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1、2017年广州大学语言学与应用语言基础之语言学教程考研复试核心题库一、Explain-the-fllowing-terms1 IPA【答案】 IPA is the abbreviation of International Phonetic Alphabet , which is devised by the International Phonetic Association in 1888. IPA is a set of symbols which can be used to represent the phones and phonemes of natural languages.

2、 2 MT【答案】 It refers to machine translation, the use of machine (usually computers) to translate texts from one natural language to another 3 Distinctive features of speech sounds【答案】 The distinctive feature is a property which distinguishes one phoneme from another. For example , “voicing” is a dist

3、inctive feature, since it plays an important role in distinguishing obstruents in English. 4 Prefix【答案】 In linguistics, a prefix is a type of affix that precedes the morphemes to which it can attach. Prefixes are bound morphemes (they cannot occur as independent words ) . While most languages employ

4、 both prefixes and suffixes, prefixes are less common. Some languages employ mostly suffixes and almost no prefixes at all. The use of prefixes has been found to correlate statistically with other linguistic features, such as a verb-object word order and the use of prepositions. 5 functional morphem

5、e【答案】 This is a subtype of free morphemes, which one consists largely of the functional words in language such as conjunctions, prepositions, articles and pronouns, for example, “and, about when on , near, the” an so on. 6 cohort model【答案】 The cohort model is a supposed doctrine dealing with the spo

6、ken word recognition postulated by Marslen-Wilson and Welsh in 1990. It is suggested that the first few phonemes of a spoken word activate a set or cohort of word candidates that are consistent with the input. These candidates compete with one another for activation. As more acoustic input is analyz

7、ed , candidates that are no longer consistent with the input drop out of the set. This process continues until only one word candidate matches the input- the best fitting word may be chosen if no single candidate is a clear winner. 7 bound rootBound root refers to the base form of a word that cannot

8、 further be analyzed without total 【答案】loss of identity, and this base form could not occur alone, such as “-ceive” in “receive”. 8 subordination【答案】 Subordination refers to the process or result of linking linguistic units so that they have different syntactic status, one being dependent upon the o

9、ther, and usually a constituent of the other. Thus the subordinate constituents are words which modify the Head. Consequently, they can be called modifiers. In the phrase swimming in the lake , swimming is the head and in the lake are the words modifying the head. 二、Essay-question9 In what way are l

10、anguage and computer related , and how has their relationship affected language learning?【答案】 With the development of the computer technology and internet system, more and more people touched upon the computer field. Computer has been used in the classroom for foreign language teaching and learning.

11、 CAI stands for computer-assisted instruction, which means the use of a computer in a teaching program. CAL stands for computer-assisted learning, which means the use of computer in both teaching and learning. Following CAI and CAL , CALL , acronym for Computer Assisted Language Learning, refers to

12、the use of a computer in the teaching or learning of a second or foreign language. If CAI or CAL deals with teaching and learning in general, then CALL deals with language teaching and learning in particular. CALL provided a beneficial and convenient approach for language learners to improve their a

13、bility. For example, students can gain a quick access to any materials on the internet. The computer is not an individual resource for each student any more, instead, it is a trigger for interaction between the students and it is the focus for group work which allows some activities , such as the ac

14、tivity role-play interaction. The use of multimedia technology enables different information types to be simultaneously available on the computer, as a result, spoken language and moving video are produced other than mere presentation of written sentences. 10For each of the following pairs of senten

15、ces, discuss how the two sentences are different from each other.(1)A. His carelessness I can?t bear.B. I can?t bear his carelessness.(2)A. A dagger killed the tourist.B. The tourist was killed with a dagger.(3)A. A hurricane killed eight people.B. Eight people died in a hurricane.These two sentence

16、s are different in the sense that the thematic structures are different. 【答案】(1)The theme of a sentence is often the known information, which the sentence is mainly about. Sentence A provides some informa tion about “his carelessness”, since “his carelessness” serves as the theme. Whereas , Sentence B is a statement about “I ” and from the remainder of the sentence th



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