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1、 JISHOUUNIVERSITY本科生毕业论文题 目:Analysis of Emilys tragedy in A Rose for Emily from feminism从女性主义角度解读献给艾米丽的玫瑰中艾米丽的悲剧作 者:LIU limei学 号:所属学院:College of foreign language专业年级:2009级英语师范专业指导教师:LONG pengyi职 称:讲师完成时间:2013年4月18日比较文学是一种以寻求人类文学共通规律和民族特色为宗旨的文学研究。它是以世界文学的眼光,运用比较的方法,对各种文学关系进行的跨文化的研究。一个国家或民族的文学思潮、文学运动队

2、另一个国家或民族文学发展的影响,不同国家具体作家的相互影响xvii 1 摘 要 献给艾米丽的玫瑰福克纳的短篇代表作,许多学者从多个不同角度对该作品进行了分析研究,但从女性主义视角解读的论文和作品较少,本论文以女性主义出发,以美国战后的社会变迁为背景,分析了没落贵族代表,分析了艾米丽悲剧形成原因,论文共分为五部分,第一部分引言分析本选题的背景及意义;第二部分对女性主义进行解读,介绍其来源、内涵以及三个发展阶段;第三部分介绍作者及作品主要内容;第四部分从女性主义视角对作品进行深层解读,从社会和人物自身方面详细阐述了艾米丽悲剧成因,第五部分对文章进行总结,综合论文内容进行启发性思考与学习,深化对女性

3、主义认知及女性平等地位理解,联系实际并展望未来。关键词:献给艾米丽的玫瑰;女性主义;福克纳;男权制;悲剧 Abstract A rose for Emily is a masterpiece of Faulkners short stories and is of great significance for researching ,analyzed by many scholars from different angles , but the research from a feminist perspective is not much, this essay start with f

4、eminism and take the United States after the war of the social vicissitude as the background to analysize the causes of Emilys tragic life who represents the declining aristocracy and the southern tradition, reflecting the social phenomena and characteristics of America at that time, It can be divid

5、ed into five parts,the first part introduces the background and significance of the topic,the second part is to have an interpretation of feminism by introducing its origin ,definition and three developing stages,the third part introduces the author and the main content of the novel;the forth part t

6、akes a deep interpretation from feminist perspective and analysize the causes of Emilys tragic life from a combination of the society and the character herself; and the last part made a conclusion and deepen the understanding of female awareness and equal status.Key Words: A Rose for Emily ; Feminis

7、m; Faulkner; male-dominated system;tragedy ContentsIntroduction11Inrtoduction of feminism21.1 Origin and definition of feminisn31.2 Development of fiminism42William Faulkner and A Rose for Emily 52.1 William Faulkner52.2 A Rose for Emily53 Causes of Emilys tragic life from feminism perspective 73.1

8、Inequalityof womens social statue in the male-dominated society 83.1.1 Oppression under puritanism 93.1.2 Patriarchal control from Parents 9 3.1. 3 Unequal concept of love between men and women10 3.1 .4 Misunderstanding from town residents11 3.2 Limitations of Emilys identity and character113.2.1 Cl

9、ass presssure113.2.2 Dual character-distorted combination of conservative thought and rebellious spirit 12Conclusion16Bibliography17Acknowledgement18Introduction Many western writers concern about the inequality of female and contribute a lot to feminism development through their works and movements

10、. In her masterpiece Defending for womens rights ,Mary Wollstonecraft points out that women are not inherently inferior to men, it will only reveal when they lack enough education ,She believes that men and women have the same moral standards and advocated a the rational and equal education between

11、men and women. (Mary Wollstonecraft, 1792) Simon De beauvoir suggests that women are formed in The second sex , later making important influence to the whole world from the aspects of concepts and methods . (Simon DE beauvoir, 1949) In A room of my own ,Woolf points out that women will gain creative

12、 freedom and liberty with the economic independence. (Virginia Woolf, 1989:43), Engels in the work Anthology of Marx and Engels , saying: the degree of womens liberation is a natural measure for universal liberation in any society. (Marx, Engels, 1995:1995) ,Later,Kate Miller launched important work

13、 Sex politics in the 70s, revealing male control in patriarchy society mainly from female image and pointing out that women have to crush patriarchal social structure to further feminism development . (Kate Miller, 1970) In domestic,Liu Huiying describes females attachment to men,criticized patriarc

14、hal and advocates the respect for female consciousness. (Liu Huiying, 1996:57) Meng Yue, Dai Jinhuas historic work Came to the Earths Surface is the first systematic monograph researching Chinese modern female literature through feminism.They point out that since the matriarchal society replace patr

15、iarchal society, the male-dominated society implement and oppress female with mandatory measures such as political, economic and ethical value and press into the bottom society.It deeply analysizes the social background of female characteristics, and has a broad influence on feminism development. (Meng Yue, Dai Jinhua, 2004). Dong meizhen , by comparing feminist science of different schools ,she criticizes the traditional science and put for


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