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1、广西鹿寨县2017高考英语(一轮)完形填空精练精选 2014山西省五校高三联合测试Brandon Craggs was born with cerebral palsy (大脑性麻痹). Doctors told his parents that the boy would always be too _1_to take part in sporting events, _2_ major competitions.But the youngster from Wolverhampton has proved doctors _3_ by winning a major championsh

2、ip. Mum Helen who works as a technician said Brandon had always been extremely _4_ and that his _5_ resulted from his never giving up. She said, “He had problems with his fine movement and had weak _6_. We were really sad when we were told by doctors that he might never walk _7_ and they warned us h

3、e would be clumsy when _8_ sports. But we did exercise his weak ankles and he _9_ the orthopaedic boots (矫形靴) everyday for around three years. His dad has always loved _10_ and when Brandon was five he would walk around behind his dad. Brandon had his first _11_ when he was seven and just absolutely

4、 _12_ it. “Brandon was recently crowned winner of the Wolverhampton Schools Championship_13_ the golfers who were five years his senior.After years of physiotherapy(物理疗法) he can now walk without problems although he does _14_ from hearing issues in both ears. Michael said his sons recent win was _15

5、_.“I gave up my membership at a local golf so I could _16_ more time with him. He has had a lot to _17_in the past and he still has to go for regular audiograms(听力敏度图) to monitor his hearing loss. Its unbelievable to think about where we have gone from _18_ he was just a few months old. We are both

6、very proud of what he has _19_.” Mick Woodhouse, organiser of Penn Golf Course, where Brandon _20_ and won, added, “Brandon is a delightful guy and very good player.”1A. clumsyB. comfortableC. active D. lazy2. A. rather than B. as usualC. let alone D. such as3.A. right B. wrongC. clever D. brilliant

7、4.A. powerful B. changeableC. determined D. careful5.A. illness B. mistakeC. failure D. success6.A. legs B. armsC. ankles D. hands7.A. carefully B. normallyC. weakly D. disappointedly8.A. playing B. watchingC. working D. studying9.A. carried B. woreC. brought D. took10A. music B. volleyballC. golf D

8、. basketball11A. lesson B. businessC. fortune D. operation12A. avoided B. refusedC. praised D. loved13A. winning B. beatingC. helping D. saving14A. benefit B. sufferC. learn D. prevent15. A. available B. uncomfortableC. unbelievable D. unacceptable16.A. spend B. payC. waste D. ruin17.A. laugh at B.

9、deal withC. look for D. pick out18.A. where B. howC. when D. whether19A. needed B. achievedC. showed D. matched20. A. competed B. trainedC. fought D. attended文章大意本文是一篇记叙文。被医生诊断为不能正常走路的小男孩最终凭着自己的毅力成为了高尔夫球冠军!1A。根据第二段的“they warned us he would be clumsy when _8_ sports”可知答案为A。2C。从上句中的“too_1_ to take par

10、t in sporting events”可以推知,男孩连进行体育运动都困难,“更不用说”参加重大比赛。故答案为C。let alone“更不用说,更谈不上”。3B。上文中提到医生说Brandon Craggs 不能参加比赛,而根据空后的“by winning a major championship”可以断定,医生的看法是“错误的”(wrong)。4C。从下文的“never giving up”可推知,此处表达的是他的意志非常坚定。故答案为C。5D。从上文中的“winning a major championship”可知,此处指他的“成功”,所以要用success。6C。根据第8空后面的“B

11、ut we did exercise his weak ankles”可知,他的“脚踝”有问题。故答案为C。7B。根据医生的判断“He had problems with his fine movement”可以推知,他走路不正常。故答案为B。8A。医生警告我们当他做体育运动的时候会非常笨拙。故答案为A。9B。根据空后的“the orthopaedic boots(矫形靴)”可知,此处要用wore。10C。从该段最后一句的“the golfers who were five years his senior”可知Brandon的父亲喜欢的是高尔夫球。11A。在Brandon 7岁的时候上了第一

12、节高尔夫球课,并完全爱上了它。故选A。12D。参见上题解析。 love“爱,喜欢”,符合语境。13B。冠军是通过“打败”年长他五岁的选手赢得的。所以此处要用beating。win常常表示“赢得(比赛)”。14B。从下文中的“go for regular audiograms(听力敏度图)to monitor his hearing loss”可知,他还有听力问题,所以此处要用suffer from,表示“遭受(疾病,悲伤等)”。15.C。Michael对他儿子取得的成绩感到自豪,觉得“难以置信”,故要用unbelievable。16.A。与儿子一起度过(spend)更多的时间。17B。在身体不

13、健康的情况下Brandon还能取得那么好的成绩,这就可以说明他在过去的时间里克服了很多困难,所以要用deal with,表示“处理,解决”。18C。从后面的“he was just a few months old”可知,此处是指他的年龄,故应该用when。19.B。我们都很满意他所取得的成就。achieve“取得”,符合语境。20A。根据“won”可知,Brandon参加了比赛,故答案为A项。compete“参加比赛”。完型填空。阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从以下题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。You may think there is only sand in the

14、desert of the world, _1_ it is not true. In the desert, as we know, there is a little _2_, but it is not _3_ for most plants. Still we can see some plants _4_ in the desert.There is _5_ in some places in the desert. We _6_ these places oases. In the oases, there are villages and towns. People grow _

15、7_ kinds of crops in the fields there.People _8_ live outside the oases. They have camels, sheep and other animals. These animals depend _9_ the desert plants for their food and do not need _10_ water.The _11_ are useful to the desert people in many ways. They eat the meat and drink the milk of the animals. They use the camels for carrying water, food, tents and something else.The people of the desert have to keep moving from place to place. They must always look 12 grass or


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