《西部世界 第一季 westworld (2016)》第15集 英中字幕

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1、目 录目录第1集2第2集22第3集39第4集58第5集76第1集Bring her back online.E01把她唤醒Can you hear me?听得到我说话吗Yes.是的Im sorry. Im not feeling quite myself.抱歉 我感觉不太好You can lose the accent.去掉口音Do you know where you are?你知道你身在何处吗Im in a dream.我在梦里Thats right, Dolores. Youre in a dream.没错 德洛丽丝 你在梦里Would you like to wake up from

2、this dream?你想从梦里醒来吗Yes.是的Im terrified.我很害怕Theres nothing to be afraid of, Dolores,没什么可怕的 德洛丽丝As long as you answer my questions correctly.只要你答对我的问题就可以了- Understand? - Yes.-明白了吗 -是的Good.很好First.第一个问题Have you ever questioned the nature of your reality?你是否质疑过你眼中现实世界的本质No.没有Tell us what you think of you

3、r world.告诉我 你对你的世界的看法Some people choose to see the ugliness in this world.有人选择看到这个世界上的丑恶The disarray.那些无秩序的混乱I choose to see the beauty.我选择看到美好Morning, daddy. You sleep well?早上好 爸爸 睡得好吗Well enough.很好You headed out to set down some of this natural splendor?你要出去写生吗Thought I might.是的To believe there is

4、 an order to our days,我相信我们的生命有着某种秩序A purpose.某个目标What do you think of the guests?你对客人有什么看法You mean the newcomers?你是说新住民吗Now, the first time I played it white hat.第一次来的时候我全程扮个好人My family was here.我家人也一起来了We went fishing, did the gold hunt in the mountains.我们一起去钓鱼 去山里淘金- And last time? - I came alone

5、.-上一次呢 -一个人来的Went straight evil.变身大魔头It was the best two weeks of my life.那是我一生中最棒的两个星期I like to remember what my father taught me.我记得父亲对我的教导That at one point or another,在某个时刻we were all new to this world.我们都是这个世界的新住民The newcomers are just looking for the same thing we are-那些新住民跟我们一样 只是为了寻找A place t

6、o be free一个自由的地方to stake out our dreams,一个可以界定梦境a place with unlimited possibilities.有着无限可能的地方Oh, god, its incredible.老天 这真是太不可思议了Better be for what were paying.当然要物超所值Murderous son of a bitch named Hector Escaton心狠手辣的杀人犯赫克托艾斯卡顿gunned down the marshal.枪杀了警察局长Hes holed up in the mountains.躲去山里了You th

7、ere.你You look like the kind of man whod put his mettle to it.你看起来是个有勇气的小伙子Not today, sheriff. Apologies.今天可不行 治安官 抱歉Rye whiskey.黑麦威士忌What about it?干嘛Well, it aint doing any good sitting in that bottle.装在瓶子里没人喝也没什么用Youre new.你是新来的Not much of a rind on you.细皮嫩肉的Ill give you a discount.给你打个折吧Well, no o

8、ffense, but.无意冒犯 不过Id rather earn a womans affection than pay for it.我更情愿赢得女士的芳心 而不是花钱买Youre always paying for it, darling.爱情总归是要花钱的 亲爱的The difference is our costs区别在于 我们的收费are fixed and posted right there on the door.是明码标价挂在门前的Do you ever feel inconsistences in your world?你觉得你的世界里有矛盾吗Or repetitions

9、?有反复吗All lives have routine.每个生命都有其特定的轨道Mines no different.我的并没有什么不同Still, I never cease to wonder at the thought然而 我总是止不住好奇that any day the course of my whole life会不会有那么一天 一次机缘巧合could change with just one chance encounter.就会改变我整个人生的方向Dont mind me.别管我Just trying to look chivalrous.只是想表现下骑士风度You came

10、 back.你回来了I told you I would.我说过我会回来的Can I see you home?我能送你回家吗Well, that all depends. Can you keep up?那得看你跟不跟得上了Well, I have to fetch my horse.我还得去牵我的马Better fetch him fast.那你最好快一点Thats a beautiful sight.景色真美Never understood how you一直不明白keep them all headed in the same direction.你怎么能让它们都往一个方向走I for

11、get you dress like a cowboy,我忘了你是一个光装相but thats about the extent of it.不放牛的牛仔See that one?看见那头了吗- Yeah. - Thats the Judas steer.-嗯 -那是头牛Rest will follow wherever you make him go.你让它去哪儿 牛群都会跟着过去How do you pick him out?你是怎么把它选出来的Just know these things.知道点技巧罢了Same as I knew youd be back.就像我还知道你一定会回来的Yo

12、u saying Im predictable?你是说我很好猜Theres a path for everyone.每个人都有自己的路Your path leads you back to me.你的路指引你回到我身边I know things will work out the way theyre meant to.我知道万物皆有定数Same as I know my daddy still wont be happy to see you.就像我还知道爸爸看到你会不高兴Father wouldnt let them roam this close to dark.父亲不会这么晚让它们在外

13、边乱跑的Stay put, Dolores.待着别动 德洛丽丝Aint you got anything out here你这里除了牛奶Other than milk, old man?就没有别的了吗 老头Go ahead.动手吧Im in no rush to meet my judgment,我不急着去见阎王but Im more sure of the outcome than you, you son of a-但我很清楚你将面临的下场 你这混.Nothing but milk, then.那就是只有牛奶了Shame of it is you killed the old woman真

14、可惜 我们都没来得及上before any of us could have a turn.你就把那老女人杀了I reckon shes still warm enough.我看她还暖和着呢Nobody gonna judge you for it.没人会说三道四的Oh, shit. Shit, shit, shit.该死 该死 该死Last question, Dolores.最后一个问题 德洛丽丝What if I told you that you were wrong?如果我告诉你 你是错的呢That there are no chance encounters?这里没有什么机缘巧合That you and everyone you know你 和你熟知的每一个人were built to gratify the desires都是被创造出来为那些of the people who pay to visit your world?花钱来到你们世界的人们满足欲求的Daddy!爸爸Daddy!爸爸Daddy! No!爸爸 不The people you call The newcomers.那些人被你叫做新住民Hello again



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