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1、第二集语法填空核心考点考点突破代词高考考查的重点【考向聚焦】在句中用来代替名词、名词短语或句子的词称为代词。代词可以在句子中作主语、宾语、表语或定语等。近3年来,高考重点考查不定代词,所考题量占所考代词总量的50%左右,其次是it的用法和替代词。试题的设计注重语境设置,要求考生将句子意思和句子结构联系起来选出正确的代词。因此,做题时要在熟练掌握各类代词基本用法的基础上,特别注意句意和句子结构的结合,只靠死背语法是很难奏效的。对应学生用书P5用适当的代词填空1(2013辽宁,29)To her joy,Della earned first the trust of her students an

2、d then _ of her colleagues.解析句意:Della先赢得了学生的信任,然后赢得了同事的信任。此处用于替代不可数名词trust,故用that。如果代替可数复数名词用those或the ones。答案that2(2013江西,23)_ can be good at something for 40 years if he doesnt love it.解析句意:如果他不喜欢的话,不可能会有人40年擅长一件事情。nobody意为“没有人”。答案Nobody3(2013山东,21)Ive lived in New York and Chicago,but dont like _

3、 of them very much.解析句意:我在纽约和芝加哥都居住过,但这两个地方我都不喜欢。短语not.eitherneither(两者都不)。答案either4(2013陕西,22)Although Rosemary had suffered from a serious illness for years,she lost _ of her enthusiasm for life.解析句意:虽然Rosemary这些年患上了一种严重的疾病,但是她并没丧失对生活的热情。根据语境可知用否定词。答案none5(2013天津,12)At our factory there are a few

4、machines similar to _ described in this magazine.解析考查用于比较对象替代的代词。句意:在我们工厂有一些与这份杂志中描述相似的机器。those替代可数名词复数。答案those6(2013四川,2)The traffic on the main street has a longer green signal than _ on the small ones.解析考查比较对象的替代。通常可以用that替代不可数名词,此处the traffic为不可数名词,故用that来替代。答案that7(2013新课标,14)Its an eitheror si

5、tuationwe can buy a new car this year or we can go on holiday but we cant do _解析句意:这是一个只能二选一的处境我们可以在今年买一辆新车,或者去度假,但是我们不可能两件事都做。not.both表不完全否定(并非两者都)。答案both8(2013重庆,31)Recycling is one way to protect the environment,reusing is _解析句意:回收是保护环境的一种方式;再利用是另一种方式。another可替代a/onen.。答案another9(2013安徽,27)This p

6、roject requires close teamwork._ will be achieved unless we work well together.解析句意:如果我们不一起良好合作,我们就不会取得任何成就。答案Nothing10(2013浙江,11)Half of _ surveyed in 16 countries say they go first to their closest friend to share their deepest wishes and darkest fears.解析根据横线后定语surveyed in 16 countries可知,意为被调查的那些人

7、中的一半。答案those对应学生用书P5不定代词的用法(none,nothing,nobody用 法比较)【典例1】 My brother would like to buy a good watch but _ was available from that shop.(2012江西)解析句意:我弟弟想买块好表,但是那家商店没有。none表示“在一定范围内(三者或三者以上)一个也没有”。答案none【典例2】 I knew that _ would ever discourage him;he would never give up wanting to be a director.(201

8、1湖南)解析句意:我知道没有什么能够阻止他,他将永远不会放弃成为一名导演。考查代词。答案nothing1John has tried many ways to solve the physics problems,but _ works.解析根据语境可知,此题应填代词none指代not any way。句意:约翰已经尝试了许多解决这些物理难题的方法,但是没有一种方法有效。答案none2How do you find your new classmates?Most of them are kind,but _ is so good to me as Bruce.答案nonenone,nothi

9、ng,nobody(no one)的用法none指人或物,相当于no名词;可回答how many,how much的提问;可与of连用How much money do you have?None.你有多少钱?一点也没有。I want some more cheese,but theres none left.我想再吃点奶酪,但是一点也没剩。As we were asleep,none of us heard the sound.由于我们在睡觉,因此没人听到那声音。nothing指物;可回答what的提问What are you doing now?Nothing.你现在在干什么?什么也没干。

10、nobody (no one)指人;可回答who的提问Who is in the room?No one/Nobody.谁在屋里?没人。no one无任何人nothing无任何物none无所提及的人、物 none的用法比较)【典例3】 He had lost his temper and his health in the war and never found _ of them again.(2010重庆)解析句意:战争期间他发脾气且损害了健康;但现在哪一样都没有了。考查代词。根据题干中的temper和health,可知设空处指的是两者。答案either【典例4】 John,when sh

11、all we meet again,Thursday or Friday?_Ill be off to London then.(2012重庆)解析句意:约翰,我们什么时候再见一次面,周四还是周五?都不行,我那个时候要去伦敦。根据答语中的Ill be off to London then.可知需填表否定意义的代词。答案Neither3It was hard for him to learn English in a family,in which _ of the parents spoke the language.答案neither4Which of the three optional

12、courses did you like best,Joe?To tell you the truth,I didnt like _ of them.答案anyeither,both,neither,all,none,any的常见用法如下:两者either肯定含义作主语时谓语动词常用单数both肯定含义作主语时谓语动词用复数neither否定含义作主语时谓语动词常用单数三者或三者以上不定代词的用法(other,another,the other, others,the others的用法比较)【典例5】 Neither side is prepared to talk to _ unless

13、we can smooth things over between them.(2010全国)解析考查代词用法。句意:双方都不肯与对方交谈,除非我们消除他们之间的隔阂。根据句中的neither可知共有两方,所以指双方中的另外一方用the other。答案the other【典例6】 The manager believes prices will not rise by more than _ four percent.解析根据句意“经理认为价格的上涨不会再超过4%”可知,another为本题的正确答案。在英语中,“another基数词名词”结构相当于“基数词more名词”结构,意为“再/又”

14、。答案another5No progress was made in the trade talk as neither side would accept the conditions of _答案the other6Would you like to go and watch a tennis match this weekend with us?Im sorry,but Ive got _ plans.答案other在英语中,other(s),the other(s),another是常用的代词,它们的用法如下:(1)other意为“其他的”,其后常接可数名词复数形式,也可接不可数名词,表示泛指概念。(2)others意为“其他的人或物”,其后不可以接名词,因为它相当于“other名词”结构,也表示泛指概念。(3)the other有两种常见用法:the other意为“其他的”,其后常接可数名词复数形式,也可接不可数名词,表示特指概念;the other意为“两者中的另一个”,常用于“one.the other.”结构。(4)the others意为“其他的人或物”,其后不可以接名词



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