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1、2018年三峡大学外国语学院894外国语言学及应用语言学之语言学教程考研核心题库一、Explain-the-fllowing-terms1 Semantic field【答案】 It is the organization of related words and expressions into a system which shows their relationship to one another. For example, kinship terms such as father, mother, brother, sister, uncle, aunt belong to a se

2、mantic field whose relevant features include generation , sex , membership of the fathers or mothers side of the family. 2 CategorizationCategorization is the process of classifying our experiences into different categories based 【答案】on commonalities and differences. There are three levels in catego

3、ries: the basic level,the superordinate level ,and the subordinate level. 3 Contrastive analysis【答案】 Contrastive analysis is an approach to analysis of second language acquisition, based on a belief that a more effective teaching pedagogy would come out when the similarities and differences between

4、native language and target language are taken into consideration. By such an analysis , it is supposed that some leaning difficulties could be predicted in terms of language transfer. 4 Locutionary Act, Illocutinary Act and Perlocutionary Act【答案】 According to Austin , a speaker might be performing t

5、hree acts simultaneously when speaking.A locutionary act is the uttering of words, phrases, and clauses, which conveys meaning by giving out meaningful sounds. Therefore, when somebody says ?Morning?,we can ask a question like “What did he do?,and the answer could be “He offered a greeting.”An illoc

6、utionary act is the act of expressing the speaker?s intention; it is the act performed in saying something. Therefore, for the same example,we can say “He meant it as a greeting”.A perlocutionary act is the effect of the utterance. Thus,by saying “Morning!” the speaker has made it clear that he want

7、s to keep friendly relations with the hearer. 5 Register【答案】 It is a speech variety used by a particular group of people , usually sharing the same occupation (e.g. doctors, lawyers) or the same interests. A particular register often distinguishes itself from others by having a number of distinctive

8、 words, by using words or phrases in a particular way, and sometimes by special grammatical constructions (e.g. legal language). 6 Contextual meaning【答案】 It is also called speaker?s meaning, or utterance meaning, which is more closely related to the context. For example, when a person says “My bag i

9、s heavy”,what he actually means may be asking the hearer to help him carry the bag. 7 Sapir-Whorf hypothesis【答案】 Sapir-Whorf hypothesis consists of two parts : linguistic determinism and linguistic relativity. Linguistic determinism refers to the notion that a language determines certain nonlinguist

10、ic cognitive processes. Different languages offer people different ways of expressing around , they think and speak differently. Linguistic relativity refers to the claim that the cognitive processes that are determined are different for different languages. Thus, speakers of different languages are

11、 said to think in different ways. The hypothesis is now interpreted mainly in two different ways: a strong version and a weak one. The strong version believes that the language patterns determine peopled thinking and behavior ; the weak one holds that the former influence the later. So far , many re

12、searches and experiments conducted provide support to the weak version. 8 Componential analysis【答案】 It refers to a semantic approach which defines the meaning of a lexical element in terms of semantic components , or semantic features. For example , the meaning of the word boy may be analyzed into t

13、hree components: HUMAN, YOUNG and MALE. 9 Embedding【答案】 It refers to the inclusion of a clause within a phrase or another clause, or of a phrase into another phrase. An example of embedded clauses is: What I do is none of your business. (Nominal clause embedded as subject of another clause) 10Applie

14、d linguistics【答案】 It is a branch of linguistics which studies the application of linguistics in reality. For example , there are studies on multilingualism, language acquisition, first and second language teaching and learning. 二、Short-answer-questions11Why is Saussure hailed as the father of modem

15、linguistics?【答案】 Saussure occupies such an important place in the history of linguistics that he is often described as father of modem linguistics”:A. The book Course in General Linguistics (1916),which is the most important source of Saussure?s ideas, marked the beginning of modem linguistics.B.Sau

16、ssure was the first to notice the complexities of language. He believed that language is a system of signs, called conventions. He held that the sign is the union of the signifier and the signified.C.By providing answers to questions concerning many aspects of language, Saussure made clear the object of study for linguistics as a science. His ideas on the


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