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1、语言结构之词形变化 (学生版)1.You will have a better _(know) of methods of solving the international problems.2.The demand for natural resources is becoming an_(increase) serious problem for the future of mankind.3.She _(firm)believes that there should always be a wider audience for any good book whatever its ma

2、in market is.4.Mollie is indeed an_(entertain). entertainer5. A little knowledge is a _(danger) thing.6.Memory includes not only “remembering” things like arithmetic or _(history)facts, but also involves any change in the way an animal typically behaves.7.Memory exists not only in humans and animals

3、 but also in some _(physics)objects and machines.8.The whole passage implies that only human beings have problem-solving_(intelligent).9.The _(compare)made between the memory capacity of a large computer and that of a human being shows that the memory capacity of a teenagers should be full made use

4、of.10.Now he is Britains only _(profession)monster-hunter.11.Scientists have found some evidence of the _(exist)of the “animal”.12.He keeps himself going by selling pictures to_(tour). tourists13.This _(advertise)is written for people who want to develop stampcollection as a hobby.14.When someone te

5、lls you something that is true, but leaves out important information that should be included , he can create a false_(impress) .15._ (advertise) will sometimes use half-truths.16.Written _(public)are not able to do this .publications17. All of us enjoyed _(we)at the party.18.The Green School Project

6、 has become part of the _ (environment)education in our school.19. A little _encourage) is all some people need to keep doing a good job.20.He will give away his vast fortune to spare the American _ (govern) the burden(负担)of health care.21. I was sorry to learn of your uncles _(die).22.The police ca

7、ught the thief without any_(difficult).23.This kind of _(free) cannot easily be given in the modern factory with its complicated(复杂的)machinery which must be used in a fixed way.24.Another important _(consider) is how much each worker contributes to the product he is making.25.The workers _(they) cer

8、tainly think this is important.26.A similar _(argue) may explain demands for shorter working hours.27.We appreciate your _(understand) and cooperation.28.The Rhine is one of the main waterways of_(German).29. The siren is supposed to sit on the rock combing her long _(gold) hair and singing.30.The _

9、(sail) who hear her singing forget to steer.31.People liked his stories, because simple as the tales were, they would finish with a _(suddenly) change at the end, to the readers surprise.32.One day a few years ago a very _(fun) thing happened to a neighbour of mine.33.One morning he was walking alon

10、g the street when a _(strange) stopped him.34.You can _(easy) find out the pull of the earth.35.In 1849, after _(graduate) from school. she decided to further her education in Paris.36.Besides being the first woman _(physics) and founding her own hospital , she also set up the first medical school f

11、or women.37.She couldnt get admitted to _(medicine) school.38. We shall _ (defense) our island, whatever the cost may be.39. People who have only one eye cannot judge _( distant) as people with two eyes.40. A beautiful and very successful actress was the star of a new _(music) show.41.He was filled

12、with _(wonderful) at the sight of his newly-born son.42.Im afraid its completely _(worth).43.We had no _ (succeed) in finding a new flat.44.Tom is really a _(trouble) boy.45.That is unacceptable in our_(social).46. Its_(sun) today , lets go fishing.47. He is no_(strange) to poverty.48.The bad weathe

13、r _(encourage) people from attending the parade.49.The microscope is a _(science) instrument.50.The mayor presented a silver cup to the_(win).51. _(necessary) is the mother of invention.52. Because of all the arguments the meeting was a _(live) one.53. She lives in France but has British _(nation).54. The President and the Secretary of State are government _(office).55. The castle is open to_(visit) in summer.56. Be careful when you get t


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