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1、 中国教育培训领军品牌 2015-2016 鲁教版九年级综合达标测试一听力(1-20无)二.单项选择(共15小题,计15分)从每小题A、B、C、D中选出一个能填入句中空白处的最佳答案。21. _old man in_brown coat over there is Mr. Jackson. A. An; a B. An; the C. The; a D. The; the22. -Whose schoolbag is this? -It_be Marys. It has her name on it. A. can B. may C. will D. Must23. I dont like l

2、emons because they are too_. A. crispy B. sweet C. salty D. sour 24. A lot of buildings_in the earthquake last year. A. are pulled down B. were pulled down C. were put down D. are put down25. Teachers often tell us_in the river. Its dangerous. A. dont swim B. not swim C. not to swim D. to not swim26

3、. -I missed the basketball game between Class 1 and Class 3 yesterday. -Really? _. It was great. A. What a pity! B. Dont mention it. C. Im glad to hear that. D. Wonderful.27. I dont think sixteen-year-old should_to go out at night. A. allow B. be allowing C. allowed D. be allowed28. The girl_won the

4、 first prize is called Kate.A. when B. whom C. who D. Which29. I_singing to dancing. A. like B. enjoy C. love D. Prefer30. Linda is new here, but she will soon_everything here. A. get used to B. is used for C. used to D. use to31. You are_to write quickly when we have a meeting. A. suggested B. supp

5、orted C. taught D. Supposed32. -Did you go to Qingdao or Yantai for your holiday? -We went to_. A week in Qingdao and a week in Yantai. A. both B. neither C. either D. All33. -How do you feel about loud music? -Loud music makes me_. A. happily B. unhappy C. happiness D. Unhappily34. When she arrived

6、 at the cinema, she realized that she_the ticket at home. A. has left B. had forgotten C. had left D. had forgotten35. As you grow up, you will learn to_difficulties yourself in life. A. answer B. overcome C. break D. Finish3、 阅读理解(共20小题,计30分)阅读下列短文,然后从每小题A、B、C、D四个选项中选出能回答所提问问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。AMy story

7、 starts three years ago. I was working in a food shop. I liked to talk to everybody and knew what was going on in their lives. A girl started working there a few months after me. We would never talk. We would just look at each other and smile. She would always smile in a really happy way. But one da

8、y when she smiled at me, I found there was something hiding(藏) behind her smile. I went up to her and asked,“Whats wrong?”She answered, “Why do you ask?”I said,“I could feel youre very sad and youre always trying to hide it.” She was very surprised as if I had discovered her secret. So we started ta

9、lking. She told me why she was sad and why she was trying to hide it.” Time went by and we became good friends. She always told me I changed her life. Today, this girl is one of my best friends. I really dont know what I would do without her. She has been there for me when I needed someone to talk w

10、ith. I want to say that when you are helping someone, you are helping yourself. I helped this girl. But I know that at the same time I was helping myself find a real friend. So the next time you meet a stranger and they need someones help, help them however you can.36. When the writer first saw the

11、girl at the food shop,_ .A. they both looked very sad B. they tired to talk with each otherC. they smiled at each other D. they didnt like each other 37. From the passage we know_ . A. the writer used to hide things herself B. the girl was very easy to get on well with C. the writer had no interest

12、in the girl at first D. the girl didnt want others to know her sadness at first 38. When the writer first talked to the girl,_ . A. the girl was very angry B. the girl was scared C. the girl asked for help D. the girl stopped hiding her feelings 39. From the passage we can say_ . A. girls are easy t

13、o make friends with B. the writer seemed to like the girl at first sight C. the girl seemed to believe the writer at first sight D. the writer and the girl were thankful for each other 40. What is the passage mainly about? A. What troubled a girl most. B. B. Why a girl didnt talk to others. C. What

14、happened to a food shop. D. How the writer and the girl became good friends.BAn examination notice to the students of Class 5 Examinations start on June 26 and end on June 27. The time for each of the subjects is:ChineseJune 268:00 am-10:00 amMathJune 2610:30 am-12:00 amEnglishJune 262:00 am-4:00 amMusicJune 278:30 am-10:30 amPEJune 271:30 am-3:30 am For the PE exam, go to the playground. For the music exam, go to the piano Room. All else are written exams. They will be h


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