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1、2018年北京理工大学外国语学院854英语专业综合之语言学教程考研核心题库一、Explain-the-fllowing-terms1 Polysemy【答案】 Polysemy means a single word having several or many meanings. According to Crystal: Polysemy is a term used in semantic analysis to refer to a lexical item which has a range of different meanings. Polysemic words are sig

2、ns of an advanced culture. Polysemy is also an essential feature of a language?s economy and efficiency. 2 Presupposition【答案】 A presupposition is a proposition (expressed in a sentence) that is assumed to be true in order to judge the truth or falsity of another sentence. For example , John didnt pa

3、ss chemistry presupposes that John took chemistry. 3 Performatives【答案】 Performatives are sentences that do not state a fact or describe a state. They cannot be said to be true or false. The uttering of these sentences is, or is part of, the doing an action. The judge?s imprisonment sentence, the pre

4、sident?s war or independence declaration, etc., are performatives.4 CAI and CAL【答案】 Computer-assisted instruction (CAI ) means the use of a computer in a teaching program. This includes:a. A teaching program which is presented by a computer in a sequence. The student responds on the computer , and t

5、he computer indicates whether the responses are correct or incorrect.b. The use of computers to monitor student progress, to direct students into appropriate lessons, material , etc. This is also called computer-managed instruction.Parallel to CAI , there is CAL (Computer-Assistant Learning ) . The

6、former aims at seeing educational problems on the part of the teacher, whereas the latter emphasizes the use of a computer in both teaching and learning in order to help the learner achieve educational objectives. The first kind of CAL programs which were developed reflected principles similar to pr

7、ogrammed instruction. The computer leads the student through learning task step-by-step, asking questions to check comprehension. Depending on the studenfs response, the computer gives the student further practice or progresses to new material (see branching ). In more recent CAL courseware students

8、 are able to interact with the computer and perform higher-level tasks while exploring a subject or problem. 5 Innateness hypothesis【答案】 The “Innateness Hypothesis” of child language acquisition wa s proposed by Noam Chomsky , who states that language are somewhat innate and that children are bom wi

9、th what he calls a language acquisition device, which is a unique kind of knowledge that fits them for language learning. 二、Short-answer-questions6 What is the difference between meaning, concept, connotation, and denotation?【答案】 Meaning refers to the association of language symbols with the real wo

10、rld. There are many types of meanings according to different approaches. Concept is the impression of objects in peopled mind ; connotation , meaning the properties of the entity a word denotes , is the implied meaning , similar to implication and implicature ; denotation , like sense , is not direc

11、tly related to objects , but makes the abstract assumption of the real world. For example, the denotation of human is any person such as John and Mary, and its connotation is “biped? ?featherless? ?rational? etc.7 Identify the type of trope employed in the following examples.1)The boy was as cunning

12、 as a fox.2)the innocent sleep the death of each day?s life, (Shakespeare )3)Buckingham Palace has already been told the train may be axed when the rail network has been privatised. (Daily Mirror, 2 February 1993)4)Ted Dexter confessed last night that England are in a right old spin as to how they c

13、an beat India this winter. (Daily Mirror, 2 February 1993)【答案】 1) simile 2 ) metaphor 3 ) metonymy 4 ) synecdoche 8 Decide which maxim of the cooperative principle has been flouted in the following utterances and what implicature can be drawn.(1)A : Can you tell me the secret?B : But John is there.(

14、2)A : Let?s go to the movies.B : Fll bring the Kleenex.(3)A : Would you drive a Mercedes?B : I wouldn?t drive ANY expensive car.【答案】 In the exchanges, the maxim of relation has been flouted. As to instance (1) , A will assume that if B is cooperative his reply must be relevant in a different sense:

15、I will not talk about my secret now because I do not want to let John know. In (2 ),the answer of B seems irrelevant to A?s utterance. By doing so, A will likely derive the implicature that B has accepted his suggestion, and is going to get prepared. In (3) , by violating the maxim of relation , B i

16、ntends to implicate that Mercedes is an expensive car and he would not drive a Mercedes. 9 What are the three important points of the Prague School?【答案】 The Prague School has three points of special importance , First , it stressed that the synchronic study of language is fully justified as it can draw on complete and controllable material for investigation. Sec


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