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1、第五单元 订单与达成交易概述订单是获取诸如设备、服务和供应等信息的一种常见的信函。当买方对卖方寄来的样品和价格都满意时,他们会写信或表格下单,也可能两者都写。下订单还可以通过电传、电报、电子邮件的方式,甚至还可以在会议上口头下单。订单与达成交易订单是要求提供一定数量的货物的要求。作为买方,你的订单必须说明完整以得到您所期待的货物。另外,准确性也很重要。因此,在发出订单之前,应该再仔细地校对一遍,重新检查一遍订单中的标价,以免出现任何可能的纰漏。 订单必须具备以下内容:1)买方和买方的名称及地址2)订单的编号3)对订购货品的准确详尽的描述4)订货的数量及价格5)支付方式卖方在收到订单以后,必须立

2、即以打印方式、信件或同时使用两种方式告知对方对订单的接受。 接受订单必须做到:1)对接到订单表示感谢2)提供订单编号3)重复订单项目4)重复支付方式5)附上销售确认书一式两份6)表达您对未来订单的期望一旦达成交易,双方通常要签署合同。倘若是出口商起草的进出口合同,就称为售货/销售合同。若由进口商起草,则称为购货合同。S/C既是销售合同的缩写,也是销售确认书的缩写。一份合同应该包含以下几点:1)签署的时间及地点 2)合同编号3)买卖双方公司名称4)品名、规格、数量等5)单价和总价6)包装7)唛头8)保险条款9)装运港和目的港10)装运期11)支付条款12)索赔13)不可抗力14)仲裁15)买卖双

3、方的签名1.订购函示例1敬启者:谢谢贵方3月7日来函。兹欣然告知,贵方样品及价格皆令人满意。我方现确认向贵方订购美的FS40F2电风扇2 500台,香港成本加保险费、运费价每台240港元。木箱装运,每箱装5台。收到信用证一周内,货装海轮,从青岛运至香港。请特别注意货物的包装,以免货物在运送中受损。我方现在给开信用证,在接到贵方确认书后,即可开出以贵方为收益人的信用证,并告知装船唛头。署名2.打印及回复示例2敬启者:根据近期双方的往来电报,我方确认向贵方下订单如下:数量:20 000罐单重:每罐1磅描述:橙皮马末兰果酱,品质:A2价格:每罐2.2美元CIF宁波装运日期:2017年5月5日前运输方

4、式:海运付款方式:不可撤销即期信用证折扣:5%特惠期待贵方答复。敬上签名示例 3(订单)红叶服装进出口公司中国宁波请提供下列产品:香港贸易公司示例 4(空白订单) 日期: 卖方公司名称: 卖方地址: 兹愿意向贵方订购下列产品。 (礼貌用语)(产品信息) 装运: 包装: 唛头: 保险: 条款:示例 52017年5月29日ABC公司启纽约街 兹愿意向贵公司订购以下产品:船期:六月包装:每10匹以粗麻布捆包每50匹以木箱包装唛头:编号367 (ABC公司) CWS 香港 美国制造保险:发票全额加10%担保全险条件:凭不可撤销信用证开立,见票30天后付款汇票示例6敬启者:感谢贵方本月8日来函,我方已接

5、受贵方关于打字机的第11号订单。今寄上我方第161号售货确认书一式两份,请签后寄回一份,以供我方存档。 敬请贵方立即对上述货物开立以我方为受益人的信用证。信用证条款必须与我方售货确认书中的条款完全相符,以避免以后修改,一收到贵方的信用证,我方当即发货,敬请放心,谢谢合作。期盼再次收到贵方订单。署名示例7敬启者: 感谢贵方第177号订单。 我方很抱歉通知贵方,我方目前的存货不足。我方预计在本月底将货物运送给贵方,希望这种安排贵方能接受。如果贵方等不及,我方现有相似型号产品,销售价15港元/个。急盼立即回复,如贵公司不欲订购,本公司亦能尽早另做安排。署名练 习 答 案.Answer the fol

6、lowing questions.1.When the buyer finds both samples and prices sent from seller are satisfactory,they will write an order。2.Accuracy is very important.So,before he sends the order,hed better proofread the order carefully and recheck all price calculations in it in order to prevent any possible blun

7、ders.3.An order should include: 1)The name and address of buyer and seller 2)The number of order 3)An accurate and full description of commodities required 4)Quantities and prices of the commodities 5)Payment terms4.The seller should write an acknowledgement when the order is from a new customer.The

8、 acknowledgement should include: 1)Acknowledge the order with an expression of thanks 2)Give your order number 3)Restate the contents of order 4)Restate the terms of payment 5)Enclose your Sale Confirmation in duplicate 6)Express your desire for future orders5.He should write a rejecting letter with

9、 the utmost care immediately,because this kind of letters may affect the possibility of his future business with the customer.Choose the best answer.1.D 2.A 3.D 4.B 5.C 6.A 7.D 8.B 9.C 10.C.Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1.我方希望这次首批订单将产生双方更多的业务往来,并标志愉快的贸易关系的开始。2.很抱歉由于我公司在今后一段时间内,所有货物已


11、订单。 .Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the given expressions.1.Order 2.dozen 3.regret 4.present 5.stock of 6.deliveries7.elsewhere 8.notify 9.immediately 10.truly.Fill in the blanks with proper words.Letter sending quality prices pleasedunderstanding Prices yards delivery earliest.Translat

12、e the following sentences into English.1.Enclosed please find a copy of our Order No.210 for three of the items.2.We are sending you herewith our Sales Confirmation No.60360 in duplicate.Please sign and return one copy to us for file.3.Im frankly concerned that unless you solve this outofstock probl

13、em.Were both going to be hurt.4.We would be grateful if you would execute the order as speedily as possible.5.We hope our products will satisfy you and that you will let us have the chance of serving you again.6.Wed like to say that the 5% cash discount is quite satisfactory and we intend to place r

14、egular orders with you.7.Thank you for your quotation dated April 5th.And this is our official order for 100 packs of Chinese oolong tea.8.Thank you for your quotation of May 15th and the illustrated catalogue.We take pleasure in enclosing our Order No.27 for the following items.9.If the quality is

15、up to our expectations,we shall send further orders in the near future.10.We find both price and quality of your products satisfactory to our client and we are pleased to give you an order for the items on this sheet.Write a letter according to the following information in Chinese.Dear Sirs,The price quotes con


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