a

14、nd we move our heads from side to side when we want to say no. 比如,当我们想说“是”时,我们有时会上下点头,而当我们想说“不” 时,我们会左右摇头。People who can neither hear nor speak (that is, deaf and dumb people) talk to each other with the help of their fingers. People who do not understand each others language have to do the same. 那些

15、既听不见也不会说话的人(也就是聋哑人)借助于手势相互交谈。那些彼些不懂对方语言的人也用这种方式交谈。The following story shows how they sometimes do it. 下面这个故事就说明了人们有时是怎样借助于手势进行交谈的。An Englishman who could not speak Italian was once traveling in Italy. 一个不会说意大利语的人曾到意大利去旅行。One day he entered a restaurant and sat down at a table. 一天,他走进一家饭店,在桌边坐下。When

16、the waiter came, the Englishman opened his mouth, put his fingers in it, took them out again and moved his lips. 侍者过来时,这个英国人张开嘴,将手指放进嘴中,然后拿出来,并上下翕动嘴唇。 In this way he meant to say, Bring me something to eat. 他用这种方法说:“给我拿点吃的东西。”The waiter soon brought him a cup of tea. 侍者很快给他端来一杯茶。The Englishman shook his head and the waiter understood that he didnt want tea, so he took it away and brought him some coffee. 英国人摇摇头,侍者明白他不想要茶,于是将茶端走,又端来咖啡。The Englishman, who was



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