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1、2018年春学期高一期末考试英 语时间:120分钟 分值:150分第一部分 基础知识一、听力部分(10分)听下面一段独白,请填写出文章中所缺的单词。读三遍。听力结束后,请把答案写在答题卡的相应位置。 Yuan Longping was born in 1930. And he 36 from Southwest Agricultural College in 1953. Since then, finding ways to grow more rice has been his life 37 . As a young man, he saw the great need for 38 th

2、e rice output. In 1974, he became the first 39 pioneer in the world to grow rice that has a high output. 40 to his super hybrid rice, farmers are producing harvests twice as large as before. Although Dr. Yuan is one of Chinas most famous scientists, he lives a 41 life. Dr. Yuan would rather keep tim

3、e for his 42 . He enjoys listening to 43 music, playing mah-jong, swimming and reading. Dr. Yuan used to hope to produce a kind of rice that could 44 more people. And now he has another dream: to 45 his rice to the rest of the world. 二、根据汉语意思写出下列单词或短语。(共10分)Part:单词46.讨论;辩论;争论vt.&vi. 47.谈到;查阅;参考vi. 4

4、8.斗争;拼搏;努力vi.&n. 49.输出;出口vt.&vi. 50.评论;议论n. 51.满足的;满意的adj. 52.令人信服的adj. 53.耳语;低语n. 54.代表;象征vt. 55.保护;保卫vt. Part:短语56.过着的生活 57.蔑视;瞧不起 58.(偶然)遇见;碰见 59.幸亏;由于;因为 60.使摆脱或除去 61.集中(注意力、精力)于 62.直到现在 63.挑出;辨别出 64.很可能;有希望 65.舒适;快活;自由自在 三、根据汉语意思或首字母,用相应单词的正确形式填空。(10分)66. She spent years (观察) and recording thei

5、r daily activities. 67. Please give the matter your careful (考虑).68. I was (幸运的) to have overcome financial problems with their support.69. They had to (斗争,拼搏)against all kinds of difficulties.70. His theory about the origin of life is very (令人信服的).71. Her research showed the c between chimps and hu

6、man beings.72. We must r ourselves of these old ideas.73. Judging from his f expression, he is content with the result.74. Each classroom in our school is e with a computer, which is helpful to our study.75. John was asked to d a speech on the graduation ceremony.四、根据汉语意思完成下列句子。(10分)76. Only in this

7、 way, _ _ _ the problem.只有这样我们才能解决这个问题。77. _ _ _ _ he should have been absent from such an important meeting.真奇怪,这么重要的会议他居然缺席了。78. He is the first person _ _ the top of Mount Qomolangma.他是第一个到达珠穆朗玛顶峰的人。79. With the final exam _, many students spend more time going over their lessons.随着期末考试的接近,很多学生花更

8、多的时间来复习他们的功课。80. Hope Project _ _ _ for many poor children to go to school.希望工程使得很多贫穷的孩子上学成为可能。81. I _ _ _ all day _ play computer games for a long time.我宁愿整天睡觉也不愿玩很长时间电脑游戏。82. we wont go to the party, _ _ _.我们不会去参加聚会,她也不会去。83. Im longing to studying in _ _ _ Peking university.我渴望在被叫做是(所谓的)北京大学的地方学习

9、。84. The news shocked the public, _ _ great concern about teachers safety at school.这个消息震惊了公众,导致了老师在校安全的更多担忧。85. We find _ _ to see running man coming to Taiyuan.我们(发现)看见跑男来太原很激动。五、语法填空(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)Animal welfare is a growing concern in todays 86 _ ( social ). Many people think that it iscruel

10、 to remove animals from their 87 _ ( nature ) habitat and keep them in cages for the public to look at. An animal88 ( keep )in a zoo will lead a different life from an animal that 89( live ) in the wild. Whats more, some animals become unhappy in zoos 90there isnt enough space.On the other hand, a t

11、rip to the zoo can be91 _ educational experience. When students learn about endangered species and are able to seethem in a zoo, they are more likely to support projects designed 92 ( save ) these animals from extinction. Due to some illegal actions , there are many species which would die out if th

12、ey werent kept in zoos.Every zoo has a93 ( slight )different approach to animal care and welfare, but overall I think zoos are good places. 94_ ( see ) animals in their natural habitat isnt always possible and I think zoos offer a good alternative. A trip95 _ the zoo is both educational and fun Ill

13、surely continue to visit zoos!第2部分 能力提升1、 阅读理解和七选五第一节(共10小题,每小题3分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。ARiding School: You can start horse-riding at any age. Choose private or group lessons any weekday between 9 a.m. and 8:30 p.m. (3:30 p.m. on Saturdays). There are 10 kilometres of tracks and paths for leisurely rides across farmland and open country. You will need a riding hat. Opening Hours: Monday through Friday:9:00 a.m. 8:30p.m. Phone: (412) 396-6754 Fax: (412) 396-6752Sailing Club: Our Young Sailors Course le


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