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1、Listening Speaking Book 3(Syllabus: Select 3 from 8,sum up to 7 points)Part 1Jay: Hey, Steve. Hows it going? Hows the new job in the promotions department? Steve: I dont know, man. Sometimes I cant believe these people. Jay: What do you mean? I thought you loved it here. Steve: Yeah, I dont know. Th

2、e work is good. I love promotions work. But, man, the system here is driving me nuts.They have so many rules! Jay: Yeah, they kind of do. But its just different, you know? Youll get used to it. I promise. Steve: Really? Well, different is fine, but sometimes I think Im going to snap. Theyre so stric

3、t, especially my boss.Jay: Mr. Takahashi? Steve: Yeah, I mean, hes a really good boss, very smart about business, but he never really tells me what hes thinkingJay: Sometimes bosses are quiet like that. Steve: But I can feel his eyes, man. Its like hes watching me all the time. I have to be at work

4、right on time, not a second late. Jay: Yeah. Being on time is really important here. Steve: And meeting people is so formal. That drives me nuts. I never know what to do. Should I bow? Should I shake hands? Should I shake hands and bow at the same time? Should I say shitsurei-shimasu? Jay: Actually,

5、 that might help if you learn a little Japanese. Steve: It just seems that everyone is too polite all the time. Cant they just relax a little bit? Everyone here is so uptight. They all sort of run around and bow and shrink whenever Takahashi comes into the office. Jay: Well, they just have different

6、 ways of doing things, I guess. And I think theyll relax after you get to know them a bit. Part 2Alan: Takahashi-san, how is the new person in the promotions department doing? T: You mean, Steve-san? Alan: Yeah, Steve Jones. Hows he doing? Is he adjusting to the company working style OK? T: Mm. So d

7、esu-ne. Alan: So, still on a learning curve? T: Mm. Hes very talented, very intelligent. And good spirit. But I think his behavior is still a little, a little difficult. Alan: Hmm. Well, what does he do? T: I think perhaps he doesnt understand appearance very well. Sometimes he doesnt even wear a ti

8、e. Alan: Hmm. Maybe he thinks the promotions department should be more informal? T: Perhaps, perhaps, hmm. Alan: Well, how is he how is he about working hours? T: Ah, this is a little problem. Alan: Comes in late, huh? T: Well, perhaps he doesnt understandour working system. He usually comes in arou

9、nd 10 oclock. Everyone is already at their desks, working. Alan: Mm. Well, does he get along with the other staff members? T: Ah. Interesting. He does, actually, so I dont want to interfere too much. They seem to like him and respect his ideas. Alan: Which is good. T: Yes, thats good. Alan: Does he

10、deal with clients well?T: Mm. Clients da-ne. This is a problem. Hes improving, but Alan: What do you mean? What does he do? T: Yesterday, we had a meeting with an important client. And I introduced Steve-san, and he didnt bow. He just stuck out his hand and said, “Hey, nice to meet you.” And I think

11、 the clients were a little embarrassed. Alan: Which is not good. T: No, thats not good. Mm.Komarimashita-ne. Alan: But he may improve. T: Yes, yes. He may improve. I hope. Part 3 Mr. Garcia talks to his doctor.Dr. Morrissey: Well, Mr. Garcia, your test results are in. Youve got high cholesterol and

12、a bit of a weight problem. I think we need to discuss some serious lifestyle changes.Mr. Garcia: All right, Doctor, Im ready. Go ahead and scold me.Dr. Morrissey: Im not here to scold you, Mr. Garcia, just encourage you.Mr. Garcia: Thats a relief!Dr. Morrissey: But I would suggest making some gradua

13、l changes in your diet. For example, cutting down on the amount of fatty foods you eat.Mr. Garcia: Its going to be tough to change my diet. I think Im addicted to fast food!Dr. Morrissey: Yes, well, unfortunately, youre going to have to. And its more than just your diet you need to improve. I also w

14、ant you to start exercising. Exercise is going to keep your heart healthy and help you lose some of those unwanted pounds.Mr. Garcia: Oh, no! I just knew you were going to tell me that! I cant stand exercising. Its so boring!Dr. Morrissey: Im sure you can find some physical activity you enjoy. Now,

15、about your stress level at work.Mr. Garcia: You cant just take a break when youre the CEO of an international company, you know! And even when I do get a day off from work, Ive got three teenagers at home to keep me stressed out.Dr. Morrissey: Well, youre going to have to find some time somewhere in

16、 your schedule for relaxation. Your health depends on it.Mr. Garcia: OK. I think I get the message. Ill do my best, but you know what they say, Doctor: Old habits die hard.Part 4. Mr. Garcia runs into a friend.Sandra: David, is that you? I hardly even recognized you!Mr. Garcia: Yeah, its the new and improved me!


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