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1、8.【题文】Hunters in Mississippi broke a state record for the heaviest alligator (短吻鳄)ever killed, kicking off the hunting season with two big catches.Dustin Bockman of Wisconsin and two hunting friends caught the 727-pound 13-foot-long beast on Sunday, beating last years record-setter by 26 pounds, acc

2、ording to the states Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks.“Were going to cook it for sure.” he told Gulf Live.Theres plenty for me and everybody else.”He and his team of hunters followed the huge creature for 12 hours until they could get close enough to shoot him with a crossbow.“He would go

3、 to the bottom and sit like a piece of wood. You could do anything with him, Bockman said.The hunters then had to figure out how to drag the beasts dead body into their boat.It look four hours of pulling 一 at which point they rested on a sandbar (沙洲)and called friends for help.First-time hunter Beth

4、 Trammell initially broke the record when she caught a 723-pound 13-foot gator with a team of six hunters, but Bockman stole her thunder hours later.She was shocked at her gators size. “It took about four hours to get it in the boat,” she said. “We had to ask another boat to help us out 一 it was so

5、big.”She said that she, too, was going to eat the beast and use it for decoration.“I think my brother-in-law is going to get the head mounted.” she said.Alligators nearly died out in Mississippi in the 1960s, but a conservation (保护区)helped the creature recover to the point that hunting is now legal.

6、1 .Which of the following is true about Dustin Bockman?A.He is a Mississippian.B.He is a first-time hunter.C.He will share out the alligator meat.D.He fought the alligator for 12 hours.2.The underlined phrase “stole her thunder” probably means “ _”.A. shocked her B. yelled at herC. stole her alligat

7、or D. beat her record3.According to the text, alligator hunting in Mississippi _ .A.is a game for man B. often requires team workC.is allowed all year round D. has a history of SO years4.What can be inferred about the alligators in Mississippi?A.Their number is on the decrease. B. They arc no longer

8、 under protection.C. They usually weigh over 700 pounds. D. There arc enough of them for licensed hunters.【答案】CDBD【解析】【文章解读】本文是一新闻报道。主要介绍了Dustin Bockman of Wisconsin和他的两个猎户朋友捕到巨型短吻鳄的报道。1 .根据文中First-time hunter Beth Trammell排除B;根据文章中第10段的It took about four hours to get it in the boat排除D;A在文中没有提到。根据第三

9、段“Were going to cook it for sure.” he told Gulf Live.可知选C。2.根据划线部分前文的initially broke the record可知这次捕获的战利品打破了她的记录。故选D。3.根据文中第二段和第九段叙述的两次捕获短吻鳄都是一个团队,由此可知选B。4.根据最后一句话中but a conservation (保护区)helped the creature recover to the point that hunting is now legal可知捕获短吻鳄英语捕获证。故选D。【试源】2015届四川省高三“联测促改”活动第二轮测试【结

10、束】9.【题文】“Holding girls back from an education is robbing them of their dignity (尊严),” says Mariam, a teacher,in an interview with Action Press.“I feel proud when I tell people that Im from Swat in Pakistan, with its green and mountainous valley. But I dont feel proud about the number of women and gi

11、rls where Im from who are still being unable to enjoy the right for an education.“I have taught many students including Malala, the young education activist who was shot in the head as travelling to school in Pakistan after campaigning for girls education. Among them I see the dignity that education

12、 can offer. This is why I have long been devoted to teaching, and why I am doing what I can to make sure that all girls have the chance to go to school.“At the Khushaal school and college in Mingora, many girls are prevented from going to school because of poverty (贫困) and fights. However, the most

13、common reasons for girls not attending classes are cultural. People fear that females will become too independent if educated. Instead, parents prefer to marry off girls early. Girls and young women are considered a financial burden if left dependent on their parents.”“In the school where I have bee

14、n teaching for over ten years, I have seen how this discrimination plays out. Parents regard an educated and independent female as being too clever for her own. Even if parents agree to give a girl an education, a limit is set to the number of years for her to attend classes and it is common for gir

15、ls to make it through only primary school. This is why I have been working tirelessly to change these damaging views and cultural practices. These are crimes against humanity (人道),which I have no choice but to strongly accuse of.”“Malata was right to fight for her education.” says Mariam, who will b

16、e in New York with UNESCO (联合教科文姐织),delivering a speech calling for world leaders to make sure every child gets a chance to go to school.1. What does Mariam take pride in?A. Her dignity from education. B. Her lifelong devotion to teaching.C. Her hometown with fantastic scenery. D. Her experience as a speech maker.2. What is the major reason to prevent girls from


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