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1、UNIT 5 Sociology Matters1.Culture is the totality of learned,socially transmitted customs,knowledge,material objects,and behavior.It includes the ideas,values,customs,and artifacts of groups of people.Though culture differ in their customs,artifacts,and languages,they all share certain basic charact

2、eristics.Furthermore,cultural characteristics change as cultures develop ,and cultures infuence one another through their technological ,commercial, and artistic achievements.文化是指社会传播学,海关,知识,材料的对象,和行为。它包括思想,价值观,习俗,和人群的文物。尽管文化在他们的习俗,文物,和语言不同,但是他们都有一些共同的基本特性。此外,当文化发展时文化特征也在变化,并且文化通过他们的技术,商业,艺术成就相互影响。C

3、ultural universals文化共性2.All societies,despite their differences,have developed certain general practices known as cultural universals.Many cultural universals are ,in fact,adaptations to meet essential human needs ,such as peoples need for food ,shelter,and clothing. Anthropologist George murdock co

4、mpiled a list of cultural that included athletic sports, cooking ,funeral ceremonies,medicine,and sexual restrictions. 所有的社会,尽管他们的差别,已经形成了一定的一般做法被称为文化的共性。事实上,许多文化的共性是为了满足人类基本需求的适应性,如人们所需要的食品,住房,和服装。人类学家乔治默多克编制了一份文化清单,包括体育运动,烹饪,葬礼仪式,医学,和性的限制。3.The cultural practices listed by Murdock may be universal

5、,but the manner in which they are expressed varies from culture to culture.For example,one society may let its members choose their own marriage partners.Another may encourage marriages arranged by the parents.默多克上市的文化习俗可能是普遍的,但是他们的表达方式因文化的不同而不同。例如,一个社会可以让其成员选择自己的婚姻伴侣。另一个可能鼓励父母包办的婚姻。4.Not only does

6、the expression of cultural universals vary from one society to another,it may also change dramatically over time within a society. Each generation ,and each year for that matter,most human cultures change and expand through the processes of innovation and diffusion.不仅是从一个社会到另一个社会文化普遍性表达的变化,它也可能在一个社会

7、中随着时间的推移发生巨大的变化。对于这个问题每一代人和每年,大多数人的文化通过创新与扩散过程改变和扩大。Innovation创新5.The process of introducing a new idea or object to a culture is known as innovation. Innovation interests sociologists because of the potential social consequences of introducing something new. There are two forms of innovation: disco

8、very and invention. A discovery involves making known or sharing the existence of some aspect of reality.The finding of the DNA molecule and the identification of a new moon of Saturn are both acts of discovery.A significant factor in the process of discovery is the sharing of newfound knowledge wit

9、h others.By contrast,an invention results when existing cultural items are combined into a form that did not exist before.The bow and arrow ,the automobile,and the Internet are all examples of inventions.介绍一个新的想法或对象到一个文化的过程称为创新。社会学家对创新感兴趣因为介绍新东西的潜在的社会后果。创新主要有两种形式:发现和发明。发现涉及已知的或共享的现实的某些方面的事物。DNA分子的发现

10、和新的土星的卫星识别都是发现的两种行为。发现过程的一个标志是新知识与他人分享。相比之下,当现有的文化项目组合成的一种形式,这种没有存在过时一个发明产生。弓和箭,汽车,和互联网是所有发明的例子。Globalization,diffusion,and technology全球化,传播,和技术6.The familiar green Starbucks logo beckons you into a comfortable coffee shop where you can order decaf latte and a cinnamon ring.Whats unusual about that?

11、This Starbucks happens to be located in the heart of Beijings Forbidden City,just outside the Palace of Heavenly Purity,former residence of Chinese emperors.In 2002 it was one of 25 Starbucks stores in China: four years later there were more than 90. The success of Starbucks in a country in which co

12、ffee drinking is still a novelty(most Chinese are tea drinkers ) has been striking.熟悉的绿色星巴克标志召唤你在舒适的咖啡店,你可以喝无咖啡因咖啡和肉桂环。有什么特别的呢?这个星巴克是坐落在北京的故宫,在乾清宫,中国皇帝的故居。在2002年它是在中国25星巴克店之一:四年后,星巴克店就超过90。在一个国家中喝咖啡还是一个新鲜事物(大多数中国人是喝茶的),星巴克的成功已经打击。7.The emergence of Starbucks in China illustrates a rapidly escalating

13、 trend called globalization. Globalization may be defined as the worldwide integration of government policies, cultures, social movements, and financial markets through trade and the exchange of ideas. While public discussion of globalization is relatively recent, intellectuals have been pondering i

14、ts social consequences for a long time.Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels warned in The Communist Manifesto of a world market that would lead to production in distant lands ,sweeping away existing working relationships.Today,more and more cultural expressions and practices are crossing national borders,

15、transforming the traditions and customs of the societies exposed to them. Sociologists use the term “diffusion” to refer to the process by which a cultural item spreads from group to group or society to society.Diffusion can occur through a variety of means ,among them exploration,military conquest,

16、 missionary work, the influence of the mass media , tourism, and the Internet.星巴克在中国的出现说明了一个快速上升的趋势称之为全球化。全球化可以定义为政府的政策,文化,社会运动,并通过贸易和交流思想的金融市场的全球一体化。虽然全球化的公开讨论是相对较新,知识分子一直在思考其很长一段时间的社会后果。卡尔马克思和弗里德里希恩格斯警告说,在世界市场的共产党宣言,在遥远的将来产生的结果是清除现有的工作关系。今天,越来越多的文化表现形式和实践是跨越国界,将接触到他们的社会习俗。社会学家用“扩散”是指通过这样一个过程,文化项目已经从组到组或社会。扩散可以通过多种方式发生,其中勘探,军事征服,传教,大众传媒的影响,旅游,和互联网。 8.Sociologist George Ritzer coined the term “McDonaldization” to describe the process through which the



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