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1、2016考博英语词汇语法选择题练习(2)21.Except on official_ such as formal receptions, American society has a certain amount of informality.A) casesB) situationsC) eventsD) occasions22.The final document was, of course, supposed to mend the damage_ upon the world by the war.A) imposedB) impressedC) compelledD) compr

2、essed23.While walking along the icy river banks, we could see cracks in the ice_ in all directions.A) radiatingB) dividingC) splittingD) tearing24.Tibet, the second largest province of China, is_ in uranium (铀) and underground thermal power(地热).A) wealthyB) abundantC) adequateD) sufficient25.The you

3、ng couple were quite excited by the_ of having their first child.A) perspectiveB) prospectC) futureD) foresight26.So many children have bought the balloons that the store is now out of_ .A) stuffB) materialC) stockD) staff27.She was always in perfect sympathy with me_ my love of nature.A) with regar

4、d toB) in contrast toC) in case ofD) in the event of28.There are nations whose lack of contact with the outside world has_ poverty.A) fallen intoB) consisted inC) resulted inD) amounted to29.This is the_ to an improvement of their living conditions.A) keyB) decisionC) essenceD) alternative30.It was

5、bold idea to build a power station in the deep valley, but it_ as well as we had expected.A) went offB) worked offC) broke offD) came off31.Christmas is a Christian holy day usually celebrated on December 25th_ the birth of Jesus Christ.A) in favour ofB) in honour ofC) in terms ofD) in accordance wi

6、th32.The_ action of the policemen saved the people in the house from being burnt.A) alertB) urgentC) promptD) punctual33.The pollution question as well as several other issues is going to be discussed when the Congress is in_ again next spring.A) assemblyB) conferenceC) conventionD) session34.Your_

7、is the round of things that you usually do each day.A) practiceB) habitC) routineD) custom35.I_ with thanks the help of my colleagues in the preparation of this new column.A) expressB) acknowledgeC) confirmD) verify36.David is the_ holder of the world 5000-meter race world record, but there is no gu

8、arantee that he will win in the Olympic Games.A) prevalentB) dominantC) currentD) prominent37.Your complaint is being_ ; when we have anything to report well write to you again.A) looked throughB) looked overC) looked afterD) looked into38.To our delight, she quickly_ herself to the new situation.A)

9、 acquaintedB) exposedC) adaptedD) devoted39.The manger gave one of the salesgirls an accusing look for her_ attitude toward customers.A) straightforwardB) partialC) favourableD) hostile40.With the joint effort of everyone, the plan is_ to succeed; Im sure of that.A) obviousB) boundC) doubtlessD) nec

10、essary答案:21.答案D。occasion n.“重大活动,盛会;时刻,场合;时机,机会“(on official occasions“在正式场合”;on occations“有时,间或”;on such occasions“在这样的场合”;on many/several occasions“有许多次/好几次”;on one occasion of “在的时候,置之际”)case n.“情况,事实;案件”(注:case与in而不与on搭配)situation n.“形势,局面;环境,状况;地点,位置”(一般与介词in搭配)event n.“事件;(体育)比赛项目”(与介词in而不与on搭

11、配)22.答案A。impose sth on sb“把强加于;征(税)”(如impose ones will/ones wishes on sb; impose taxes on cigarettes/tariffs on imported goods)impress A on B; impress B with A“用A在B上压出个印来”(如He impressed me with his kindness.“他的热情给我留下深刻印象”。)compel vt.”强迫,迫使”(如compel sb to pbey; compel obedience from sb“强迫某人服从”)compre

12、ss vt.“压紧,压缩”23.答案C。split v.(多指顺纹)“裂开;(使)分裂;撕裂”(如Bamboo splits easily;He split his pants.)radiate v.“辐射,(使)从中心发散”divide vt.“划分,分配;隔开”tear vt.“撕,撕裂”24.答案B. abundant (in) adj.“大量的,充足的,丰富的”wealthy adj.“富裕的,富有的,有钱的”adequate(to/for)adj.“充足的,足够的;适当的,胜任的”sufficient (for) adj.“充分的,足够的”25.答案B。prospect n.“前景;

13、前途;展望”(一般作不可数名词用,与the连用,与the连用,如the prospect of a holiday; the prospect of owning ones own house)perspective n.“远景,景观;透视画法”future n.“将来,未来;前景,前途”(多余不定冠词连用,如a bright future)foresight n.“远见;预见性;预言的能力”26.答案C.stock n.“库存,现货,备料”(如have sth in stock “有存货”;sth is out of stock;The store is out of stock of st

14、h“没有存货”stuff n.u“原料,材料,东西”material n.c“原料,材料;资料,素材”staff n.“全体职工,全体人员;参谋部”27.答案A。with/in regard to “关于,至于”(in this/that regard“关于这一点”;without regard to/for“而不管,不顾”)in contrast to/with“与形成对比,比较之下”in case of“以备,防备;假如,如果发生”in the event of“万一,如果发生”28.答案C.result in“导致,结果造成”(如The accident resulted in three deaths.)fall into“开始起来;陷入某种状态”consist in“存在于,主要体现于”amount to“合计,共计;等同于,接近于,意味着,实际上是”29.答案A。key (to ) n.“方法,关键;题解,答案”(the key to world pease; a key to the grammar exercises)decision n.“决定;果断”ess



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