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1、高材生课外辅导社资料英语资料 专心!专注!专业!做我区最好的课外辅导机构! 第六周1. They _ on the earth tens of thousands of years ago, _ humans came into being and their future seemed secure at that time.A. had lived; long beforeB. had lived; long agoC. lived; long beforeD. lived; before long2.Ittookusoveranhour_alongthestreet.A. walk B.

2、 towalkC. walking D. walked3.Ithinkitagreathonour_tovisityourcountry.A. toinviteB. inviting C. havinginvitedD. tobeinvited4. Travelling is difficult _ youre carrying two small children and a heavy suitcase.A. unlessB. untilC. before D. when5. I dont know why, but I took a strong dislike to him _ I s

3、aw him.A. as soon as B. as much as C. as often asD. as far as6.IntheUnitedStates,bustraveldoesntcostmuchastraintravel,_?A. donttheyB. doesit C. dotheyD. doesntit7.Itisrainingcatsanddogs._.A. SoitisB. Soisit C. NeitheritisD. Neitherisit8. _he returns to his native land.A. It is long before thatB. It

4、is before long thatC. It wont be long beforeD. It will be long before that9.Itsdemandedthatwe_thereonfoot.A. nottogo B. dontgo C. notgo D. wontgo10. We cant go along that road _ the sign says “No Entry”.A. untilB. unless C. whileD.because11. _ youre growing up you must learn to stand on your own two

5、 feet.A. As soon asB. In case C. Now that D. So that12. _ the sun was shining I took an umbrella just to be on the safe side.A. SinceB. BecauseC. AlthoughD. In case13._raininghardfor3hourswithoutstopping.A. ItisB. ItwasC. IthasbeenD. Ithadbeen14.Hastheboygothisbicyclenow?Yes,thepolicegave_.A. himtoh

6、imB. ittoitC. ittohimD. himtoit15. _ you saw him pick up the money, you cant be sure he stole it.A. Now thatB. Even if C. In caseD. So that16. _ short the journey is, he always gets something to eat on the airline.A. HoweverB. HowC. Whatever D. What17.Itsnouse_overspiltmilk.A.cryB. cryingC. thatyouc

7、ryD. foryoutocry18.Itisimportant_theiroffer.A. rejectB. rejectsC. torejectD. rejecting19.Has_beendecidedwhenwearetoholdthesports-meeting?A. thatB. thisC. itD. what20. Companies are buying in supplies of paper, _ the price goes up.A. in order thatB. in case C. even though D. so that21. He had his cam

8、era ready, just _ he saw something that would make a good picture.A. now thatB. unless C. in caseD. as long as22. Would you mind waiting outside, sir, _ the manager can see you?A. afterB. whenC .unless D. until23. I think it will be some time _ we know the full cost of the accident.A. beforeB. whenC

9、. sinceD. until24.Nothingiswrongwiththeradio_?A. isntitB. isthatC. isitD. isntthat25. Ill prepare enough food just _ they decide to stay for dinner.A. in caseB. so thatC. in order that D. as much as26. If they dont understand it the first time, go over it again _ they do.A. thoughB. untilC. afterD.

10、in case27. _ the government agrees to give extra money, the theatre will have to close.A. In caseB. Now thatC. Until D. Unless28. I dont know why, but _ I suggest, he always disagrees.A. howeverB. whatever C. whatD. no matter29. _ I understand what you say, I cant agree with you.A. WhileB. As C. Sin

11、ceD.Because30.Itsthesecondtimeyou_latethisweek.A. arriveB. arrivedC. havearrivedD. hadarrived(一)I woke up this morning with a fright!There appeared to be a mouse in my bed tickling my nose and _1_ scratching me.It had to be a mouse,for those tiny sharp little nails were scratching me all across my _

12、2_.It couldnt have been a(n)_3_ as I didnt own any pets;it couldnt have been a rat,because if what I had read about rats was_4_,their sharp teeth could _5_ their way through solid stone.They do this because their front teeth never stop growing and this is the only way to keep them _6_.I didnt dare t

13、o open my eyes and face the_7_ of the disgusting mouse in the bed with me.I felt so dirty and _8_.I didnt want to change my position either,_9_ the mouse would slide onto other areas of my body,which would_10_ give me horrible dreams for years to come!Despite my fears,I finally decided to swiftly _11_ the mouse away.But it _12_!I did it again and again and it kept coming back,every single time.There was no way out.I



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