《老爸老妈浪漫史 第六季 第610集》英中字幕

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1、目 录第6集2第7集13第8集26第9集38第10集53第6集Kids, in the fall of 2010,孩子们 在2010年的秋天our friends Stuart and Claudia had a baby,我们的朋友斯图尔特和克劳蒂娅的孩子降临人世and Marshall and Lily were the first马修和莉莉立马就去拜访了to visit the happy new parents.这对兴奋的新父母So, have you guys landed on a name yet?你们给孩子取名字了吗Were trying, but its tougher th

2、an you think.我们在努力 可这比想像的难多了You see, I like Tiffany.我喜欢蒂芙妮And I dont want my daughter to have a whores name.我可不希望我女儿的名字跟妓女一样Thats my mothers name.那是我妈的名字I know.我知道Oh, I got it.我知道了How bout we name the baby after you- Frigid Shrew.那孩子以你来命名吧 性冷淡泼妇Oh, thats good.那还不错No, no, no, no.不 不 不Lets call her Vo

3、dka.叫她伏特加吧Then at least we know youd hold her tight至少嗜酒如命的你会抱紧她and never let her go!打死也不撒手Dont knock the vodka. Wouldnt have a kid without it.不要拿伏特加说事儿 没它哪来的孩子Stuart, you are so.斯图尔特 你简直太Thats not gonna be us, right?我们不会这样的 对不对I mean, how hard can it be to name a baby?给孩子取个名字还能多难Right? I mean, just

4、look at her. Yeah.没错 看看这个孩子Shes clearly a.她显然该叫- Emily. - Lisa.-埃米莉 -丽莎- Lisa?! - Emily?!-丽莎 -埃米莉Okay! I made a list of awesome baby names.我列了个名单 里面的名字都超赞Starting at the top: number one.从头开始 第一个是Im gonna stop you right here, Marshall.马修 我不得不打断你一下You name a chubby white kid LeBron,你管一个胖乎乎白人小孩叫勒布朗and

5、hes the one getting stuffed in the basketball hoop.结果他腰围比篮球筐还粗Then Im also crossing off, um, Shaquille.那我把这些篮球明星的都删了 沙奎尔Hakeem, and Dikembe.哈基姆 迪坎贝Hey, what about Rob?罗伯怎么样Rob?罗伯- No. - Why not?-不 -为什么不Hey, Rob. What are you gonna make a turkey?罗伯 你打算怎么做火鸡Not Rob.罗伯不行Okay, um, how about Ryan?瑞安怎么样No

6、t Ryan.瑞安不行Johnny?强尼Hey, wheres the goldfish?金鱼在哪去了Not Johnny.强尼不行Or Gil.吉尔也不行Jeremy.杰里米Jeremy, no!杰里米 不要Definitely not Jeremy.杰里米绝对不行His stuff was so derivative.他画的东西毫无创意可言Well, I mean, geez, Lily.天啊 莉莉Well, whatever you do,不管你们取什么名字do not name your baby Becky, right?都不会叫贝基对吧- Why? - What? What?-为什

7、么 -什么Becky. My new co-anchor?贝基 我的新搭档Dont you guys ever watch the show?你们从来没看过我的节目- Oh, honey, I really try. - Our DVR wont recognize it-亲爱的 我试过 -我们的数字视频录像机as a television program.不能把它识别为电视节目I watched.我看了Robin insisted I confirm how awful Becky is,罗宾坚持让我目睹一下 贝基有多么糟糕so last night I checked it out.所以昨

8、天晚上我确认了一下Peace talks in the region这个地区的和谈have been described as, productive.被称为卓有成效Becky?贝基Last night, in Staten Island,昨天晚上 在斯塔腾岛a taco cart owner was robbed at gunpoint.墨西哥卷饼商贩被持枪抢劫Thats so sad.那太可怜了Becky, were-were journalists.贝基 我们是新闻工作者We cant get emotional about the news, we.不能对这些新闻感情用事Oh, no!

9、不They stole all his money and then pelted him他们偷了他所有的钱with his own taco meat!还用卷饼里的肉打他Who would do that?谁会做这种事Well, if you read the story, we might find out.如果你看了这个故事 我们就会揭发出来Oh, can I do this one, about the horse?我能报关于马的这个吗I love horseys.马什么的 最有爱了Aww, the horse died.马死了Guys!大伙This news is all reall

10、y sad.这些新闻全部都让人悲痛Okay, no holds barred- whatd you think of Becky?你就毫不留情地说吧 贝基怎么样I thought she was charming.我觉得她非常迷人You, too?你也觉得Can somebody please explain to me有人能给我解释一下why the little girl act works on men?为什么这个小妞要在男人面前装童真You want the long version or the short version?你想要听长话长说 还是长话短说呢Short version.

11、短说Short version.长话短说Whos your daddy?谁是你爹地You know, when you think about that,当这句话从你口中说出来that phrase is really creepy.感觉特变态No, its not. Its fun.不 挺有意思的Here, watch this.来 我说一遍Hey, Lily. Whos your daddy?莉莉 谁是你爹地Okay, uh, let me get this straight.好吧 我把中心思想说明白点So, in, uh, in this scenario,在这个剧情里because y

12、ou make such sweet love to Lily,因为你这么宠爱莉莉she is now your daughter.现在她是你女儿No, she is not my daughter.不 她不是我女儿Im just her daddy.我只是她床上的主人Wow. That is disgusting.真让人厌恶Exactly. And its not like the opposite would work.没错 反过来就不成立了Theres no way a guy could pick up a girl,男人童言童语地说话going around talking like

13、 a little boy.是泡不到妞的- Challenge accepted. - No.-接受挑战 -不I, Barney Stinson,我 巴尼斯丁森will pick up a girl whilst talking like a little boy.能用童言童语泡到妞Okay. Heres my list of baby names.这是我想的名字候选单Oh. What about Tara?泰拉怎么样No. Not Tara.不 泰拉不行Tara was the hottest girl in my high school.泰拉是我们学校的校花We were all, lik

14、e, obsessed with her.我们所有人都对她着迷We didnt just talk about her我们不仅仅谈论她and fantasize about her.意淫她We wrote songs about her.还写了一首歌 歌颂她 Tara, your booty is so smooth 泰拉 你翘臀的曲线 迷死人 And I hope this isnt rude 希望这不会太无礼 But I want to get up on it. 但我真的想上它 Not Tara.泰拉不行What about Esther?埃斯特怎么样Gentlemen, gentlemen.先生们 先生们Coming up on the main stage,即将登上主台的是give it up for Esther!埃斯特 掌声欢迎Oh. Oh. Hey, Barney.喂 巴尼That prime rib was surprisingl



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